The Best Max Quotes

[Max responds to Ethan's comment about her gender]
Max: I don't have to tell you what a comfort anonymity can be in my profession. It's like a warm blanket.

Ethan: [tied to a chair inside an apartment own by one of Max's friends] The disk Job sold you is worthless. Bait. Part of an internal mole hunt.
Max: And how would you know? Are you another company man?
Max: Like Job?
Max: We're asking about you
Ethan: I'm NOC, Was. Now, disavowed.
Max: Why, may I ask?
Ethan: That's the question I want to ask Job.

Max: [Ethan is tied to a chair inside an apartment own by one of Max's friends] Who are you?... and *what* are you doing here?

Eugene: Hello, Max.
Max: My lawyers are going to have a field day with this. Entrapment, jurisdictional conflict...
Eugene: Well, maybe we'll just leave the courts out of this one.
Max: I'm sure we can find something I have that you need.