The Best Tales of the Jedi Quotes

Pav: [after Ahsoka is returned] Gantika, how could this be?
Gantika: Jedi. Ahsoka is Jedi.

Pav: [naming her daughter] Ahsoka.

Bail: [He goes after Ahsoka after seeing her briefly] You shouldn't have come. There's nothing you could have done for either of them. Why risk it?
Ahsoka: [She turns to him, heartbroken] She was my friend.

Nak: [bidding farewell to his wife and daughter] Good hunting, Pav-ti, my little 'Soka.

Pav: [after killing a kybuck] He's a heavy one. This one will feed many. Think we can lift it?
[Ahsoka coos happily and claps her hands]
Pav: [chuckles; bops her nose] Yes, I think so too.