The Best Bail Organa Quotes

Chancellor: Members of the Senate, please, please...
Senator: How dare they?
Zion: They attack, and now they want peace?
Padmé: Chancellor Palpatine, may I remind the senators that the peace proposal was made prior to their assault.
Senator: That only highlights its insincerity.
Halle: Chancellor Palpatine, in light of this unprovoked attack on Coruscant and the vulnerabilities it raises, I propose the Republic purchase an additional 5 million clone troopers.
Bail: The Republic is already operating in deep debt. How do you propose we pay for these additional troops?
Halle: My people are drafting an emergency appropriations bill that would raise funds...
Padmé: From the Banking Clan?
Halle: Yes, of course. Do you have an alternate means of paying?
Padmé: One alternative might be to stop the war, not escalate it.
All: Traitor! Traitor!
Padmé: Whoever attacked the power grid wants us to continue to fight. It's a calculated attempt to destroy the peace process. Not everyone in the Confederacy wants this. I know this for a fact.
Mee: You have Separatist friends, Senator?

Bail: Why do you have a Jedi's lightsaber?
Padmé: The question is whether we should try to get it back to A- the Jedi Knight, or use it ourselves?

Bail: [via hologram] Help us, General Kenobi, you're our only hope.

Padmé: As long as senators are being threatened and attacked, I'm afraid we don't stand a chance.
Bail: Intimidation won't work on everyone. Senator Farr is proof of that.
Padmé: Even so, we're still at least six votes short of a majority, and you saw how effective my plea was today.
Bail: Some minds can't be altered no matter what they hear.
Padmé: From my experience, it depends a great deal on who's sending the message.
Bail: And what are you thinking?
Padmé: Bail, you're the finest public speaker I know. If anyone can convince the Senate that voting for this bill will bankrupt the Republic both financially and spiritually, it's you.
Bail: It will be dangerous.
Padmé: I urge you to speak before the full Senate.
Bail: I'll need some time to prepare.

Bail: [He goes after Ahsoka after seeing her briefly] You shouldn't have come. There's nothing you could have done for either of them. Why risk it?
Ahsoka: [She turns to him, heartbroken] She was my friend.

Bail: If your friend met with a violent end because of her politics, let's make sure her courageous effort wasn't in vain.
Padmé: What can we do?
Bail: For one, defeat this bill.
Padmé: Can we really win this war with the troops that we have?
Bail: Let's hope we don't have to. I'll start lining up support, but I'll need ammunition.
Onaconda: We can't afford ammunition, remember? I joke.
Bail: Go to the Banking Clan and see how much interest they're going to change for the loan. The more I know about the exact cost of this bill will be, the better I can make my case to defeat it.

Obi: [via hologram] You are a more experienced diplomat than the representative from Naboo who is already there.
Bail: Senator Amidala is an excellent negotiator. I am sure that...
Obi: [interrupting] Senator Amidala could not leave the senate. Representative Binks accompanied the shipment.

Bail: It's been a difficult time. You've handled yourself well.
Padmé: I had to try. Ono believed if you see injustice, you can't wait for someone else to fix it. You must stand up and get involved.

Bail: We cannot allow the Chancellor to move this Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill forward.
Senator: We're all in agreement then.
[Cad Bane enters the room and shoots two gunshots into the ceiling, startling Philo]
Cad: Morning, Senators. You should all consider yourselves to be in my power.
[the other bounty hunters begin to enter the room]
Cad: As long as everybody behaves, this will be quick and painless. Do nothing, and it will all be over soon.
Senator: I don't know who you think you are, but I, for one, have no intention of listening to this kind of insolence.
[Philo walks past Bane, who proceeds to pull out his blaster and shoot the senator in the back, who slumps over dead]
Cad: All right then. If you'll all gather at the center of this lovely atrium, my co-workers and I will relieve you of any communication devices.
Padmé: [whispering to Bail] I see five of them here in the room. If we...
Bail: [whispering back] What are you going to do? It's not like we carry weapons.

Gume: This is not a matter of philosophy. More troops are needed. The Republic cannot afford to let the Separatists gain anymore ground.
Bail: Our generals inform us that troops in the field continue to perform valiantly. What we cannot afford is to be irresponsible. The Republic is near bankruptcy due to the cost of the war.
Lott: Bankruptcy is not necessary, my friends. If we pass Senator Saam's bill to open new lines of credit, we will gain access to the needed funds.
Mon: Won't this bill essentially deregulate the banks?
Halle: A small price to pay to finance the war, is it not?
Padmé: Members of the Senate. Do you hear yourselves? More money, more clones, more war. Say nothing of fiscal responsibility, what about moral responsibility? Hasn't this war gone on long enough?
Gume: Senator Amidala, are you suggesting we surrender to the Separatists?
Padmé: Of course not. But negotiation might be a better course of action.

Lt. Tan Divo: I'll need to find out who wanted to hurt Senator Farr. Actually, kill him would be more accurate, what with him being dead.
Lolo: No one wanted him dead. Everyone loved him.
Lt. Tan Divo: Well that's obviously not true, or else I wouldn't be here and he would.
Bail: Lieutenant, even Onno's political enemies respected him. We need time to deal with this situation.
Lt. Tan Divo: Time, time, there's no time for time! A murderer's on the loose and it's my job to find him.