The Best 8D8 Quotes

8D8: [of a captured assassin] Their reputation is legendary. There is no way this one will talk.
Boba: I know of their reputation.
Fennec: They're just people... in hoods.
8D8: There is no way he will talk. They fear no man.
Fennec: Fine. Perhaps he fears the rancor.
[she opens the trap door, and the assassin falls down into the rancor pit]
Night: [watching the portal door open] I was sent by the Mayor! The Mayor sent me! Let me out!
Fennec: [he sees there's no rancor] It's empty.
Fennec: Assassin of the Night Wind.
[to Fett]
Fennec: Shall we visit the Mayor?

8D8: These two Gamorreans were once bodyguards to Jabba the Hutt and later, Bib Fortuna. They did not surrender even after their patron was killed. They were captured alive as a tribute to you, Lord Fett. Their tortured squeals will send a piercing message to all potential challengers to your throne.
Boba: I do not torture.
8D8: Well, really, Lord Fett, on Tatooine, you must project strength if you are to be accepted as a Daimyo.
Boba: You were loyal to both your bosses. Would you be loyal to me if I were to spare you?
Fennec: [the Gamorreans both kneel before him] This is a bad idea.

Fennec: As we wait for the reinforcements to arrive with Cobb Vanth from Freetown, our forces are quietly patrolling the streets of the old city. The Pyke Syndicate has not yet arrived in numbers, but the minute they do, we will see them before they see us. The truce you negotiated with the other families of Mos Espa will ensure that they will remain neutral and allow us to gain the upper hand by surprising the arriving soldiers. The Gamorrean guards are posted in the Klatooinian territory at the starport and will alert us if any of the Pyke Syndicate forces arrive. Krrsantan is in Trandoshan territory, keeping tabs on the streets of the municipality in front of City Hall. Drash and Skad are with the other Mods keeping an eye on the Worker's District and the Aqualish Quarter. As you can see, all our flanks are covered. Nobody is sneaking up on us. When the people of Freetown arrive, we will have the forces required to pivot our strength to whatever region the Pykes choose to attack from.
Boba: For now?
Fennec: We wait.
8D8: Lord Fett? There is someone here to see you.
Boba: [sarcastically to Fennec] I thought you said nobody could sneak up on us.

8D8: Presenting Dokk Strassi, leader of the Trandoshan family, protectors of the city center and its business territories.
Boba: That's weird. I used to work for him.
Fennec: It's even weirder for him.

8D8: And here you see the businesses that were under the protection of the name that should not be spoken.
Boba: You can say "Jabba."
8D8: Under the protection of Jabba the Hutt.
Boba: He's dead. He can't hurt you.
8D8: I was concerned that you would feel insulted.
Boba: Why would I feel insulted?
8D8: Because you felt threatened.
Boba: Well, now I am insulted.

8D8: After the sail barge disaster, there was a power vacuum. Bib Fortuna assumed Jabba's mantle. Under Master Bib's watchful eye, Mos Espa was divided amongst three families. The Trandoshans took the city center. The Aqualish, the Worker's District here. And the Klatooinians, the starport and upper sprawl. Master Bib did not have the power of Jabba, so he relied on uneasy alliances to preserve his tribute and title. All of this while lining the pockets of Mayor Mok Shaiz.
Boba: Where does that leave us now?
8D8: Everyone is waiting to see what kind of leader you are.
Boba: And the assassins?
Fennec: Mayor has no power. Somebody else is behind that play.
Boba: The Hutts.
Fennec: Could be. You want me to ask around?
Boba: Would they know if you did?
Fennec: We should assume so.

Fennec: Jabba the Hutt once sat upon that throne. His reign ended in a ball of fire on the Dune Sea and then Bib Fortuna took his place. You were all once captains under the Hutt. But you quickly left the family when Fortuna claimed to be the heir. He was a terrible leader with no right to the throne. Oh, you each tried to take his place, but were thwarted by his guile and treachery. It took this man, Boba Fett, to remove him. You all accrued wealth and riches under Jabba the Hutt. You can again, if you listen to Boba Fett.
Boba: I may sit on that throne, but I have no designs on any of your territories. I ask for no tribute or quarter, and I expect to give none, either. I'm here to make a proposal that's mutually beneficial. As I'm sure you all know, the Pyke Syndicate are mustering troops in Mos Espa. They have slowly absorbed our planet as part of their spice trade. They have bribed the Mayor and are draining Tatooine of its wealth.
Dokk: We make many credits from the sale of spice in our territories.
Klatooinian: And why do you deserve to be the Daimyo? What prevents us all from killing you and taking what we want?
[they all jump as Fett's rancor roars]
Boba: Easy, boy.
[tossing a meaty bone down]
Boba: Easy. Think he's a little hungry. Please, sit.
[everyone sits back down]
Boba: Why speak of conflict when cooperation can make us all rich?
8D8: [translating Aqualish] Master Garfalaquox asks what it is that you are proposing.
Boba: I am proposing that all the families of Mos Espa join in a defensive alliance until the Pyke Syndicate is vanquished.
Klatooinian: They have only challenged your territory. Why should we spill the blood of our ranks for a feud waged between you and the Pykes?
Dokk: Yes.
Boba: Then I will fight these battles alone. I will vanquish these interlopers who threaten our planet. I will make the streets safe again. So all in this room can prosper. All I ask in return is that you remain neutral if the Pyke Syndicate approaches you to betray me.
[they all converse in their native languages with their respective comrades]
Dokk: This will be acceptable.
8D8: [translating Aqualish] Master Garfalaquox finds this acceptable, as well.
Klatooinian: [everyone looks to him] I abide.

8D8: Excuse me, Lord Fett.
Boba: [with his new rancor] Not now. I'm busy.
8D8: We heard back from the Mayor's office. He remains completely unavailable for at least the next 20 days.
Boba: [to the rancor keeper] Feed the rancor, a full ronto carcass from the larder. I think it's hungry.
[leaving with 8D8]
Boba: Tell Fennec to suit up. We're not waiting for an appointment.

Lortha: I am Lortha Peel. I am a water-monger in the Worker's District.
8D8: What is your petition to Lord Fett?
Lortha: Well, with apologies, sir... no one respects you.
8D8: Enough!
Boba: Let him speak.
Lortha: Ever since Lord Fortuna was... perished, the streets have turned to chaos.
Boba: Well, this is the first I'm hearing of it.
Lortha: No, it's true. And I am insulted on your behalf at the disrespect these urchins are showing you. Especially in light of the, uh, well, you know...
Boba: What?
Lortha: The assassination attempt.

Boba: Who sent you? What were your orders? Speak, prisoner. Well, if he's not gonna speak, he no longer needs his head.
Night: E chu ta!
Boba: We spared your life after you tried to take mine. And you curse me? What do we know of this prisoner?
8D8: He is of the Order of the Night Wind.
Boba: Assassin for hire.
8D8: Very expensive.
Fennec: Overpriced. You're paying for the name.