20 Best Cad Bane Quotes

Todo: You know if you would just tell me what it is you're doing back there I could probably be of some assistance.
Cad: No. I am just doing some maintanance. You've been having memory crashes.
Todo: That is preposterous. I have no memory of any crashes. Oh my goodness! I have no memories of any crashes!
Cad: Exactly...
Todo: Oh no, I am doomed!

Cad: Artoo? The astromech. Go fetch me his little pal.
[HELIOS-3E replies in droidspeak, then leaves]
C: Oh no. What have I done?

Cad: You gave it a shot. You tried to go straight. But you've got your father's blood pumping through your veins. You're a killer. This isn't the first time I beat you out on a job. There's no shame in it.
[pulling Fett's helmet off]
Cad: Consider this my final lesson. Look out for yourself.
[taking aim with his blaster]
Cad: Anything else is weakness.
[as Bane fires, Fett uses his gaffi stick to sweep Bane's feet out from under him and disarm him]
Cad: I knew you were a killer.
[blocking a flamethrower blast, Fett strikes a killing blow with the sharp end of his stick]

Cad: Oh, I just hate it when someone does my job.
Todo: And the holo-diary is gone as well.
Cad: Oh, drat.

Cad: Get the door.
Todo: I am a Techno Service Droid, not a Butler Droid.
Cad: Damn it, Todo, you are what I say you are.

Cad: If I activate this control, the outside airlock will open and she will be sucked into oblivion. Do you think you can kill me and then save her before she's pulled out into space? It's a horrible way to die. Besides, isn't negotation the Jedi way?

Cad: Well, Hutt. It doesn't look like prison had too adverse an effect on you.
Ziro the Hutt: Oh, you can't imagine the unspeakable things I've suffered! The horror!

Cad: Cobb Vanth.
Cobb: And who might you be?
Cad: Whatever Fett is paying you, we'll match, and all you've got to do is stay put and let things play out.
Deputy: Hey, the Marshal ain't for sale.
Cobb: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.
Cad: I'd be careful where I was sticking my nose if I were you.
Cobb: Is that friendly advice or a threat?
Cad: Boba Fett is a cold-blooded killer who worked with the Empire.
Cobb: You tell your spice runners Tatooine is closed for business. This planet's seen enough violence.
Cad: You should've never given up your armor.
[he reveals his blaster in its holster, and Cobb instinctively reaches for his own; after a tense standoff, Scott makes the first move, but Bane gets the better of them both]
Cad: Tatooine belongs to the Syndicate. As long as the spice keeps running, everyone will be left alone.

TC: The almighty Jabba requires further assistance.
Cad: You saying there's still more moves to this dance?

Boba: Tell your client negotiations are terminated.
Cad: You're going soft in your old age.
Boba: We all do.
Mok: [Bane leaves] That was an impressive display of restraint. Exemplary strategem. If I may be so bold as to offer additional counsel...
Boba: I wonder how much he would pay for the Twi'lek.
Mok: Understood. Many pardons. I should never have interjected.

Boba: Clear out and take your hoodlum gang with you.
Cad: I've known you for a long time, Boba. One thing I can't figure. What's your angle?
Boba: This is my city. These are my people. I will not abandon them.
Cad: Like the Tuskens.
Boba: Don't toy with me. I'm not a little boy any longer, and you are an old man.
Cad: I'm still faster than you.
Boba: That may be, but I have armor.
Cad: Let's find out.

Darth: [via hologram] As I was saying, Bounty Hunter, I have need of your services.
Cad: I'm listening.
Darth: I need a Jedi... Holocron.

Battle: [torturing Jedi Master Bolla Ropal] I'm not sure how much more of this he can take.
Cad: Are you a medical droid?
Battle: Eh... no sir.
Cad: Then step back and shut up.
Battle: Roger roger.
Cad: More power.

Cad: Let the spice move through Mos Espa, and all this can be avoided.
Boba: No.
Cad: What do you propose then?
Boba: I will only negotiate with the Pyke Syndicate.
Cad: You mean the one that massacred your Tusken family and blamed it on a speed bike gang? You know it's true.
Fennec: Boba.
Cad: [he reveals his blaster in its holster] Let's do this right here, right now.
Fennec: Not now. You pick when.
Boba: He killed Vanth. The reinforcements aren't coming.
Fennec: We fight on our terms, not theirs.
Boba: I can take him.
Fennec: You're emotional.
Boba: I can take him.
Fennec: We need to adjust. You'll have your moment.

Cad: [Shahan Alama enters the room without his droid partner] What happened? Where's the droid?
Shahan: The droid's gone, but there's good news. The Jedi is unarmed.
Cad: What?
Shahan: It doesn't look like he has his lightsaber.
Cad: Go, bring him back to me.
[Aurra Sing and Shahan Alama go after the unarmed Anakin Skywalker]

Pyke: You returned so quickly. Was your venture successful?
Cad: You won't have to worry about Freetown.
Mayor: Did you convince the Marshal to stay neutral?
Cad: Yes.
Mayor: Good. I want this over as soon as possible. Does Fett have any other resources to call upon? He used to live among a Tusken Raider tribe in the desert.
Pyke: They no longer exist.
Mayor: Are you sure?
Pyke: Yes. We destroyed them ourselves.
Cad: Does Fett know that?
Pyke: He has no idea. He thinks they were killed by Nikto speed bikers. We left evidence behind to encourage such a conclusion. He meted out his revenge on them. In his mind, the matter is resolved.
Cad: I didn't realize the Pyke Syndicate was so ruthless.
Pyke: Pragmatic. They were charging us protection. We have to protect our margins.
Cad: Indeed you do.

Battle: We've lost all his vital signs.
Cad: Check.
[a Magna droid uses his electrostaff on Bolla Ropal]
Battle: He is no longer functioning
Cad: Drop him.
[a B1 Battle Droid releases Ropal from the force field, who falls to the ground]
Battle: [gets down on one knee to scan Ropal's vital signs] He's dead.
Cad: Looks like we'll have to find another Jedi to open this Holocron.

Ahsoka: [igniting her lightsaber] Don't move, Sleemo!
Cad: You weren't the child I was expecting to find.
Ahsoka: Obviously.
Cad: You're quite clever, but naive.

Mayor: So, when will this all be over?
Cad: That all depends on how much your two stomachs can bear.
Mayor: No more explosives. I didn't sign off on bombing Garsa's Sanctuary. I agreed to surgical strikes, not open warfare.
Pyke: With apologies, it seems that line has been crossed.
Mayor: Well, I am still the mayor of Mos Espa, and I will not see it destroyed.
Pyke: The Fett gotra is taking refuge in the ruins of the Sanctuary. It will take extreme measures to remove them.
Cad: I think I have an idea how to draw Boba Fett out.

Cad: [Scene starts off with C-3PO being shock] I don't want this gibberish. I want the plans for the Senate Building.
C: I don't know what you're talking about
Cad: You're Senator Amidala's personal droid.
C: I am a protocol droid, human-cyborg relations. I can translate and instruct on appropriate etiquette, which in your case, sir if you don't mind me saying, is sorely lacking.
[Bane looks at J0-N0, telling him to shock C-3P0 again]
C: That is exactly the type of behavior I am talking about.
J0: According to the analyzer, he's not lying. His head is totally empty of any information useful to us.
C: Empty? I protest, I am fluent in over six million forms of communication.
Cad: Ain't that great? A brainless droid.
C: My lack of knowledge is not an impediment at all.