The Best Cobb Vanth Quotes

Cobb: [after Mando asks for help from the townspeople] Get the word out. I want all men and women of fighting age to come to town. I want to have a meeting.
Weequay: It's not our problem, Marshal.
Cobb: No, but it might be after they hear what I'm gonna say.

Cobb: I still don't see what all that's got to do with me.
The: I need you to lead a garrison. Your people are good fighters, and there's plenty of credits in it for them, too.
Cobb: The peace is intact, Mando. We took out that dragon. My people don't want to fight no more.
The: Your town might be good for now, but it's all part of the same planet. We need good people to step up or the spice is bound to come through these parts.
Cobb: As long as I'm here, that's not a problem, so why should they risk their lives for this Boba Fett?
The: Mos Pelgo might be good right now...
Weequay: Freetown.
The: What?
Cobb: It's called Freetown now.
Weequay: We changed the name. Suits us better.
The: Well, I fought side by side with the citizens of Freetown, and they're brave people, and the Pyke Syndicate has us outnumbered, and we need your help.
Weequay: The town wants no part of it. That's a city folk fight.
The: Is that what you say, too, Marshal?
Cobb: We're square, you and me.
The: Yes, we are. But I didn't think you were one to back down from bullies.
Cobb: See, that's what I like about you, Mando. That big smile of yours lets you get away with anything.
The: There's no easy way to ask for a favor.
Cobb: I'll tell you what. Things are tough around here, but I'll see what I can do.

Deputy: You want to park your starship, you got to do it out there in the flats.
The: I'm looking for Marshal Vanth.
Deputy: I don't think you heard what I said.
The: I heard you.
Cobb: I'll take it from here, Deputy.
[Scott leaves]
Cobb: He's new. Still a bit jumpy.

Cad: Cobb Vanth.
Cobb: And who might you be?
Cad: Whatever Fett is paying you, we'll match, and all you've got to do is stay put and let things play out.
Deputy: Hey, the Marshal ain't for sale.
Cobb: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.
Cad: I'd be careful where I was sticking my nose if I were you.
Cobb: Is that friendly advice or a threat?
Cad: Boba Fett is a cold-blooded killer who worked with the Empire.
Cobb: You tell your spice runners Tatooine is closed for business. This planet's seen enough violence.
Cad: You should've never given up your armor.
[he reveals his blaster in its holster, and Cobb instinctively reaches for his own; after a tense standoff, Scott makes the first move, but Bane gets the better of them both]
Cad: Tatooine belongs to the Syndicate. As long as the spice keeps running, everyone will be left alone.

Cobb: Is that a Naboo starfighter?
The: That's what it started off as. Haven't seen you since you gave up your armor. How have you been?
Cobb: More careful. Where's the little guy?
The: Back with his own folk.
Cobb: That's too bad. I guess we both lost something we were fond of.