The Best Deputy Scott Quotes

Deputy: You want to park your starship, you got to do it out there in the flats.
The: I'm looking for Marshal Vanth.
Deputy: I don't think you heard what I said.
The: I heard you.
Cobb: I'll take it from here, Deputy.
[Scott leaves]
Cobb: He's new. Still a bit jumpy.

Cad: Cobb Vanth.
Cobb: And who might you be?
Cad: Whatever Fett is paying you, we'll match, and all you've got to do is stay put and let things play out.
Deputy: Hey, the Marshal ain't for sale.
Cobb: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.
Cad: I'd be careful where I was sticking my nose if I were you.
Cobb: Is that friendly advice or a threat?
Cad: Boba Fett is a cold-blooded killer who worked with the Empire.
Cobb: You tell your spice runners Tatooine is closed for business. This planet's seen enough violence.
Cad: You should've never given up your armor.
[he reveals his blaster in its holster, and Cobb instinctively reaches for his own; after a tense standoff, Scott makes the first move, but Bane gets the better of them both]
Cad: Tatooine belongs to the Syndicate. As long as the spice keeps running, everyone will be left alone.