The Best Sophie Thatcher Quotes

Boba: You all right?
Drash: Got pretty hairy back there.
Skad: Where'd all these sand scurriers come from?
Jo: We're here to save the tails of some city rats.
Boba: Save it for the Pykes.

Boba: Where'd you get that water?
Drash: We stole it.
Boba: That's a crime.
Skad: It's a crime what he charges.
Boba: Then farm your own water.
Drash: Look, old man...
Boba: My name is Boba Fett.
Drash: We know who you are. Go back to your palace.
Boba: Watch your tongue. I'm the Daimyo of this district and I will bring order.
Drash: You're a crime boss. Just like the rest of them.
Skad: If you're a Daimyo, then why'd you let the monger charge us a month's wages for a week's water?
Drash: Not that we have any wages.
Boba: You live in the Worker's District. You all should be working.
Drash: There is no work, mighty Daimyo. Look around you.
Boba: Then you will work for me. You got guts, I'll give you that. You better fight as good as you talk dank.

Drash: We have to stop retreating. We need to dig in here.
Weequay: We're getting swamped.
Jo: She says we should stay.
Weequay: Nonsense! We'll get vaporized.
Drash: I grew up a womp hop from here, and if we fall back any further, we'll be cornered with no cover.
Weequay: So, we're gonna die here?
Drash: No. We fight.

Drash: Skad, hold the line with the Weequay. I'll head up there and snipe down.
Jo: Let me see that thing.
[Drash holds out her blaster]
Jo: With that? Taanti, we need a cycler.
Weequay: [swapping his rifle for the blaster] Good luck.

Teen: What number would I be?
Teen: What?
Teen: How many guys have you... been with?
Teen: Are you serious right now?
Teen: I just want to know if, uh...
Teen: If what?
Teen: If I'm a slut?
Teen: Un-fucking-believable.
Teen: You know, Jason Russo screwed half the girls on the volleyball team-what does that make him?
Teen: He's a dude and... he's not the one with his hand on my...
Teen: No. You do not get to judge me, dude. The '50s called, they want your dumbass attitude back. Welcome to 1996. Our vaginas have, like, monologues now. And newsflash: girls like to do stuff, too. You don't have a monopoly on that. Like, why is it your job to want to do it and my job to say no? Why do you get all the wants and needs? Who made up that stupid fucking rule, anyway?
Teen: Okay, okay. Jesus. I'm sorry.
Teen: You gonna tell me how many girls you've been with?
Teen: No. Um...
Teen: [scoffs] Seriously? Why the fuck not? Well?
Teen: Because it's none, okay?
Teen: I've never done it before.
Teen: Oh.

Drash: [reaching an advantageous sniper position] Can you pick off some of the fighters?
Jo: I'm used to desert hunting. Can't miss at this range.
Drash: I'll distract the droid.

Fennec: There's a lot of credits to be made from that orange powder.
Boba: In the long run, it is better for us, as well. Mos Espa can become a prosperous city under our protection. Spice is killing our people. Let Marshal Vanth and the people of Mos Pelgo...
The: Freetown is its name now.
Boba: Let the people of Freetown know they have my word.
The: You can tell Cobb Vanth himself when he arrives here with the reinforcements.
Boba: You are confident he will come?
The: I am.
Boba: Well, if he does not, we are doomed. Our skill is no match for the Syndicate numbers. We must buy time until they arrive. We'll lockdown at the palace.
Skad: It's a bad idea.
Boba: Is that so?
Skad: It is.
Boba: And where do you propose we wait for reinforcements?
Skad: Here.
Boba: Here? In these ruins?
[Skad nods]
Boba: Nonsense. The palace offers greater protection.
Drash: If you want to abandon Mos Espa and hide in your fortress, go ahead. We're staying. The people who live here need our protection.
Boba: [considering it, he glances at Fennec and Mando] We'll stay.

Drash: [under attack] We can't retreat. We're pinned down.
Fennec: Stay put.
Drash: What?
Fennec: Don't move.
Drash: But they'll swamp our position.
Fennec: Keep your heads down.
[some of the Aqualish are taken out, and as the others retreat, Fennec reveals herself and jumps down to her speeder bike]
Fennec: Get to the Sanctuary.
Drash: Hey. Thank you.
Fennec: Manners. I like it. You're welcome.

Teen: You're lucky, you know. Shit is gonna get a whole lot worse out here. But you're already dead, so... way to make everyone jealous of you one last time. I'm sorry for what we did. Who knows? Eating you could be the reason why we survive the winter, so... thanks. Rest in peace, Jackie.

Drash: Come in, boss. Come in. Something feels strange over here.
Boba: Have the Pykes arrived?
Drash: Not yet, but something feels off.
[the Mods begin taking fire from the Aqualish]
Drash: [taking cover] The locals are attacking.
The: I thought we had a treaty.
Boba: So did I.