50 Best Powers Boothe Quotes

Vice: [Through video conference after greeting each other and introducing Karen and Tom] how can we help you?
President: Some very troubling news has been brought to my attention
Vice: What would that be?
President: The nuclear weapon that fell into terrorist's hands contain proprietary Russian technology that up until now has only been available to only your government and mine
Vice: I'm well aware of that sir
President: Then you are also "well aware" that an F-B sub circuit board from one of the weapons is now in possession of an agent of the Chinese government: do you deny that sir?
Vice: [Nervously] all I'm prepared to tell you is that we're in control of the situation
President: My Generals have confirmed that this component contains information that will "compromise" our defensive capabilities: you must stop the Chinese agent from leaving your country with it
Vice: I don't appreciate being "dictated" to. I don't need to remind you that it was Russian General who allowed those nukes to enter the US in the first place. The same Russian General who "conspired" to detonate them
President: That does not change our "concerns" about this new "development." If you do not intercept this component, my Generals have been instructed to initiate an "appropriate" response
Vice: Mr. President...
President: [Interrupts him by ending the conference] good night sir

Vice: Bill, you're on speaker, I'm here with Tom Lennox: what's going on at the Russian Consulate?
Bill: Jack Bauer is still at large and somewhere inside. It appears now he knows Gredenko's location but isn't able to get it to us
Vice: Alright, then what's the plan?
Bill: Former President Logan believes he can convince his ex-wife to put a call into Anya Suvarov. He thinks the Russian First Lady can get through to him
Vice: [Amused] that's as likely as the terrorists knocking on my door and surrendering
Bill: I agree, that's why we've also prepared a siege plan: a strike force will enter the Consulate and extract Markov for interrogation
Vice: You realize an "attack" on the Russian Consulate is technically an act of war?
Bill: I do sir
Vice: Frankly I'm reluctant to go to the tactical route here. We've got our hands full with these terrorists: we don't need to open another "front" with the Russians
Bill: Of course it's your decision sir, I understand the politics are "sticky" but my responsibility is to stop these nukes. Markov will not surrender willingly. We have to go in
Vice: How long will it take to put together this "siege"?
Bill: [after Doyle whispers the time to him] about twenty minutes
Vice: Alright, proceed as if you're going in. if Logan can be effective before then: great but don't wait on him
Bill: [Before hanging up] yes sir

Senator: [poker scene] I favored your mother, she was a whore, and not a very good one.
Johnny: She was an angel.
Johnny: - I'm all in...
Senator: - Call...
Senator: [shows: Four Kings]
Johnny: [shows: Four Aces]
Johnny: See, I told you, I never lose.
Johnny: I beat you, twice. That means I'm better than you are, and everybody knows it because I beat you again. Every time somebody tells this story - and they'll all say they won't tell it but they will - That's the story that will be told, again and again until you're dead... and after you're dead. I beat you forever.
Johnny: And they all know what happens when you do.
Senator: [pulls out gun] Say hello to your mama. She always was a stupid bitch.
[shoots Johnny in the center of his forehead]
Senator: If I could give any young man advice it'd be this: Always wear a rubber.
Senator: Now take out the trash! Let's get back to the game!

Vice: [Talking privately] we need to "clear the air", you and I: you still have evidence that could hurt me and I'd like to know what your intentions are?
Tom: Truthfully sir, I haven't given it much thought
Vice: Why don't you think about it now?
Tom: Alright sir, it "concerns" me that you engaged in conspiracy and perjury to achieve "political ends", I don't think that behavior is be fitting of the acting President of the United States
Vice: The world has changed in the last half hour. Right now this country above all, needs stability, not brought up on charges in the first hours of his Presidency. America needs elected leadership
Tom: I'd just like to complete my thoughts sir, I made that tape to back you off President Palmer but also to protect "me." Now that "was" and "remains" my only reason
Vice: What about forcing my resignation?
Tom: Wayne Palmer's idea: not mine
Vice: So you're ok with me in this chair?
Tom: Sir, it's no secret that policy-wise, you and I are in alignment, I just simply "hate" how we got "here"
Vice: Now that we are "here"?
Tom: Yes sir, you have my support
Vice: In the event that we ever get "out of alignment", I can't have you holding this evidence over my head
Tom: Its understood sir, you have my word

Curly: [takes a bill with Wyatt's signature from a customer and throws it on the faro table] Wyatt Earp, huh? I heard of you.
Ike: Listen, Mr. Kansas Law Dog. Law don't go around here. Savvy?
Wyatt: I'm retired.
Curly: Good. That's real good.
Ike: Yeah, that's good, Mr. Law Dog, 'cause law just don't go around here.
Wyatt: I heard you the first time.
[flips a card]
Wyatt: Winner to the King, five hundred dollars.
Curly: Shut up, Ike.
Johnny: [Ringo steps up to Doc] And you must be Doc Holliday.
Doc: That's the rumor.
Johnny: You retired too?
Doc: Not me. I'm in my prime.
Johnny: Yeah, you look it.
Doc: And you must be Ringo. Look, darling, Johnny Ringo. The deadliest pistoleer since Wild Bill, they say. What do you think, darling? Should I hate him?
Kate: You don't even know him.
Doc: Yes, but there's just something about him. Something around the eyes, I don't know, reminds me of... me. No. I'm sure of it, I hate him.
Wyatt: [to Ringo] He's drunk.
Doc: In vino veritas.
["In: "When I'm drinking, I speak my mind"]
Johnny: Age quod agis.
["Do: "Do what you do best"]
Doc: Credat Judaeus apella, non ego.
["The: "I don't believe drinking is what I do best."]
Johnny: [pats his gun] Eventus stultorum magister.
["Events are the teachers of fools" meaning: "Fools have to learn by experience"]
Doc: [gives a Cheshire cat smile] In pace requiescat.
["Rest: "It's your funeral!"]
Tombstone: Come on boys. We don't want any trouble in here. Not in any language.
Doc: Evidently Mr. Ringo's an educated man. Now I really hate him.

Vice: Congratulations this is an excellent plan
Tom: Thank you very much Mr. Vice President
Vice: It's about time someone in this Administration stood up to these people: to be honest, I didn't think this President had the stomach for this
Tom: I think we're about ready here, I'm going to put you on speakerphone
President: [while entering the room to meet with his Cabinet members] is the Vice President with us?
Vice: I'm here Mr. President
President: I'm assuming everyone here has read Executive Order 1066? Tom first proposed this plan to me very early this morning and I rejected it: sacrificing the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution seem like too steep of a price, even for the "promise" of security but then Fayed murdered twelve thousand innocent Americans with a nuclear weapon, I felt compelled to "revisit" my earlier position. After careful reconsideration, I remain convinced that my initial response was in fact the right one. Implementing this plan would be a terrible mistake. Now I cannot and I will not endorse these actions. Some of you seem to feel that the Constitution is somehow valid only in times of peace but not during war time. That is not what the Founders intended
Tom: With your indulgence Sir, George Washington's enemies wore bright red coats and marched in a straight line: the Founders could have never conceived a stateless enemy hiding among us that targets not only our soldiers but our civilization
President: Your plan would only "hinder" the efforts of law enforcement to stop Fayed
Tom: How does my plan "hinder" law enforcement Sir?
President: By marginalizing and thereby radicalizing the very people's help they need to enlist. The American Muslim community is our best line of defense against these terrorists. We as Americans need to demonstrate that we are governed by the rule of law and never by the politics of fear
Vice: Mr. President?
President: Yes?
Vice: Before you make any unilateral decisions, maybe you should hear other people's thoughts?
President: I'm sorry, the discussion on this matter is over

Tom: [while looking at his report] I think I've identified the "leak" sir
Vice: Is here or CTU?
Tom: Very much here sir, I had NSA run a "data sort" on all White House phone calls and emails over the last two and a half hours: that's when we "found out" the sub circuit board was in "play"
Vice: And?
Tom: During the same timeframe, one of "our" staffers, called a lobbyist: Mark Bishop three times. Now CIA "flagged" this Bishop two years ago as having "possible to likely" contact with Russian intelligence agents. No further investigation was done, due to "lack of resources"
Vice: Which staffer are we talking about here?
Tom: Lisa Miller, sir
Vice: I find it hard to believe she's "working" for the Russians
Tom: I don't think she did so "knowingly," she wouldn't have called Bishop from her phone
Vice: I don't understand how this man is getting information from her
Tom: Well, so far we have found credit cards records that show Ms. Miller and Bishop staying at the same hotels, on the same nights, several times over the past year, and I think if we "dig" a little deeper, we'll find more evidence that these two are sleeping together
Vice: Then we have a "bigger problem" than you think
Tom: Why's that sir?
Vice: Because I'm sleeping with her too: she started working for me two years after my wife Nancy died. I didn't think I'd feel that way for another woman again but Lisa and I became "close" in the last year. We were working late one night, you understand how these "things" happen, what a fool I've been. What the hell do I do?
Tom: You know actually sir, handled "correctly", we may be able to turn this situation over to our advantage

Gorilla: What do you want, Luthor?
Lex: How do I unlock the Brainiac code?
Gorilla: You're a genius; figure it out.
Lex: Tell me, you leering, manipulative, knuckle-dragger, or I'll...
Gorilla: Lex, Lex. You can't expect me to give up my only bargaining chip. What's in it for me?
Lex: [frustrated] When this is over, I'm going to sell your body for dog meat.

Erica: You American?
Col. Andy Tanner: Red-blooded.
Erica: What's the capital of Texas?
Col. Andy Tanner: Austin.
Erica: Wrong, commie! It's Houston.

Grodd: Give it up, Lex. You're only delaying the inevitable.
Lex: You're right.
Grodd: [Lex deflects a blaster bolt with his metal gauntlets] If it's all the same to you, I'd rather snap your neck with my bare hands.

Vice: [while Karen is being held in an interrogation room] I assume you know why I ordered your detention?
Karen: [Nods] I do
Vice: Then you admit to using information you got from CTU to assisting Bill Buchanan to break Jack Bauer out of custody?
Karen: Yes I do sir
Vice: You and I have had our differences but I thought that we've worked past them but you and I finally reached an upstanding: clearly, I was mistaken. What in the hell were you thinking?
Karen: I learned a hard "lesson" today sir when I trusted Fayed
Vice: What "lesson" was that?
Karen: Never negotiate with a sociopath: Philip Bauer is a sociopath. We can't trust he'll give us that component whether we give him the boy or not
Vice: [Sternly] damn it that is not your call to make
Karen: I understand that sir. I wouldn't have done what I did if I wasn't willing to accept the consequences
Vice: Oh, believe me there will be consequences, I'll make sure you and your husband go down hard for this. It was Tom Lennox who said your different point of view would be an "asset" to my team and I believed him. Was he in on this with you?
Karen: No sir, he didn't know anything about this
Vice: If Jack Bauer prevents this exchange from happening, the Russians will attack our forces in Central Asia: any blood that is "spilled" will be on you

Karen: [after entering the Oval Office, while looking at her folder] I just got off the phone with the Pentagon and intel indicates the Russians are moving another mechanized divisions into the Central Asian theater
Vice: So they're in striking distance of our base?
Karen: Yes, our troops are at the highest level of alert. sir, Tom Lenox was suppose to be with me on the call and I couldn't find him or get him on the telephone: is there "something" going on that I should know about?
Vice: Tom is out in the field, running a classified "operation." He figured out who the "leak" was
Karen: Who?
Vice: Lisa Miller
Karen: Lisa Miller is spying for the Russians?
Vice: No, the man Lisa's romantically involved with is. The last year this man Mark Bishop has been passing Lisa's emails to the Russians along with other things that she told him in confidence
Karen: That's how the Russians knew the Chinese has the component?
Karen: [after Daniels nods] does Lisa know?
Vice: She does now. Tom sent her back to Bishop with a cover story with falsified emails. We're hoping we can convince the Russians that we've destroyed the circuit board before the Chinese can get it out of the country. With any luck, Bishop will forward those emails to the Russians, they'll back off, and that'll buy time for us to retrieve the component from the Chinese
Karen: Well, I hope that works sir
Vice: I know you wouldn't have wanted to be kept out of loop on this one but let me assure you it had nothing to do with you but everything to do with me
Karen: I don't understand
Vice: At the same time Lisa was with Bishop, she and I were in a relationship as well. Needless to say, I am ashamed
Karen: Well sir, I think you're being a little hard on yourself: you and Lisa were both single and there was no way you could know what she was doing behind your back
Vice: That's a question of "judgment." I trusted her and unless Tom's plan succeeds that mistake will bring us to war

Vice: This document explains everything that I never really "intended" to reinstate Karen. I was only allowing her to perform her duties temporarily, therefore she had no authority to cast a vote under the twenty fifth Amendment
Lisa: The problem is after Karen returned, you "treated" her as the National Security Advisor
Vice: It's really a question of my "state of mind", isn't it?
Lisa: Yes and your "state of mind" will be inferred from your actions
Vice: [Amused] sounds like you don't think our chances are very good
Lisa: I don't
Vice: Then I am deeply afraid for our country. When the world sees that Wayne Palmer isn't willing to fight back: our enemies will be encouraged, these recent attacks will be just the beginning. America will be vulnerable in a way it never has been
Lisa: There may be a "way" to "illuminate" your "state of mind" more "explicitly"? I could swear to an affidavit that earlier today you told me to inform Karen Hayes you had no intention of reinstating her and you were going to allow her perform her duties on a temporary basis only then Wayne regained consciousness before I could have that conversation with her
Vice: [Shaking his head] you're talking about perjuring yourself in front of the Supreme Court
Lisa: [Sternly] I'm aware of that its perjury but the "ends justifies the means." My affidavit will push the court to rule in your favor so that you can do "what's right" for this country
Vice: [after thinking it over] your right: do it. "Prepare" your affidavit

Gorilla: The Spear of Longinus. Hitler believed that whoever holds it is invincible.
Lex: What are you going to do with it? Sell it to the highest bidder? Keep it yourself and try to conquer the world?
Gorilla: I was thinking it would look good on the wall in my office.
Lex: You mean you recruited me, sent me to an island full of death traps, and up against the Justice League. You made me risk my life, and all for nothing?
Gorilla: Essentially, yes.
Lex: [laughs] Monkey, I like your style.

Senator: Power is as power does.

Vice: [Over the speaker phone] Mr. President, this is Vice President Daniels
President: Mr. Vice President, the last time we spoke, you said an "opportunity" had "presented" itself?
Vice: Unfortunately, that didn't "work out." There has been a "significantly new" development and I'm asking you to "hold off" on any military assault on our base
President: For what reason sir?
Vice: The Chinese agent who is in possession of the component has been tracked to a oil platform on the west coast: we assume they are waiting for transport to China. I've ordered an air strike to destroy that platform before that rendezvous can take place. I realize that you have no reason to accept what I'm telling you, not without proof at least but I implore you...
President: [Interrupts him] I believe you: just moments ago, one of our listening posts intercepted a transmission to a Chinese submarine operating in the western pacific. The point of origin is ten miles off your coast and the content suggests that the submarine is on route to pick up the component
Vice: Then you "know" I'm telling you the truth
President: You say you've already launched an airstrike against this oil platform?
Vice: Yes, that's the only way we can make absolutely certain the component's been destroyed. Sir, we're prepared to give you a real time uplink to our satellite feed of the assault operation
President: How long will your fighters reach the target?
Vice: Twenty minutes Mr. President
President: Very well but be advised: nothing less than a complete destruction of this oil platform will give us the assurance we require
Vice: Understood, stand by, the satellite feed will be there momentarily
President: I wish you luck Mr. Vice President

President: [Talking privately] I wanted again to express my gratitude to you for a lesson "well learned"
Vice: I'm not sure what you mean by that
President: I still believe attacking Abu Fayed's country with a nuclear weapon would've been a serious mistake and I'm not going to lie to you about that but hadn't you put that option on the table in the first place, I wouldn't have gone as far as I did: the bombs might still be out there. That being said, I think we both would agree that our "relationship" has always a matter of convenience, a way to strengthen our ticket rather than us seeing eye to eye on pretty much anything. Now that it's over, this crisis, it's become clear to me that it's not possible for us to work together
Vice: Excuse me?
President: I'm asking for your resignation
Vice: How dare you? You don't have the right to ask for my resignation
President: This isn't about what the Constitution says: it's about what's best for this country in a time of crisis
Vice: How in the world do you figure that?
President: I can't lead "effectively" with you undermining me at every single "opportunity" you may get. Now let's be honest with each other, that's exactly what you would do if you stayed in place
Vice: [Stands up, before leaving] I refuse? Good night
President: You don't want to walk out that door: not like this. Otherwise, I'd have to make this extremely "unpleasant" for you
Vice: What're you talking about?
President: I'm talking about the recording Tom Lennox has in his possession, that's what I'm talking about. Conspiracy to commit perjury is a "serious" offense. Now I have to assume you'd rather resign than spend the rest of your life with that kind of humiliation?
Vice: So is resorting to blackmail is your idea of "effective" leadership?
President: If there's anything I learned from you it would be that sometimes it's necessary to apply a little "brute force." I don't need your resignation immediately, let's let the country take a breath after what's happened today. Sometime in the next week will be "just fine"

Col. Andy Tanner: All that hate's gonna burn you up, kid.
Robert: It keeps me warm.

Tom: [Talking privately, referring to the assassination attempt on Palmer] I tried to stop this
Vice: I'd like to believe you but I'll leave it up to the Justice Department to determine your role in this as well as Assad's
Tom: Assad? Reed was setting him up: he had nothing to do with this
Vice: [Raises his voice] you don't know that. It's my understanding you suggested that "others" besides Reed and this man Carson may have been involved?
Tom: Only because Reed implied as much, I was just trying to "fair" it out who else might be involved
Vice: Did you?
Tom: [Shakes his head] no
Vice: Then it's "conceivable" that at the very least Assad may have been a "willing participant" in this attack
Tom: [Raises his voice] that makes no sense what so ever
Vice: [Raises his voice even louder] Assad was a terrorist who hated this country and everything it stands for, what better way for him to rally his people than to martyr himself by murdering the President of the United States
Tom: [Stands up] don't you understand that is exactly what Reed and Carson wanted this to look like? And you're playing right into it
Vice: I am going to address the nation shortly on what's happened: until I have all the facts, I am not about to tell them that Hamri Al-Assad is innocent in this
Tom: I see what you're doing here. By scapegoating Assad, you'll be able to reverse the President's agenda, get even more aggressive with the Islamic community. You think I don't see what you're doing here?
Vice: [Sternly] it's your plan, you outlined those measures yourself. I was your staunchest advocate. What has happened to the President is horrific so if there's any good to come from this is that we now have the opportunity to do we both know is the best interest of protecting this country
Tom: You're asking a whole heck of a lot more for me to just maintain silence on Assad
Vice: The Cabinet knows that you are the architect of the plan. If you're not on the face of it now, it may raise questions. You've come to believe the President was "correct" in rejecting your proposals
Tom: Now I know it was the only way to stop these attacks
Vice: Then you can "stick" to your "assertion" of Assad's "complete innocence", or I can clear you of these charges if you help me to initiate your plan, which we both know is in the best interest of this country

Jed: [they are surveying a wintery landscape, as several tanks gather on both sides to shoot it out] You got across *that*?
Col. Andy Tanner: Just part of it. I hope our guys are still there.
Jed: So this is the battlefield?
Col. Andy Tanner: It's a real war, kid. It's here every day.

Tom: [after entering the Oval Office] sir, Melinda said you read the flash regarding CTU's "attempt" to make the exchange? We're still trying to track the water craft Philip Bauer's men used to escape: they've no success yet
Vice: Suvarov is expecting my call to confirm that we've "retrieved" the component
Tom: My advice is to give CTU a few more minutes before we call the Russians, we can still get lucky on this
Vice: Karen was right
Tom: Yes sir, she certainly was
Vice: And I was wrong: not just about Karen but about Wayne Palmer. I judged his performance as President unfairly but what he "faced" these past weeks was an impossible situation. Maybe he was right to reach out to Assad? I don't know anymore. You know it's easy to think you've got all the answers but ultimately the responsibility lies with you but then sitting in this chair, until you sit in this chair, you don't know anything. You can't know
Tom: Sir, the fact that Karen was right, you might want to "reconsider" your punitive stance towards her
Vice: My decision might've been wrong but I can't condone that kind of insubordination
Tom: Sir you do not want the fact that you disagreed with Karen made public and that's exactly what will happen if you prosecute her. After this crisis has passed, Karen Hayes and Bill Buchanan can retire quietly into their country home in Vermont, you will be honoring her service: it's just a better outcome all around
Vice: I'll take your advice into consideration but right now I need a real time update on CTU's progress
Tom: [Before leaving] alright sir

[while watching a play in which Faust sells his soul to the Devil]
Curly: You know what I'd do? I'd take that deal 'n' crawfish, then drill that ol' Devil in the ass. What about you Juanito, what would you do?
Johnny: I already did it.

Lex: Me, The Flash? You've, like, totally lost it, Grodd. I'm Lex Luthor!
Gorilla: And I'm Charlton Heston.

The: Here we are, Mr. Luthor. Your benefactor is looking forward to meeting you.
Lex: Does the mystery man have a name?
Gorilla: No reason to be insulting, Lex. I'm far superior to any man.
Lex: Grodd. I appreciate the help, but gratitude only goes so far. I'm not interested in working with you or anyone else.
Gorilla: I think you'll change your mind once you've seen what I have to offer.

Gorilla: Today was just a test. Your next mission is for real.
Brainiac: [appearing to Lex] He still has something we need. We have to put up with him for the moment.
Lex: I should kill you.
Gorilla: But you won't.
Lex: No. Not today.

Col. Andy Tanner: The Russians need to take us in one piece, and that's why they're here. That's why they won't use nukes anymore; and we won't either, not on our own soil. The whole damn thing's pretty conventional now. Who knows? Maybe next week will be swords.
Darryl: What started it?
Col. Andy Tanner: I don't know. Two toughest kids on the block, I guess. Sooner or later, they're gonna fight.
Jed: That simple, is it?
Col. Andy Tanner: Or maybe somebody just forget what it was like.
Jed: Well... . who is on our side?
Col. Andy Tanner: Six hundred million screaming Chinamen.
Darryl: Last I heard, there were a billion screaming Chinamen.
Col. Andy Tanner: There were... .
[he throws whiskey on the fire; it ignites violently, suggesting a nuclear explosion]

Senator: I'm holding a gun on you, young lady. The rules are, you pretend there's a chance I *won't* shoot you.

Col. Andy Tanner: [using a crude diorama, the Wolverines prepare for an assault on the Calumet Drive-In, which is now a Russo-Cuban "Re-education Camp"] All right. Four planes. Cuban bunker, Russian bunker. munitions dump, troop tents. Four machine gun bunkers. Back here by the drive-in screen are your political prisoners. We'll cause a diversion over here... cut holes in the wire here, fire on all these machine gun positions. The B-Group comes across this area in a flanking maneuver... and when you reach this bunker, you lay down grazing fire on this defilade. I think that's pretty simple. Anybody got any questions so far?
Aardvark: What's a "flank?"
Toni: What's a "defilade?"
Robert: What's "grazing fire?"
Col. Andy Tanner: [out loud, to himself] I need a drink.

Grodd: I should have let you rot in jail!
Lex: Goodbye, Grodd. It could have gone the other way.
Grodd: It really could have, couldn't it?
Lex: No. But why speak ill of the dead?
[releases Grodd into space]

Toyman: We should be reaching the Brainiac remnant soon. By the way, thank you for making me your navigator, Luthor. I always love learning a new controller.
Lex: Just keep us on course. The slightest error, and we're dead.
Grodd: [he's knocked down by fire from a blaster cannon] I wouldn't worry about it, Neanderthal. The way I see it, you're dead either way.

Senator: Now, who wants to play?

Johnny: You'd be smart to kill me now.
Senator: [laughs] I'll do far worse than kill you boy.

Grodd: Giganta, you're out of jail. How's your head?
Giganta: Pretty good, considering you tried to fry my brain.

Vice: Have a seat Mr. Ambassador
Ambassador: Thank you
Ambassador: [after seating down] how is President Palmer?
Vice: The President's a tough man: his injured but we're confident he'll make a full recovery
Ambassador: What a tragic and despicable act
Vice: I agree, what makes it more troubling is that a citizen of your country, Hamri Al-Assad was responsible for the assassination attempt
Ambassador: My understanding is Assad lost his life in the process but I was lead to believe he was "working" with President Palmer to promote a "peace plan"
Vice: Well, I'm afraid that was all a ruse Mr. Ambassador. Assad's real intentions became clear when he detonated the explosive
Ambassador: [Surprised] you have proof of this?
Vice: Conclusive, forensic evidence, at least one eye witness that saw the detonator in Assad's hands immediately before the explosion: isn't that right Tom?
Tom: Yes Sir, that is correct
Ambassador: Even if what you say is true, you must know Hamri Al-Assad was not working at the behest of our government. He was as much as a wanted in our country as he was in yours
Vice: [Amused] oh, not as much but that's going to change
Ambassador: What are you referring to?
Vice: The terrorists currently on US soil are acting on the orders of the citizens in your country who have the support of your government: you know it and I know it
Ambassador: [Stands up] that is simply not true
Vice: I say it is and I'm willing to "bet" you that I'm right
Ambassador: What do you mean?
Vice: I have a carrier group within striking distance of every major city in your country waiting for me to give the order
Ambassador: You would attack us?
Vice: Abu Fayed, a citizen of your country, enters the United States, detonates a nuclear bomb, killing thousands, next Assad attempts to assassinate the President
Ambassador: We cannot be held responsible, you know full well that we have cooperated with you since the inception of this crisis. These threats against us are reckless and counterproductive, I had an "understanding" with your President
Vice: [Raises his voice] and now you're going to have one with me. You help us find those nukes before another goes off, or I'm going to unleash the full power of our military on your country

Vice: [Over the speakerphone] I'm here with Karen
Tom: Yes sir, that information we planted for the Russians has been sent on to Bishop's contact
Vice: Good, do you think it's made its way to Suvarov yet?
Tom: I'm confident it has sir but I do think a call to the Russian president giving him the news ourselves that might strengthen your creditability of our story here
Vice: I agree
Tom: Sir, there is one other thing
Vice: What's that?
Tom: We had some "complications" and Lisa was injured in the operation
Vice: How badly?
Tom: Well, she experienced a loss of oxygen to the brain: we won't know the extent of the damages until she regains consciousness. She is on her way to the hospital
Vice: How the hell did this happen?
Tom: Sir, she attacked Bishop "suddenly" before we could even get in there: he almost strangled her to death
Vice: And what were you doing during all this? You should've been watching her the whole time. Where was Secret Service?
Tom: Sir, we did everything we could, it just "happened" too fast

Tom: [Talking privately, to Daniels, referring to his cell phone] I've got a Philip Bauer holding for you on a scrambled line
Karen: [Surprised] what? What does he want?
Tom: I don't know: his in league with the Chinese, I think we need to hear him out?
Vice: [to Tom] put him on speaker
Vice: Mr. Bauer
Phillip: Thank you for taking my call Mr. Vice President
Vice: What's this about?
Phillip: I think you know what this is about
Vice: Tell me anyway so there's no miscommunication
Phillip: I want my grandson and I want a clear passage to a country of my choice. If you give me that, I'll give you the FB sub circuit board
Vice: You're working with the Chinese
Phillip: I was: they had their chance, they blew it
Vice: How do I know you even have this component?
Phillip: [while reading off the circuit board] the serial number is 3PTL3, check it on any records you have
Vice: [after Tom shows him a schematic of the circuit from his PDA] do you realize what you're asking?
Phillip: I'm offering you the opportunity of avoiding a conflict this country does not want: a war this country cannot afford, not after what's happened today. I'll send my instructions on an encrypted data stream
Vice: [Before Philip abruptly hangs up] Mr. Bauer...
Karen: Sir, you are not seriously considering this. Philip Bauer is a federal fugitive, complicit in selling nuclear weapons to terrorists
Vice: I know what crimes his committed
Karen: Then how can you even entertain the thought of negotiating with him?
Vice: Because maybe we can't afford not to
Karen: We are talking about trading the life of an innocent young boy
Vice: We're talking about the lives of a lot more young men if we go to war with Russia
Karen: And you think Philip Bauer is somebody we can trust? The man is a sociopath
Vice: [Asking for his opinion] Tom?
Tom: He is a sociopath: she's right about that. Given the stakes, this is a risk worth taking sir
Vice: None of this makes sense, everything we know about Suvarov tells us the man wouldn't risk a military engagement even for this piece of technology
Tom: Unless his being squeezed
Vice: By who? His cabinet?
Tom: I don't know, the military. Gredenko was not the only anti-American general left over from the Soviet regime
Karen: Yes, some of them are still in power and Suvarov does rely on them
Vice: [to both of them] so you think these generals are looking for an excuse to pull the trigger?
Tom: Well, it certainly sounds plausible sir

Admiral: [During a briefing] the USS Victory has been "detached" to carrier group alpha which currently has control of the region: the Victory will reach launch position in forty minutes
Vice: So in less than an hour, we will have made our point to the enemy?
Admiral: Yes Mr. Vice President, the V-6-11 short range tactical warhead has a blast yield of three hundred kilotons. The "message" will be loud and clear
Vice: Very good Admiral: exemplary. Tom, give us the damage and causality estimates you got from COMM PLAN?
Vice: [after he doesn't respond] Tom?
Tom: I'm sorry sir
Vice: Is there a problem?
Tom: No, this "projection" of course is based on theoretical models generated at our nuclear facility in Alamogordo, COMM PLAN estimates a high range of general damage by zone as well as by casualty numbers based on various climate models

Danny: You got a family?
Col. Andy Tanner: [long pause] I don't know. They got - caught behind the lines down in Texas. I like to think they're alive; but, I hear stories about what they're doin' to civilians.

Vice: [Over the phone] I see from the flash report President Palmer granted Charles Logan some kind of furlough? I'm curious as to what circumstances could have possibly led to that?
Karen: Logan "claims" he can help us find Dmitri Gredenko: the man who supplied the terrorists with the suitcase nukes
Vice: How?
Karen: Through the Russian Consulate in Los Angeles
Vice: Logan believes this man will know how to find Gredenko?
Karen: He insisted on approaching the Consulate in person
Vice: I'm frankly surprised President Palmer trusts Charles Logan to conduct any business on the government's behalf
Karen: I believe the President's decision was informed by the fact that we have no other active leads on Gredenko
Vice: Is Logan being supervised?
Karen: Yes, by one of our agents Jack Bauer. Bauer's been instructed to keep him on a short leash
Vice: You keep me posted of any progress. As soon as this "plays out", I want him placed back under house arrest
Karen: Yes sir

Lisa: What's going on? Why is Tom talking to the Joint Chiefs?
Vice: Because the Russians know the Chinese has the component
Lisa: How did that happen?
Vice: Someone inside the Beltway's been selling them information: someone with "access." A man named Mark Bishop, do you know him?
Lisa: I believe his a lobbyist. Are you sure it's Bishop?
Vice: Yes, we began "monitoring" his phone calls as soon as this came to our attention: ten minutes ago he called a known Russian intelligence agency from his cell phone
Vice: [after playing a recording for her of Bishop and his Russian contact] how well do you know this Bishop?
Lisa: His an " acquaintance" . He consulted on a paper last year on defense spending
Vice: Damn it, don't insult me anymore than you already have. Bishop's been passing intelligence to the Russians that he got from you. I don't know if he read your emails or you talked about it in bed but the Russians know about the component and threatening military action against us if we don't get it back from the Chinese. I always knew you were a good liar, I just didn't think you could lie to me, I guess I thought too highly of myself
Lisa: I swear to you I didn't know
Vice: [Sternly] it's still treason, which I don't need to remind you is a capital offense: you didn't just betray me, you betrayed your country
Lisa: What'd you want from me?
Vice: You're going to go back to your "boyfriend", you're going to make him "believe" that we have the component back
Lisa: I can't do that
Vice: You "can" and you will do exactly what Tom Lennox tells you what to do. Don't even think about trying to expose our "relationship." If you go "there", I'll have you declared an enemy combatant, put you solitary, it'll be years before you speak to anybody about anything

Col. Andy Tanner: [Describing the invasion] West Coast. East Coast. Down here is Mexico. First wave of the Soviet attack came in disguised as commercial charter flights the same way they did in Afghanistan in January 1980. Only they were crack Airborne outfits. Now, they took these mountain passes in the Rockies.
Jed: So, that's what hit Calumet?
Col. Andy Tanner: I guess so. They coordinated with selective nuke strikes and the missiles were a hell of a lot more accurate than we thought. They took out the silos here in the Dakotas, key points of communication.
Darryl: Like what?
Col. Andy Tanner: Oh, like Omaha, Washington, Kansas City.
Darryl: Gone?
Col. Andy Tanner: Yeah. That's right. Infiltrators came up illegal from Mexico. Cubans mostly. They managed to infiltrate SAC bases in the Midwest, several down in Texas and wreaked a helluva lot of havoc, I'm here to tell you. They opened up the door down here, and the whole Cuban and Nicaraguan and Latin American armies come walking right through, rolled right up here through the Great Plains.
Robert: How far did they get?
Col. Andy Tanner: Cheyenne, Wyoming... . across to Kansas. We held them at the Rockies and the Mississippi. Anyway, the Russians reinforced with 60 divisions. Sent three whole army groups across the Bering Strait into Alaska, cut the pipeline, came across Canada to link up here in the middle, but we stopped their butt cold. The lines have pretty much stabilized now.
Robert: What about Europe?
Col. Andy Tanner: I guess they figured twice in one century was enough. They're sitting this one out. All except England, and they won't last very long.

Lisa: You wanted to see me?
Vice: Close the door
Vice: [while sitting down] The President has just asked me to resign
Lisa: What?
Vice: And I'm going to comply with his "request." I was going to tell you personally before you found out from somebody else
Lisa: I don't understand. Why are you going along with this? Why don't you tell him you refuse?
Vice: He has a tape of our conversation: the one we conspired to commit perjury and his threatened to use it against me unless I step down
Lisa: Oh my God
Vice: Tom Lennox recorded it. The bottom line here is: I'm not given a choice here
Lisa: [Sits next to him] this is all my fault, if I hadn't asked you to lie about Karen Hayes, this wouldn't be happening
Vice: You were just trying to protect me. I could've turned you down but I didn't, don't blame yourself
Lisa: I'm so sorry, I don't know what to say
Vice: Oh, hell. At least we'll have a lot more time to spend together. The President said to take a week but I want this letter of resignation in his hands by the time he finishes his press conference. I am through being a "loyal opposition"

Lex: [Grodd reveals that he knows he's not Lex] Luthor's got you in a cage like a lab rat. He's humiliated you. You hate him. And you could see to it he never comes back. Dude, help me out here.
Gorilla: True, I do hate Luthor. But I hate you just as much.
Lex: So... you gonna bust me or what?
Gorilla: Where's the fun in that? I'm going to watch you twist in the wind until you're discovered and they tear you limb from limb.

Vice: [Addressing the nation on television] my fellow Americans, I regret to inform you a short time ago President Palmer was seriously injured in an assassination attempt at the White House: thankfully, he is alive and currently in stable condition. The prime suspect Hamri Al-Assad was killed in the explosion. In light of this heinous and cowardly act, compounded by the tragedy in California, I will be pushing forward an aggressive agenda of national security, one that will out of "necessity" suspend certain civil liberties. This is the price of war: make no mistake that is exactly what this is

Col. Andy Tanner: You think you're tough for eating beans every day? There's half a million scarecrows in Denver who'd give anything for one mouthful of what you got. They've been under siege for about three months. They live on rats and sawdust bread and sometimes... on each other. At night, the pyres for the dead light up the sky. It's medieval.

Ethan: [During a meeting, to Daniels] reports the indicate the Russians are "setting up" an offensive position
Vice: Meaning they can attack our base at a moment's notice?
Ethan: That's correct Sir
Tom: [after hanging up the phone, to Daniels] Sir, that was CTU, they've just located Philip Bauer, and a dozen or so confederates on an oil refinery platform six miles off the coast of Los Angeles
Vice: And he has the sub circuit board?
Tom: We're "assuming" so Sir
Vice: Pass this on to Suvarov: maybe this will buy us some more time. Meanwhile, I want an assault team dispatched to that oil rig
Ethan: [to Daniels] if I may?
Vice: [to Kanin] what?
Ethan: If the platform is well defended, the assault team might run into trouble, I recommend an air attack. Two Navy F-18s' could obliterate that platform and everyone on it
Vice: What about the sub circuit board?
Ethan: If it's not destroyed in the attack, it'll sink into the ocean and the salt water will render it useless in minutes
Vice: [Asking him for his opinion] Tom?
Tom: Sir, we "think" Philip Bauer's grandson is on that same platform: now he may well survive a surgical strike, or an assault team. There's no way his going to live through a "proposed" aerial attack. We are talking about an innocent sixteen year old boy here
Vice: None of us like this anymore than you do but if the Russians attack our base, a lot of innocent young men are going to die and the truth is an airstrike will be the most effective from a political point of view as well. It'll show the Russians that we are "sparing" no effort to destroy the sub circuit board
Vice: [to Kanin] send the F-18's immediately

President: [Over the phone] I was expecting to speak to President Palmer
Vice: My apologies, I'm afraid his "unavailable"
President: [Surprised] "Unavailable?"
Vice: Sir, I am speaking on his authority, I assume you're calling about the incident at your Consulate? I assure you this man is acting on his own and not under the orders or authority of the United States government
President: Nonetheless: this is a gross violation of our sovereignty. If your agent does not stand down, immediately, my country will have no choice but to retaliate with the most forceful diplomatic measures at our disposal
Vice: I understand your position Mr. President but before we you escalate this, you should understand we've learned that Counsel Markov is most likely in contact with Dmitri Gredenko: who we've linked to the nuclear attack that took place on US soil this morning. If that's true, we will look upon him as a co-conspirator in the attack
President: I deeply regret the tragedy that your county has experienced today but you must make these charges through proper diplomatic channels after your agent surrenders

Lex: Since there's only one monkey left around here, I'm assuming that the Justice League found a way to stop the carrier wave.
Gorilla: There's more than one way to peel a banana.

Tom: [while in the Oval Office] Sir, not to "quash" your "flush of victory" here: the actions of the Chinese can't go unaddressed
Vice: We'll leave that for another day. Right now, I don't know about you but I could use some sleep
Tom: There is one other "outstanding" issue I'd like to discuss with you Sir
Vice: Karen Hayes
Tom: Sir, she's about to be transferred to FBI custody. Now in light of the recent terrorist attacks, the nuke in California, the plot against the President, I just think we need to preserve any "fragile faith" the American people might still have in this Administration: just let Karen and Bill resign with their reputations intact
Vice: [Smiles] alright, take care of that for me

Karen: [while in the Oval Office] CTU is pouring all their resources into finding Cheng and this Executive Order gives them the authority to close all ports and border crossings
Vice: We can't stop migrant workers from crossing our borders: how the hell are we suppose to stop a determined agent?
Karen: Well, I think the point is to slow him down Sir so CTU has more time to find him but I agree Cheng will find a way to smuggle out the Russian component "eventually"
Vice: So, then Russia loses its defense to the Chinese, and Moscow blames us?
Karen: We will do everything in our power to do that Sir
Karen: [after he signs the Executive Order] thank you
Vice: Tom told me about you and Bill: how you had to fire him from CTU, how'd he take it?
Karen: Not well
Vice: You and I have had our "difficulties" in the past but I want you to know I value your role here and that I appreciate your "sacrifice"
Karen: Thank you
Vice: [after Tom knocks and enters the room] what is it?
Tom: The Russian President is calling for you in the teleconference suite: his insisting on a face to face
Vice: [Confused] did he say what he wants?
Tom: No, but his on with the heads of military and intelligence services
Vice: [to Karen, referring to her and Tom] I want both you with me on this