The Best Max Lloyd-Jones Quotes

Doug: Who does that? Just brings people back to their house and cuts them open?
Tilda: Scientists.

Lieutenant: Run your beacon for me, N-1.
The: Was I doing something wrong, officer?
Lieutenant: You're not allowed to fly that fast next to a commercial ship. You're also operating without a beacon. I'm gonna need you to run one for us.
The: Sorry, officer, I got a little carried away there. Transmitting now.
Lieutenant: Hmm. Your engine model doesn't match your power drive.
The: We just built her. I was taking her up for a test flight. Haven't been able to update the registration just yet.
Lieutenant: We're gonna need to see your title tabs. Send us a ping.
The: Yeah, sorry, officer, but my transmitter isn't hooked up yet. I'll head right back to Mos Eisley and get it sorted out.
Lieutenant: Relinquish your flight controls for remote-control access.
Captain: Hold on a second there, Lieutenant. I think we can let him off with a warning this time.
The: Thank you, officer. I'll have that taken care of.
Captain: One thing before you go.
The: Yes?
Captain: Your voice is mighty familiar. Did you used to fly a Razor Crest?
The: I think you have the wrong guy, officer.
Captain: That ship showed up on a transponder log back in Nevarro in an incident involving Imperial remnants. I'm just connecting some dots here. You mind answering a few questions?
[pressing a button on his control panel, Mando flies away in the blink of an eye]
Lieutenant: H-How did it jump? He didn't power up his hyperdrives.
Captain: Didn't jump, kid. Those were his sublight thrusters.
Lieutenant: There's no trace of him on our sensors. We reporting this?
Captain: You wanna go back to base, fill out reports all day?
Lieutenant: No, sir.