Top 30 Quotes From The Mandalorian

Peli: [unveiling Mando's new starfighter] Not a gram of fat on her. You know, no one's catching you in this thing.
The: What happened to the droid port?
Peli: I hogged it out. You know, I figured, with your disposition, you'd wanna forgo the astromech.
[her R5 unit beeps and chirps]
Peli: Hey! Watch your language around the customers.
The: [giving the ship a once-over inspection] Think she's ready?
Peli: Ready as she'll ever be.

Fennec: There's a lot of credits to be made from that orange powder.
Boba: In the long run, it is better for us, as well. Mos Espa can become a prosperous city under our protection. Spice is killing our people. Let Marshal Vanth and the people of Mos Pelgo...
The: Freetown is its name now.
Boba: Let the people of Freetown know they have my word.
The: You can tell Cobb Vanth himself when he arrives here with the reinforcements.
Boba: You are confident he will come?
The: I am.
Boba: Well, if he does not, we are doomed. Our skill is no match for the Syndicate numbers. We must buy time until they arrive. We'll lockdown at the palace.
Skad: It's a bad idea.
Boba: Is that so?
Skad: It is.
Boba: And where do you propose we wait for reinforcements?
Skad: Here.
Boba: Here? In these ruins?
[Skad nods]
Boba: Nonsense. The palace offers greater protection.
Drash: If you want to abandon Mos Espa and hide in your fortress, go ahead. We're staying. The people who live here need our protection.
Boba: [considering it, he glances at Fennec and Mando] We'll stay.

Armorer: You are too weak to fight the Darksaber. It will win if you fight against it. You cannot control it with your strength.
The: I want to try again.
Armorer: Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome. Your body is strong, but your mind is distracted.
The: I am focused.
Armorer: The blade says otherwise.
Paz: Maybe the Darksaber belongs in someone else's hands.
The: Maybe.
Paz: It was forged by my ancestor, founder of House Vizsla.
The: And now it belongs to me.
Paz: Because you won it in combat.
The: That's right.
Paz: And now I will win it from you.
Armorer: Do you agree to this duel, Din Djarin?
The: I do.

The: [rebuilding a Naboo starfighter] The entire vapor manifold is missing.
Peli: Trust me, the last thing you want strangling your thrust capacitor is a vapor manifold. I fabricated you this induction intake charger that's gonna double your output coefficient.
The: It'll also blow the shaft out of my motivator block.
Peli: That's why I'm reinforcing your compression housing, and you can access it by using this Kineso-switch right here. You hit this button, you're gonna evacuate your exhaust manifold, if you know what I mean.

Armorer: All this talk of the Empire, and they lasted less than 30 years. Mandalorians have existed 10,000. What do you know of this blade?
The: I am told it is the Darksaber.
Armorer: Indeed. Do you understand its significance?
The: Whoever wields it can lead all of Mandalore.
Armorer: If it is won by Creed in battle. It is said will defeat 20, and the multitudes will fall before it. if, however, it is not won in combat and falls into the hands of the undeserving, it will be a curse unto the nation, Mandalore will be laid to waste and its people scattered to the four winds.
The: The hilt is of a quality of beskar I have never seen before.
Armorer: It was forged over 1,000 years ago by the Mandalore Tarre Vizsla. He was both Mandalorian and Jedi.
The: I have met Jedi
Armorer: Then you have completed your quest.
The: I have.
Armorer: Then you may join our covert as we rebuild.
The: This is the way.
Paz: This is the way.
Armorer: This is the way.

Deputy: You want to park your starship, you got to do it out there in the flats.
The: I'm looking for Marshal Vanth.
Deputy: I don't think you heard what I said.
The: I heard you.
Cobb: I'll take it from here, Deputy.
[Scott leaves]
Cobb: He's new. Still a bit jumpy.

The: Your boss is dead. I'm here to collect on his bounty. I have no trouble with any of you. There's a pile of New Republic credits in there that I have no right to. If you do me the honor of letting me pass, you all can help yourselves to whatever you think you deserve from your former employer.

Lieutenant: Run your beacon for me, N-1.
The: Was I doing something wrong, officer?
Lieutenant: You're not allowed to fly that fast next to a commercial ship. You're also operating without a beacon. I'm gonna need you to run one for us.
The: Sorry, officer, I got a little carried away there. Transmitting now.
Lieutenant: Hmm. Your engine model doesn't match your power drive.
The: We just built her. I was taking her up for a test flight. Haven't been able to update the registration just yet.
Lieutenant: We're gonna need to see your title tabs. Send us a ping.
The: Yeah, sorry, officer, but my transmitter isn't hooked up yet. I'll head right back to Mos Eisley and get it sorted out.
Lieutenant: Relinquish your flight controls for remote-control access.
Captain: Hold on a second there, Lieutenant. I think we can let him off with a warning this time.
The: Thank you, officer. I'll have that taken care of.
Captain: One thing before you go.
The: Yes?
Captain: Your voice is mighty familiar. Did you used to fly a Razor Crest?
The: I think you have the wrong guy, officer.
Captain: That ship showed up on a transponder log back in Nevarro in an incident involving Imperial remnants. I'm just connecting some dots here. You mind answering a few questions?
[pressing a button on his control panel, Mando flies away in the blink of an eye]
Lieutenant: H-How did it jump? He didn't power up his hyperdrives.
Captain: Didn't jump, kid. Those were his sublight thrusters.
Lieutenant: There's no trace of him on our sensors. We reporting this?
Captain: You wanna go back to base, fill out reports all day?
Lieutenant: No, sir.

The: [Jawas bring a part for his new ship] That was fast.
Peli: These critters could find a skud in a krill pond. Will that do?
The: Where did they get a cryogenic density combustion booster?
Peli: Do you really wanna know?
The: Sure.
Peli: [conversing in Jawaese] I got it. They said they crawled under a Pyke spice runner and crimped it off while they were refueling.
The: Gutsy little fellas.
Peli: Let me tell you something, Pykes do not mess around. Ever since they've been moving spice through the system, everything's gone to hell. Everyone's afraid of 'em and law enforcement won't even go near 'em.
The: [paying the Jawas] Well, thanks.
Peli: Thanks? What? Are you kidding me? What'd you do that for? You're gonna spoil 'em. Are you trying to make me look bad?

Kaba: You look lost.
The: I'm here for Kaba Baiz.
Kaba: What makes you think he's here?
[Mando shows him a tracking fob]
Kaba: What do you want of him?
The: He owes someone important money.
Kaba: Who?
The: That's not my business. I'm here to bring him in.
Kaba: Well, if I see him, I'll let him know.
The: [setting a bounty puck on the table and activating it] I see him right now.
Kaba: That's not me. That doesn't even look like me.
The: [to the others in the room] I'm gonna give the rest of you the opportunity to walk out that door. I have no quarrel with you.
Kaba: They're not going anywhere. Looks to me like you're surrounded. But you look like the practical type. Let's discuss our options.
The: [putting his hand on his blaster] I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold.

The: [the Pykes surround the Sanctuary] They're here.
Boba: It was just a matter of time. Is Cad Bane with them?
The: Don't see him. Any news on the others?
Boba: Would be a miracle if any survived. All three gotras of Mos Espa turned on us.
The: It was the smart move.
Boba: It was. I suppose you'll be heading out.
The: I'm not.
Boba: You should.
The: It's against the Creed. I gave you my word. I'm with you until we both fall.
Boba: You really buy into that bantha fodder?
The: I do.

Peli: Do you know how lucky you are that I got my hands on this baby? You want to thank me now or you want to thank me later?
The: You get me a Razor Crest, you can have it right back.
Peli: Oh, bantha diddle, these are a lot harder to come by than some plain old Razor Crest.
Peli: Razor Crest.

Ahsoka: I warned you when we met that your attachment to Grogu would be difficult to let go of.
The: He was a Mandalorian foundling in my care. I just wanna make sure he's safe.
Ahsoka: There is no place in the galaxy more safe than here with Luke.
The: I don't understand why you're all right with Skywalker's decision to train the kid when you wouldn't.
Ahsoka: Because it was his choice. I don't control the wants of others.
The: Then it's my choice to go and see him.
Ahsoka: Of course. If that is what you wish.
The: [following her gaze, he sees Grogu with Luke on a hill nearby] All right.
Ahsoka: [he starts heading in their direction] Are you doing this for Grogu or are you doing this for yourself?
The: [taking out the gift he had forged] I just... I wanna give him this.
Ahsoka: Why? So he will remember you?
The: No. As a Mandalorian foundling, he should have this. It's his right.
Ahsoka: Foundling. Perhaps he is a Padawan now.
The: Well, either way, this armor will protect him.
Ahsoka: If you are set on it, then allow me to deliver it.
The: I came all this way. He's right there.
Ahsoka: Grogu misses you a great deal. If he sees you, it will only make things more difficult for him.
The: [giving the gift to her] Make sure he's protected.

Drash: Come in, boss. Come in. Something feels strange over here.
Boba: Have the Pykes arrived?
Drash: Not yet, but something feels off.
[the Mods begin taking fire from the Aqualish]
Drash: [taking cover] The locals are attacking.
The: I thought we had a treaty.
Boba: So did I.

The: Have you ever heard of Bo-Katan Kryze?
Armorer: Bo-Katan is a cautionary tale. She once laid claim to rule Mandalore based purely on blood and the sword you now possess. But it was gifted to her and not won by Creed. Bo-Katan Kryze was born of a mighty house, but they lost sight of the way. Her rule ended in tragedy. They lost their way, and we lost our world. Had our sect not been cloistered on the moon of Concordia, we would have not survived the Great Purge. Those born of Mandalore strayed away from the path. Eventually, the Imperial interlopers destroyed all that we knew and loved in the Night of a Thousand Tears. Only those that walked the way escaped the curse prophesized in the Creed. Though our numbers were scattered to the winds, our adherence to the way has preserved our legacy for the generations until we may someday return to our homeworld.

Gonk: Excuse me, sir. You're going to have to remove your weapons.
The: I'm a Mandalorian. Weapons are part of my religion.
Gonk: I'm sorry, sir, you can't board a commercial flight with your weapons. If you wish to discuss this with my supervisor, I will gladly book you on tomorrow's flight.
The: Fine.
[unloading and securely storing all of his weapons]
The: I know everything that's in there.

Peli: So, where's your unlikely companion?
The: I returned him to his own kind.
Peli: Why the hell would you do that? I could've made good money off that thing. Open a petting zoo.

The: I didn't expect to see you here.
Ahsoka: I'm an old friend of the family.
The: I thought you weren't going to help train Grogu.
Ahsoka: I'm not. Master Luke is.
The: Then what are you doing here?
Ahsoka: That's my question for you.
The: I'm here to see the kid.
Ahsoka: That's why R2 brought you to me instead.

Peli: Hey, Mando! Look who's here.
The: [she unveils Grogu] What? Hey, what are you doing here?
[Grogu jumps into his arms]
The: Oh! Okay, little guy. I'm happy to see you, too. I didn't know when I'd see you again. It's okay. Yeah. I missed you, too, buddy. But, uh... we're in a bit of a bind here right now.
[putting him down]
The: Be careful. You keep your head down. You stay hidden until the fight's over.
[seeing he's wearing the beskar vest]
The: Hey, that's the shirt. You got the shirt.
Peli: [reacting to cannon fire] Save your tender moment. We've got a Scorpenek droid chasing us.
The: What is he doing here?
Peli: The Force works in mysterious ways.

Fennec: The Pyke Syndicate has been gathering soldiers the last few weeks. Mayor Mok Shaiz is on their payroll and has flown off-world, which leads us to believe the storm is about to break.
Mok: It was a scheduled vacation, actually.
Fennec: [glaring at him] Here's a map of where they are gathering, based on whispers. The three crime families of Mos Espa seem willing to lay low and let the Pykes move on our territory.
[seeing Mando enter]
Fennec: This is the Mandalorian, Din Djarin. Thanks to him and Krrsantan, we now have enough experienced muscle to act as enforcers. The Mods have done a thorough job of surveying the streets, but we lack the numbers to cover our territory if an all-out war comes. We need foot soldiers.
The: I might be able to help with that.

Fennec: Were you able to hire any foot soldiers?
The: I think so. Cobb Vanth is raising a garrison for us.
Fennec: What price did you negotiate?
The: Free.
Boba: Free?
The: He's been holding off the spice trade single-handedly. I told him we could shut it down.
Fennec: That's not free. That's most of Jabba the Hutt's business.
The: That's what the town wants.
Boba: I agree to their terms.

The: [riding on the back of Peli's rickshaw] Can this thing go any faster?
Peli: [throwing a tool at her piloting droid] Go faster, you bucket of bolts!

Peli: What do we owe the pleasure? You here to slay another dragon? Chasing down some elusive bounty?
The: I got your message.
Peli: Message? What message?
The: You said you found me a replacement for the Razor Crest.
Peli: Yeah, that's right. That's what I said. That's what I do. I've been working my butt off, yeah. Did you bring the cash?
The: [handing a pouch of credits over] It's right here.
Peli: Mind if I count it? Not that I don't trust you. I just wanna make sure you don't give me too much.

The: [giving his new ship a test flight] She handles a little bumpy.
Peli: You're used to a gunship, but she's a starfighter. So fly her like one.
The: Okay. I'll open her up.
The: Dank farrik, she's fast.
Peli: Smooth?
The: As a gonk's scomp jack.
Peli: There you go. Some teamwork.
The: Controls are real snappy. How's the maneuverability?
Peli: You tell me. Point your navigational disposition between the two suns. You'll come up to Beggar's Canyon.
[he flies through the canyons]
Peli: How's the handling?
The: Tight. She tracks like a railspeeder.
Peli: What did I tell you?
Peli: Razor Crest.

Fennec: By any chance, are you looking for work?
The: I could be.
Fennec: The pay is good.
The: What's the bounty?
Fennec: No bounty. We need muscle.
The: Boba Fett.
Fennec: He sure would appreciate it.
The: Tell him it's on the house. But first, I got to pay a visit to a little friend.

Peli: Great news! I found you a turbonic venturi power assimilator. You're gonna be the fastest ship on the Outer Rim.
The: Where did you get this?
Peli: It's brand-new. Well, Jawa-new.
The: The Jawas had a turbonic venturi assimilator from a Galactic Republic-era starfighter?
Peli: Well, they didn't have it. They got it.
The: From where?
Peli: Tatooine is a garden of many bounties.
The: I don't understand.
Peli: I gave 'em a list.
The: Of parts?
Peli: Yeah.
The: And they find them for you?
Peli: I don't ask. They don't tell. They give me what I ask for. In exchange, I let 'em pick through my dumpster.
The: Can I meet them?
Peli: Yeah, sure.
[shouting off]
Peli: R5! See if the Jawas are still out back. Dated a Jawa for a while. They're quite furry. Very furry. Lot of issues.

Armorer: What shall I forge?
The: Something for a foundling.
Armorer: This is the way.
The: For a specific foundling. Grogu.
Armorer: He's no longer in your care. He is with his own kind now.
The: I want to see him, make sure he's safe.
Armorer: In order to master the ways of the Force, Jedi must forgo all attachment.
The: That is the opposite of our Creed. Loyalty and solidarity are the way.
Armorer: What shall I forge for the foundling Grogu?

Armorer: The songs of eons past foretold of the Mythosaur rising up to herald a new age of Mandalore. Sadly, it only exists in legends. Where did you come upon the beskar spear?
The: It was the gift of a Jedi. It can block a lightsaber. I used it to defeat Moff Gideon.
Armorer: It can also pierce beskar armor. Its mere existence puts Mandalorians at risk. Mandalorian steel is meant for armor, not weapons.
The: Then forge it into armor.
Armorer: The Darksaber is a more noble weapon for you to wield.

The: [fighting two battles droids, even the Darksaber can't penetrate their shields] I can't get through.
Boba: These two will destroy the whole city!
The: Our energy weapons can't get through, and our kinetic weapons have too much velocity.
Boba: [dodging cannon fire] Move! Can you protect the others?
The: I can distract them for a spell. Why?
Boba: [dodging more fire] Watch out! We need reinforcements.
The: From where? You've run out of friends.
Boba: [taking off into the sky] Protect the others.

The: That's a lot of engine for a little ship.
Peli: Yeah, well, see what she can do!
The: Shouldn't we run a diagnostic first?
Peli: Nah! I can hear her! She's purring! Send her up!