Top 20 Quotes From Zeb Orrelios

Zeb: I'll take my chances with the cold, and whatever we're sharing this hole with. I know what happens to Lasat in an Imperial prison!
Agent: You don't know much. Cooperate, and you'll get a trial.
Zeb: *Right*.

Kanan: [after Ezra and the others return] Ezra, we need to talk.
Ezra: Yeah, we do. About the two Inquisitors we just ran into.
Kanan: Inquisitors?
Sabine: Yes. Two. We got lucky. Zeb saved us. Without him, things could've been bad.
Rex: Well done, soldier.
Zeb: It was a group effort. Those Inquisitors are nasty business. Kanan, why didn't you tell us there were more of them?
Hera: Commander Sato is going to need a full report on this.
Ezra: Well, we did get the medical supplies. Some of them.
Hera: Well, that's good news. I'll meet you three on the command deck.
Ezra: [turns back] Kanan, they knew about Ahsoka.
Kanan: I'll tell her.
[he sits in contemplation]
Hera: Did you know there was more than one?
Kanan: No, I didn't.
[turns to Rex]
Kanan: Do you think Ahsoka knows?
Rex: I honestly don't know.
Kanan: We really have no idea what we're up against.

Sabine: You know what I do in hopeless situations?
Zeb: Yeah.
Zeb: Blow stuff up!

Sabine: [on Kanan] His plan gets worse all the time.
Zeb: Just hope he doesn't change it again.
Kanan: I'm standing right here.
Sabine: We know.

Zeb: That's not why they were banned...

Zeb: Wait - isn't he our prisoner?
Kanan: More like a cranky guest.

Hera: Hang on!
Zeb: Ugh! I hate it when she says that!

Sabine: Team B, where are you?
Zeb: We're heading toward sector GL-44. But you know that plan that we had to trap all these stormtroopers in the dome? It just occurred to me, we're trapped with all these stormtroopers in the dome!

Zeb: This is good. When it gets strange like this it's a good thing.
Ryder: How have you people stayed alive so long?

Zeb: That gives me an idea...
AP: Really? You can have those?

Gregor: [watching the Loth-wolves ravage the stormtroopers] Hey, Wolffe! Can you believe it?
Wolffe: What?
Gregor: The wolves! You got your wolf-pack back!
Wolffe: Yeah, they fight just like the boys.
Gregor: [laughs] Just like them.
[the wolves corner the remaining stromtroopers, who raise their arms in surrender]
Zeb: I'd drop your weapons if I were you.
[the stormtroopers do just that while one wolf carries Governor Pryce in its mouth while following Ezra]
Governor: [to Ezra] Don't let it eat me. Please.
[the wolf drops her at the feet of Ryder Azadi]
Ezra: [to Azadi] Why don't you do the honors? Governor to governor.
[hands him a pair of handcuffs]
Ryder: Ezra, it would be my pleasure.
[Governor Pryce bows her head in defeat]

Hondo: So, so, so - How much do you insist on paying me for this intel?
Hera: Being rescued from that Imperial prison wasn't enough? What do you want?
Hondo: Ahhh, what good is a pirate without a ship? You know, the *Ghost* is a very nice ship, I could probably...
Hera: *Forget it.*

Ezra: What're you doin' out here, big guy?
Zeb: Ahhh, hey, Ezra. Just gettin' a little fresh air an' privacy. Pull up a crate, watch the sunset. Heh.
Ezra: ...We're gonna be leaving soon. Kanan and me.
Zeb: Yeah. I figured. You're goin' after the redblades, huh?
Ezra: Yeah, I don't know when we'll be back, or... if we'll be back.
Zeb: Hey, hey-bad luck to talk like that. You'll be back. Of course, we'll probably have toppled the Empire by then. Heh. We can swap war stories.
Ezra: It's a deal.

Zeb: I'm with you, Chopper; counting crates? Not exactly my idea of fun.
AP: Is that because you never learned to count? I can teach you.
Zeb: What? No!

Zeb: Sounds like a ship full of Ezras - let's get out of here.

Zeb: All right, kid. What's going on?
Ezra: Kanan's gone.
Zeb: What do you mean gone? Like captured?
Ezra: NO!... . He's gone!

Zeb: Next time, we just plan on the plan changing.

Agent: On Lasan, it... it wasn't supposed to be a massacre. But I realized the Empire wanted to make an example. I know before, I took credit for it.
Zeb: What happened on Lasan-it's over for me. Moved on. By the way, it's Zeb. My name, it's Zeb.
Agent: Short for Garazeb. I know.

Zeb: I see you modified it for close-quarters fighting. Impressive. But *you* shouldn't have it. It's not a trophy! Now hold still.
Zeb: I didn't take it as a trophy. The Lasat Guardsman I faced, he... fought well, died with honor. He gave me the rifle before...
Zeb: The Boosahn Keeraw.
Agent: The what?
Zeb: The Boosahn Keeraw. The Lasat warrior way. When one is defeated by a superior foe, he gifts his weapon.

Zeb: You didn't think that through, did you?
Scout: Uh...
Zeb: [to Ezra] Hey, kid! You got this outfit?
Ezra: Nope.
Zeb: The kid wants your helmet. Sorry.
[punches trooper]