The Best Drash Quotes

Drash: Skad, hold the line with the Weequay. I'll head up there and snipe down.
Jo: Let me see that thing.
[Drash holds out her blaster]
Jo: With that? Taanti, we need a cycler.
Weequay: [swapping his rifle for the blaster] Good luck.

Drash: Come in, boss. Come in. Something feels strange over here.
Boba: Have the Pykes arrived?
Drash: Not yet, but something feels off.
[the Mods begin taking fire from the Aqualish]
Drash: [taking cover] The locals are attacking.
The: I thought we had a treaty.
Boba: So did I.

Drash: We have to stop retreating. We need to dig in here.
Weequay: We're getting swamped.
Jo: She says we should stay.
Weequay: Nonsense! We'll get vaporized.
Drash: I grew up a womp hop from here, and if we fall back any further, we'll be cornered with no cover.
Weequay: So, we're gonna die here?
Drash: No. We fight.

Drash: [reaching an advantageous sniper position] Can you pick off some of the fighters?
Jo: I'm used to desert hunting. Can't miss at this range.
Drash: I'll distract the droid.

Fennec: There's a lot of credits to be made from that orange powder.
Boba: In the long run, it is better for us, as well. Mos Espa can become a prosperous city under our protection. Spice is killing our people. Let Marshal Vanth and the people of Mos Pelgo...
The: Freetown is its name now.
Boba: Let the people of Freetown know they have my word.
The: You can tell Cobb Vanth himself when he arrives here with the reinforcements.
Boba: You are confident he will come?
The: I am.
Boba: Well, if he does not, we are doomed. Our skill is no match for the Syndicate numbers. We must buy time until they arrive. We'll lockdown at the palace.
Skad: It's a bad idea.
Boba: Is that so?
Skad: It is.
Boba: And where do you propose we wait for reinforcements?
Skad: Here.
Boba: Here? In these ruins?
[Skad nods]
Boba: Nonsense. The palace offers greater protection.
Drash: If you want to abandon Mos Espa and hide in your fortress, go ahead. We're staying. The people who live here need our protection.
Boba: [considering it, he glances at Fennec and Mando] We'll stay.

Boba: Where'd you get that water?
Drash: We stole it.
Boba: That's a crime.
Skad: It's a crime what he charges.
Boba: Then farm your own water.
Drash: Look, old man...
Boba: My name is Boba Fett.
Drash: We know who you are. Go back to your palace.
Boba: Watch your tongue. I'm the Daimyo of this district and I will bring order.
Drash: You're a crime boss. Just like the rest of them.
Skad: If you're a Daimyo, then why'd you let the monger charge us a month's wages for a week's water?
Drash: Not that we have any wages.
Boba: You live in the Worker's District. You all should be working.
Drash: There is no work, mighty Daimyo. Look around you.
Boba: Then you will work for me. You got guts, I'll give you that. You better fight as good as you talk dank.

Drash: [under attack] We can't retreat. We're pinned down.
Fennec: Stay put.
Drash: What?
Fennec: Don't move.
Drash: But they'll swamp our position.
Fennec: Keep your heads down.
[some of the Aqualish are taken out, and as the others retreat, Fennec reveals herself and jumps down to her speeder bike]
Fennec: Get to the Sanctuary.
Drash: Hey. Thank you.
Fennec: Manners. I like it. You're welcome.

Boba: You all right?
Drash: Got pretty hairy back there.
Skad: Where'd all these sand scurriers come from?
Jo: We're here to save the tails of some city rats.
Boba: Save it for the Pykes.