The Best The Majordomo Quotes

Mayor: Who is this who enters unannounced?
Boba: You know damn well who.
Mok: it is the new Daimyo, Boba Fett, Your Excellence.
Boba: If you do not know who I am, then why did you send this man to assassinate me?
Mok: I can assure you, the Mayor had nothing...
Mayor: He's a member of the Order of the Night Wind.
Boba: Ah! Then you admit it.
Mayor: [at his signal, a guard kills the assassin] The Order of the Night Wind are not allowed to operate outside of Hutt Space. Thank you for turning him in. Give this man his reward.
Boba: I am not a bounty hunter.
Mayor: is that so? I've heard otherwise.

Boba: Tell the Mayor I'm here now.
Mok: He knows. Yes, he knows.
Boba: Perhaps another time. Next.
Mok: Actually, there is one other matter, if I may.
Boba: What is it?
Mok: The matter of tribute.
Boba: I'm confused.
Fennec: He wants you to pay him.
Boba: What? I'm the crime lord. He's supposed to pay me.
Fennec: Shall I kill him?
Boba: He works for the Mayor.
Fennec: Is that a no?
Boba: That's a no.

Mok: You may not know this about me, in fact, how could you, except perhaps what vestiges remain of my accent, but... I was educated on Coruscant. Not that that makes me better in any way.
Boba: Get to it.
Mok: Yeah, uh... I attended finishing academy. My parents were not wealthy by any means. I specialized in Civic Council Negotiations. Now, if you would feel confident empowering me to negotiate on your behalf, I'm fairly certain we would be granted passage off-world with, at worst, some theatrical, symbolic, groveling gestures and an exchange of funds.
Boba: Very well. Give me your tablet. I will write out my statement and what I am willing to pay.
Mok: I shall go as your emissary. I have no compunction whatsoever genuflecting or even groveling if needs be, which would save you from any potential bruising of ego, so to speak.
Boba: [giving him the finished tablet] Now go before I change my mind.

Boba: Where is he?
Mok: He's with the Pykes. The Mayor's gone. He... he's working with the Pykes.
Boba: Is he?

Boba: It's a coordinated attack. We'll have to gather our people.
Fennec: There's no way to overcome their advantage. We need to take out command and control.
Boba: Does the Pyke Syndicate still operate out of Mos Eisley?
Mok: Oh, it's difficult to say for certain that...
[Fennec cocks her rifle]
Mok: Mos Eisley? Yes, now that I think of it, indeed they do. More specifically, the Desert Survey Office.
Boba: Can you do that? Can you get there in time?
Fennec: Worth a shot.

Mok: I am not a threat.
Peli: Nice head-tails. Come on. Get behind me, pretty face. Peli's got you covered.
Mok: Pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Peli: We don't have time for that.

Mok: Salutations! I am unarmed but for this tablet bearing the terms of surrender. I wish to present to whomever spokesperson is empowered to deliberate an acceptable outcome in the eyes of the Oba Diah high council.
Pyke: Read it to me, tail-head.
Mok: [chuckling, getting the jab at his cranial tentacles] Oh, because of the enchanting sobriquet, and one of which I never tire. Yes. Someday I hope to see the fabled Obsidian Cliffs of Oba Diah with my own eyes.
Pyke: Read it.
Mok: Agreed. Let us dispense with the pleasantries.
[clearing his throat]
Mok: "I, Boba Fett, speaking as Daimyo of the Tatooine territories formerly held by Jabba the Hutt, do present the following offer."
[seeing what's next, he looks around in confusion]
Mok: Perhaps we should discuss what you'd be willing to...
Pyke: Read it.
Mok: "... following offer. Nothing." Uh... "You will leave this planet and your spice trade. If you refuse these terms... the arid sands of Tatooine will once again flourish with flowered fields fertilized with the bodies of your dead."
[the Pyke boss raises his blaster rifle]
Mok: His words.

Boba: We're here to see the Mayor. We have a few questions for him.
Mok: Yes, indeed, uh... unfortunately, Mayor Mok Shaiz's, uh, schedule is a bit complicated, un... unfortunately, as I recall.
Fennec: If you wish to continue breathing, I advise you to weigh your next words carefully.
Mok: [she reveals her blaster in its holster] Hmm... mm-hmm. Um... actually, I may be able to rearrange some of the appointments that aren't as time-sensitive as yours. Uh, so if you'll excuse me, I'll see what I'm able to do.
Boba: [as he leaves] That was a bit heavy-handed, wasn't it?
Fennec: Do you want the appointment or not?
Boba: [the door closes and a control pad on the wall beeps] Did he just lock the door?

Fennec: The Pyke Syndicate has been gathering soldiers the last few weeks. Mayor Mok Shaiz is on their payroll and has flown off-world, which leads us to believe the storm is about to break.
Mok: It was a scheduled vacation, actually.
Fennec: [glaring at him] Here's a map of where they are gathering, based on whispers. The three crime families of Mos Espa seem willing to lay low and let the Pykes move on our territory.
[seeing Mando enter]
Fennec: This is the Mandalorian, Din Djarin. Thanks to him and Krrsantan, we now have enough experienced muscle to act as enforcers. The Mods have done a thorough job of surveying the streets, but we lack the numbers to cover our territory if an all-out war comes. We need foot soldiers.
The: I might be able to help with that.

Fennec: We were told the Mayor was coming to pay tribute.
Mok: Ah, indeed yes. With apologies. I understand how one might draw such a conclusion from the correspondence.
Boba: Very well. Extend my greeting and appreciation from the Mayor's tribute.
Mok: Another understandable misunderstanding. The, uh, only tribute I bear is the Mayor's heartfelt welcome, which I express in his stead.
Fennec: So you bring no tribute?
Mok: The Mayor's heartfelt welcome and regrets that he's been drawn away by pressing matters, milady.
Fennec: If you had spoken such insolence to Jabba, he'd have fed you to his menagerie.

Boba: Tell your client negotiations are terminated.
Cad: You're going soft in your old age.
Boba: We all do.
Mok: [Bane leaves] That was an impressive display of restraint. Exemplary strategem. If I may be so bold as to offer additional counsel...
Boba: I wonder how much he would pay for the Twi'lek.
Mok: Understood. Many pardons. I should never have interjected.