Top 30 Quotes From Fennec Shand

Fennec: [an R2 unit offers her and Fett drinks] No, we're not here for drinks. We have business with Garsa Fwip.
Boba: [looking around the cantina] Looks like business is good.
Twi'lek: [approaching] Would you like your helmet serviced and cleaned while you wait for Madam Garsa?
Fennec: No.
Boba: Sure. Here, take both of ours.
[quoting her from earlier]
Boba: "Things will go a lot smoother if you accept their ways."

Fennec: We were told the Mayor was coming to pay tribute.
Mok: Ah, indeed yes. With apologies. I understand how one might draw such a conclusion from the correspondence.
Boba: Very well. Extend my greeting and appreciation from the Mayor's tribute.
Mok: Another understandable misunderstanding. The, uh, only tribute I bear is the Mayor's heartfelt welcome, which I express in his stead.
Fennec: So you bring no tribute?
Mok: The Mayor's heartfelt welcome and regrets that he's been drawn away by pressing matters, milady.
Fennec: If you had spoken such insolence to Jabba, he'd have fed you to his menagerie.

Fennec: By any chance, are you looking for work?
The: I could be.
Fennec: The pay is good.
The: What's the bounty?
Fennec: No bounty. We need muscle.
The: Boba Fett.
Fennec: He sure would appreciate it.
The: Tell him it's on the house. But first, I got to pay a visit to a little friend.

Fennec: You're the head of a family. You should enjoy the trappings.
Boba: I need to respond. Everyone is watching. Waiting for me to make the next move.
Fennec: Have some food.
Boba: I have to send a message.
Fennec: You already did. They sent Krrsantan to kill you. And now he's locked up in your dungeon. I say... you wait for them to show their hand.
Boba: These are Hutts. Waiting will only give them another opportunity so strike again.

Fennec: [Fett frees Krrsantan from his imprisonment] You sure that was a good idea?
Boba: Either that or kill him.
Fennec: Do you believe what the Hutts said?
Boba: I have no reason to believe them. They would benefit from their enemies fighting one another.
Fennec: I'll arrange a meeting with the Mayor.
[glancing at the Twins' tribute to him, a new rancor]
Fennec: It's quite the gift.

8D8: After the sail barge disaster, there was a power vacuum. Bib Fortuna assumed Jabba's mantle. Under Master Bib's watchful eye, Mos Espa was divided amongst three families. The Trandoshans took the city center. The Aqualish, the Worker's District here. And the Klatooinians, the starport and upper sprawl. Master Bib did not have the power of Jabba, so he relied on uneasy alliances to preserve his tribute and title. All of this while lining the pockets of Mayor Mok Shaiz.
Boba: Where does that leave us now?
8D8: Everyone is waiting to see what kind of leader you are.
Boba: And the assassins?
Fennec: Mayor has no power. Somebody else is behind that play.
Boba: The Hutts.
Fennec: Could be. You want me to ask around?
Boba: Would they know if you did?
Fennec: We should assume so.

Fennec: Were you able to hire any foot soldiers?
The: I think so. Cobb Vanth is raising a garrison for us.
Fennec: What price did you negotiate?
The: Free.
Boba: Free?
The: He's been holding off the spice trade single-handedly. I told him we could shut it down.
Fennec: That's not free. That's most of Jabba the Hutt's business.
The: That's what the town wants.
Boba: I agree to their terms.

Fennec: As we wait for the reinforcements to arrive with Cobb Vanth from Freetown, our forces are quietly patrolling the streets of the old city. The Pyke Syndicate has not yet arrived in numbers, but the minute they do, we will see them before they see us. The truce you negotiated with the other families of Mos Espa will ensure that they will remain neutral and allow us to gain the upper hand by surprising the arriving soldiers. The Gamorrean guards are posted in the Klatooinian territory at the starport and will alert us if any of the Pyke Syndicate forces arrive. Krrsantan is in Trandoshan territory, keeping tabs on the streets of the municipality in front of City Hall. Drash and Skad are with the other Mods keeping an eye on the Worker's District and the Aqualish Quarter. As you can see, all our flanks are covered. Nobody is sneaking up on us. When the people of Freetown arrive, we will have the forces required to pivot our strength to whatever region the Pykes choose to attack from.
Boba: For now?
Fennec: We wait.
8D8: Lord Fett? There is someone here to see you.
Boba: [sarcastically to Fennec] I thought you said nobody could sneak up on us.

Boba: [climbing out of the Pit] Nothing. All junk.
Fennec: You're burning. It's not safe in there.
Boba: Yeah. My armor's not down there.
Fennec: It served its purpose. It saved you from the acid. What you need to find is a bacta tank.

Boba: [stealing Slave I back from Jabba's palace] Now your debt is paid. Where would you like to be dropped?
Fennec: Where are you headed?
Boba: I have a few scores to settle.
Fennec: I'll go for the ride.

Boba: Why must everyone bow at me?
Fennec: Eh, it's better than shooting.
Boba: Are those my only two choices?
Fennec: When you run the town, it is.
Boba: [taking a piece of fruit offered by a local shopkeeper] Thank you. We are not suited for this.
Fennec: If not us, then who?

Boba: Tell the Mayor I'm here now.
Mok: He knows. Yes, he knows.
Boba: Perhaps another time. Next.
Mok: Actually, there is one other matter, if I may.
Boba: What is it?
Mok: The matter of tribute.
Boba: I'm confused.
Fennec: He wants you to pay him.
Boba: What? I'm the crime lord. He's supposed to pay me.
Fennec: Shall I kill him?
Boba: He works for the Mayor.
Fennec: Is that a no?
Boba: That's a no.

Fennec: The Pyke Syndicate has been gathering soldiers the last few weeks. Mayor Mok Shaiz is on their payroll and has flown off-world, which leads us to believe the storm is about to break.
Mok: It was a scheduled vacation, actually.
Fennec: [glaring at him] Here's a map of where they are gathering, based on whispers. The three crime families of Mos Espa seem willing to lay low and let the Pykes move on our territory.
[seeing Mando enter]
Fennec: This is the Mandalorian, Din Djarin. Thanks to him and Krrsantan, we now have enough experienced muscle to act as enforcers. The Mods have done a thorough job of surveying the streets, but we lack the numbers to cover our territory if an all-out war comes. We need foot soldiers.
The: I might be able to help with that.

Cad: Let the spice move through Mos Espa, and all this can be avoided.
Boba: No.
Cad: What do you propose then?
Boba: I will only negotiate with the Pyke Syndicate.
Cad: You mean the one that massacred your Tusken family and blamed it on a speed bike gang? You know it's true.
Fennec: Boba.
Cad: [he reveals his blaster in its holster] Let's do this right here, right now.
Fennec: Not now. You pick when.
Boba: He killed Vanth. The reinforcements aren't coming.
Fennec: We fight on our terms, not theirs.
Boba: I can take him.
Fennec: You're emotional.
Boba: I can take him.
Fennec: We need to adjust. You'll have your moment.

Fennec: Do you trust them?
Boba: I trust them to work in their own self-interest. My deal is a lot better than what the Syndicate would offer. They may be stubborn, but they are not foolish enough to see that the Pykes would eventually take over the whole planet. Either way, we must prepare for war.
Fennec: How much treasure do we have in reserve?
Boba: I have plenty of credits. What I'm short on is muscle.
Fennec: Credits can buy muscle, if you know where to look.

Fennec: There's a lot of credits to be made from that orange powder.
Boba: In the long run, it is better for us, as well. Mos Espa can become a prosperous city under our protection. Spice is killing our people. Let Marshal Vanth and the people of Mos Pelgo...
The: Freetown is its name now.
Boba: Let the people of Freetown know they have my word.
The: You can tell Cobb Vanth himself when he arrives here with the reinforcements.
Boba: You are confident he will come?
The: I am.
Boba: Well, if he does not, we are doomed. Our skill is no match for the Syndicate numbers. We must buy time until they arrive. We'll lockdown at the palace.
Skad: It's a bad idea.
Boba: Is that so?
Skad: It is.
Boba: And where do you propose we wait for reinforcements?
Skad: Here.
Boba: Here? In these ruins?
[Skad nods]
Boba: Nonsense. The palace offers greater protection.
Drash: If you want to abandon Mos Espa and hide in your fortress, go ahead. We're staying. The people who live here need our protection.
Boba: [considering it, he glances at Fennec and Mando] We'll stay.

Boba: Jabba had many vassals. We've got a lot of ground to cover if we are to keep his empire intact.
Fennec: I can make the rounds without you. Jabba rarely left his chambers.
Boba: Jabba ruled with fear. I intend to rule with respect.

Fennec: [after Fett makes a deal with the local crime bosses] Do you trust them?
Boba: I trust them to work in their own self-interest. My deal is a lot better than what the Syndicate would offer. They may be stubborn, but they are not foolish enough to see that the Pykes would eventually take over the whole planet. Either way, we must prepare for war.
Fennec: How much treasure do we have in reserve?
Boba: I have plenty of credits. What I'm short on is muscle.
Fennec: Credits can buy muscle, if you know where to look.

Fennec: They're Hutts. We would have to get permission if you wanna kill 'em.
Boba: Maybe it's settled.
Fennec: You really think so?
Boba: No.

Fennec: Are you sure?
Skad: I know a Pyke when I see one.
Boba: How many?
Skad: I saw a dozen, at least.
Fennec: They arrived on the starliner.
Boba: Good work. Keep an eye on them.
[realizing his gaffe]
Boba: Sorry, it's an expression.
Skad: You don't have to be sorry, mate. I paid a lot for this. I'm proud of my eye.
Fennec: Let us know what you see.
[ending the transmission]
Fennec: These are just a first wave. They're going to war.
Boba: Then we will be ready.

Fennec: [about Boba's helmet receiving more tribute than hers] Huh. Yours look shinier than mine.

8D8: [of a captured assassin] Their reputation is legendary. There is no way this one will talk.
Boba: I know of their reputation.
Fennec: They're just people... in hoods.
8D8: There is no way he will talk. They fear no man.
Fennec: Fine. Perhaps he fears the rancor.
[she opens the trap door, and the assassin falls down into the rancor pit]
Night: [watching the portal door open] I was sent by the Mayor! The Mayor sent me! Let me out!
Fennec: [he sees there's no rancor] It's empty.
Fennec: Assassin of the Night Wind.
[to Fett]
Fennec: Shall we visit the Mayor?

Boba: [in the remains of the Sanctuary] We are at war.
Fennec: It was inevitable.
Boba: Even if we win, there might not be anything left of this city.

Boba: Who sent you? What were your orders? Speak, prisoner. Well, if he's not gonna speak, he no longer needs his head.
Night: E chu ta!
Boba: We spared your life after you tried to take mine. And you curse me? What do we know of this prisoner?
8D8: He is of the Order of the Night Wind.
Boba: Assassin for hire.
8D8: Very expensive.
Fennec: Overpriced. You're paying for the name.

Boba: You are Master Assassin Fennec Shand of the Mid Rim.
Fennec: I take it I'm worth more alive, huh?
Boba: You are.
Fennec: I'll pay double my bounty.
Boba: I don't want money.
Fennec: Who are you?
Boba: I am Boba Fett.
Fennec: Boba is dead.
Boba: I was... left for dead on the sands of Tatooine. Like you. I was rescued by the Sand People. They took me in, treated me as one of their own. I tried to help them. Instead of I got them massacred by Nikto speed bikers.
Fennec: Speed bikers defeated Tuskens? That's highly unlikely.
Boba: I want you to help me. Help me recover my Firespray gunship.
Fennec: Where is it?
Boba: Jabba the Hutt's palace.
Fennec: Bib Fortuna took over his territory. And now he rules from that palace. If the ship is yours, why don't you just ask for it back?
Boba: Because I might not like the answer. Without my armor, I'm less persuasive.
Fennec: If I help you... my debt is paid.
Boba: If that is what you wish.

Skad: So, the Wookie gets a melon and we don't?
Fennec: Krrsantan, you want to share?

Fennec: Are you serious about forming your own house?
Boba: How many times have you been hired to do a job that was avoidable? If they only took the time to think. How much money could have been made? How many lives could have been saved?
Fennec: Then you and I would be out of work.
Boba: I'm tired of our kind dying because of the idiocy of others. We're smarter than them. It's time we took our shot.
Fennec: We?
Boba: Yes. If I'm gonna start a house, I need brains and muscle. You have both.
Fennec: It's tempting. But I'm an independent contractor. I'll do jobs for you. But I value my freedom.
Boba: I can offer you something no client ever has.
Fennec: What's that?
Boba: Loyalty. I will cut you in on the success and pledge my life to protect yours.
Fennec: Living with the Tuskens has made you soft.
Boba: No. It's made me strong. You can only get so far without a tribe.

Peli: [building Mando a new ship] Well? How was it?
The: Wizard.
Peli: Ha. Those J-type pulse engines really tighten the old evacuation port, don't they? Oh, by the way, an old friend of yours dropped by, said she was looking for you.
The: A friend of mine?
Peli: Don't worry. I told her I didn't know where you were. Then I locked her out and engaged the hangar security system.
The: She tell you her name?
Fennec: Fennec Shand.
Peli: [after jumping in surprise, to one of her pit droids] I thought you said that the hangar security system was on. Don't get away from me. You come back right here. This is the third mistake this week. Someone's getting deprogrammed.

Boba: Why does it have to be the right arm?
Fennec: You should take a nice soak in the bacta tank.
Boba: It's being used.

Boba: The Sarlacc Pit. That's where I was trapped all those years ago. That's where I'll find my armor.
Fennec: In there? It's dissolved.
Boba: Not beskar.