Top 50 Quotes From Taylor Gray

Ezra: We can't just run!
Kanan: Ezra, we were lucky to survive!

Kanan: Ezra, listen to me. He's using you!
Ezra: Are you ever gonna trust me to think for myself? T-to follow my instincts?
Kanan: I *do* trust you!
Ezra: Maul sees what I could be. You don't.
Kanan: He'll say anything to get what he wants!

Hera: Ezra? Ezra! Get out of there right now! That's an order!
Ezra: Hera, I have to see this through to the end.
Sabine: Ezra, *please* get out of there!
Ezra: I can't do that... It's up to *all* of you now... And remember the Force will be with you - always.

Gar: Blast the droid! Perhaps his memory circuits hold the secrets I want.
Ezra: Okay, okay! I was sent here by the Protector... Fenn Rau.
Gar: You know where he is then.
Ezra: I don't. But I sure wish I did!
Gar: Is that so? You know I planned to strike this base and destroy these defiant Protectors for some time. Missing Fenn Rau was disappointing . But, his absence did make the destruction of his men... easier. I have been waiting for Rau to return. I only allowed Rebel ships to move through Concord dawn to lure him *back*. But now, I have you. And I think
[grabs Ezra]
Gar: you know exactly where Rau is! And *you* will take me to him!

Ezra: All I sense is evil. Why would they burn Tarkintown?
Kanan: To spread fear. Make us afraid. People who lived here just got caught in the middle.
Ezra: This happened because of us?
Kanan: There's a cost for any action we take now, Ezra. Things are getting worse just as they did back when I was your age; but back then... there were ten thousand Jedi Knights protecting the galaxy. Now...
Ezra: There's just you, and me.
Kanan: Against an empire.
Ezra: Well we can fight! W-We have allies!
Kanan: Do you understand what you're saying? You *saw* what we're up against! *Look*!
Ezra: I'm *not* afraid.
Kanan: ...That's what worries me.

Ezra: Hey... What's going on between you and your father?
Hera: We haven't spoken in years. He was a hero in the Clone War. Fought with the Jedi to free Ryloth from the droid army. But after the war the Republic became the Empire and refused to leave, so... he started fighting *them*. Once my mother was killed in the Resistance, Ryloth's freedom became the most important thing to him.
Ezra: More important than family?
Cham: It's almost time. We should head out soon.
Ezra: Well, there's *nothing* more important to me.

Ezra: Hey. For what it's worth, I've got a good feeling about this.

Ezra: Oh, that's great, Zeb. I'm gonna get eaten, the last *Jedi* in the Galaxy trumped up by some crawlers, because YOU ARE TOO AFRAID TO GO OUTSIDE!

Ezra: *Argh*!
Kanan: Ezra, I know how important getting to Lothal is.
Ezra: *No*, Kanan! Actually, you don't know what this is like!
Kanan: You're right!... I never knew my parents.

Ezra: Look! I'm not happy about it either. For all I know, you're playing a long game to set us up!
Agent: I could say the same to *you*. I suppose, for now, we'll just have to trust each other.

Kanan: Listen, once people know you have it, you will be challenged, and you need to be able to defend yourself.
Sabine: OK, I'll try my best.
Ezra: First lesson, don't try. Just learn.

Ezra: Be careful.
Kanan: Don't worry. I wouldn't do anything you would do.

Ezra: What's happening to me?

Ezra: Get back!
The: Ah, yes. Good, *good*. Unleash your anger. I will teach you what your master could not.
Ezra: You don't *have* anything to teach me.
The: The Darkness is too strong for you, orphan. It is swallowing you up, even now.
Ezra: No!
The: Your master will die.
Ezra: No!
The: Your friends will die, and everything you hoped for will be lost. This is the way the story ends.
Ezra: NO!

Zeb: As captain of the Honor Guard, I was responsible for the protection of the Royal Family, and every single Lasat! Their safety was my duty.
Ezra: You couldn't have stopped the Empire.
Zeb: I fought to the end! We held the palace, and then... there was a bomb. I woke up, it was all just-gone. We retreated, I was as good as dead. At least until Kanan found me. *Karabast*.
Ezra: I can't imagine. I lost my parents but-you must have lost everyone. But a-at least you're alive, and-and you've got a chance to help your people again.
Zeb: They called me captain. I don't deserve to be *called* that! I failed my people that day.

Maul: It is unfortunate about your friends, Ezra. But this, *this* is your opportunity to embrace your destiny... as my apprentice.
Ezra: I told you, that is *never* going to happen!
Maul: *Forget* the past! FORGET your *memories*! Forget your *attachments*. Our futures converge on a planet with two suns. We can *walk* that path TOGETHER! As *friends*! As brothers...
Ezra: My friends are trapped in there because of us! I can't just leave them!
Maul: *You* DISAPPOINT me!... Ezra Bridger.
[walks away, laughing]

Kanan: We've faced an Inquisitor before... but this was nothing like that.
Ezra: Ahsoka, do you have any idea who or what he is?
[Ahsoka sadly looks back on her time as Anakin's apprentice]

Ben: You're in the wrong place, Ezra Bridger
Ezra: Master? Master Kenobi?
Ben: I am. And when you have your strength, I will help you on your way.
Ezra: On my way? No, I came here to find you. To warn you!
Ben: About Maul?
Ezra: Yes!... Uh, you know?
Ben: One doesn't survive as long as I have by being foolish. Or unprepared. Maul is an old adversary, and a persistent one at that.
Ezra: We can fight him together!
Ben: I have no intention of fighting him, though that seems inevitable now.

Kanan: Things are getting worse, just as they did when I was your age. But back then, there were ten thousand Jedi protecting the galaxy. Now...
Ezra: There's just you and me.

Kanan: We've faced an Inquisitor before... but this was nothing like that.
Ezra: Ahsoka, do you have any idea who or what he is?
[Ahsoka sadly looks back on her time as Anakin's apprentice]

Princess: [telling Ezra to stun her] You have my permission.
Ezra: See ya later, Princess.
[stuns her and boards the ship]

Ezra: If you're watching this recording, then I owe you and explanation. There were several paths in front of me. While this wasn't the one I wanted to take. It's what I had to do. That's something Kanan taught me. I'm going to miss you all. Zeb, you can have the top bunk back - for now. Hera, I uh, left the meloorun in your room. I know it's your favorite. Sabine, don't forget
Sabine: Right.
[Speaking simultaneously with Ezra's recording]
Sabine: You're counting on
Ezra: I'm counting on you.
Sabine: For what?
Ezra: I couldn't have wished for a better family. I can't wait to come home.

Sabine: Ezra, whatever you got out of Maul, I hope it was worth it.
Ezra: Do not go back in there. They'll possess you again.
Sabine: What... what about you? Won't they possess you too?
Ezra: [while entering the cave again] I'm counting on it!

[Kallus is helping Kanan and Ezra escape]
Agent: Now, I just have to make this look convincing.
Ezra: Ok.
[Ezra uses the Force to push Kallus into a console]
Kanan: Ezra!
Ezra: What? That is convincing.
Kanan: Yeah, but I was going to do it.
Ezra: Well, if he's one of us now, you'll get your chance.

Kanan: [about the crystal that Ezra finds in the cave] Ezra, that's a Kyber Crystal.
Ezra: Whoah! What's a Kyber Crystal?
Kanan: It's a lightsaber crystal.

Emperor: I apologize for not being there in person, but governing the galaxy takes up much of my time.
Ezra: I know who you are, and what you are.
Emperor: You misjudge me. Can you not see me the opportunity that stands here before you?
Ezra: I see a part of the Jedi Temple that you stole from Lothal.
Emperor: I had this part of the Temple moved here stone by stone for you. Forgive me, but I would have thought you would thank me for this effort.
Ezra: Thank you? Thank you for destroying the Temple? For imprisoning my people? For killing my parents?
Emperor: My dear boy, it was you who chose to destroy the Temple. The actions of your Rebel friends requires a firm hand to ensure that there is order on Lothal. As for your parents, allow me to offer what might have been, and what yet may be.

Seventh: [after Ezra seals the door] Such a noble act. Just like a Jedi.
Ezra: [straining against the probe droids] I'm learning.
[she takes his lightsaber]
Seventh: But not quite enough.
[the Fifth Brother lunges forward with his lightsaber, but the Seventh Sister blocks it]
Seventh: I'm surprised to see you here.
Fifth: The kill is mine!
Seventh: You *are* shortsighted. We will use the boy as bait to draw in the others. Now find the girl.
Ezra: No!
[the Fifth Brother walks off, followed by a couple of probe droids]
Seventh: [leans close to Ezra] You and I are gonna have a talk. And if you're good, maybe some of your friends will survive.
[rubs her fingers across his cheek]

Ezra: What took you so long?
Sabine: I was using strategy - it takes longer!

Ezra: [Kanan uses a Jedi mind trick on a storm trooper after Ezra fails to] I wish that worked for me.
Kanan: I wish it worked *on* you.

Kanan: The Sith Holocron? You opened it?
Ezra: Yeah, I opened it. So what?
Kanan: Ezra, you know only someone who uses the Dark Side can open this thing.
Ezra: Well the things I've learned from it have really helped me.
Kanan: You're *using* it?
Ezra: Maybe you should too! You might actually learn something.
Kanan: *Ezra*, do you have any idea how dangerous this path is?
Ezra: *Everything* I've learned has helped me win one battle after another! I'm using it for *good*.
Kanan: Acting out of anger offers quick results, but it's a *trap*!
Ezra: Not for me!
Kanan: I can't let you keep this.
Ezra: Fine. I don't need it. Just like I don't need you.

Zeb: All right, kid. What's going on?
Ezra: Kanan's gone.
Zeb: What do you mean gone? Like captured?
Ezra: NO!... . He's gone!

Ezra: I guess there is no going home.

Ezra: Hey!
Kanan: You never turn your back on an enemy!
Ezra: *Okay*. But since when are you my enemy?

Gar: Where is he?
Ezra: I don't know!
Gar: [Saxon tosses Ezra aside and points the gun at Chopper. Ezra uses the Force to deflect the shots, and Saxon realizes] You just became a much more valuable captive... Jedi.

Ezra: Blowing things up *definitely* runs in your family.
Sabine: It's a Wren specialty.

Seventh: [probing Ezra's mind] Why can you just not cooperate? Why do compel me to inflict pain? You know we'll find the others, so why not just tell me where they are?
Ezra: Because unlike you, I can shut up. You're like a broken protocol droid.
Seventh: [puts her finger to his lips] Shh. Hmm. You hide your fear well. Poor child. If only you had the power to protect your friends.
Ezra: Shows what you know. I'm growing more powerful every day!
Seventh: Unfortunate there's no one left to train you. The Jedi of old are dead.
Ezra: Not all of them!
Seventh: We know about Ahsoka Tano.
Ezra: [feigning ignorance] Who's Ahsoka Tano?
Seventh: As pretty as you are...
Ezra: What?
[the Seventh Sister ignites her lightsaber]
Seventh: ...I need you alive. That doesn't mean in one piece.

Kanan: You shot us! I can't believe you shot us!
Ezra: Well - I mean - y-you were dressed like Stormtroopers!
Kanan: *Yeah*!
Rex: You shot us!
Ezra: I set it to stun!
Rex: Yeah well you should have used *kill*.
Kanan: What?
Rex: Well, just in case it wasn't us, I mean...
Kanan: Ugh! This armor doesn't protect you from anything!
Rex: Well, I told you!

The: Do you really think you can save the boy? For his sake, surrender!
Kanan: I'm not making deals with you!
The: Then we'll let him make one, shall we?
[knocks out Canan]
The: [to Ezra] Your master can not save you, boy. He is unfocused, and undisciplined.
Ezra: Then we're perfect for each other!
The: I do so admire your persistence. Ready to die?
[advances on Ezra]
Kanan: [awakens] ... NOOO!
[slams the Inquisitor on the ceiling]

Ezra: Were you a Jedi?
Old: No, no, no. But I was once a Force-wielder long ago... long, long ago.
Ezra: Then you're a Sith!
Old: The Sith... the Sith took everything from me! Ripped me from my mother's arms, murdered my brother, used me as a weapon and then cast me aside! Abandoned me! Once I had power, now I have nothing. Nothing.

Ezra: This is my fault.

Ezra: Kanan, I can't! I'm afraid.
Kanan: Heh. I got news for you, kid. *Everyone's* afraid. But admitting it, as you just did, makes you braver than most.

Kanan: Do you ever listen to yourself?
Ezra: Yes, and I happen to be very interesting.

Ezra: Mom? Dad? You'll always be a part of me. But I have to let you go.
Ephraim: We love you, Ezra!

Ezra: I don't fear you!
Darth: Then you will die braver than most.

Ezra: [talking with Leia] It's just there's so much against us. Do you ever wonder...
Princess: ...if this fight is even worth it? Every day. But I'm still here.
Ezra: But you're a princess. You don't have to risk your life doing this.
Princess: I feel like because I can fight, I have to for those who cannot. And I think you might be the same way.

Zeb: You didn't think that through, did you?
Scout: Uh...
Zeb: [to Ezra] Hey, kid! You got this outfit?
Ezra: Nope.
Zeb: The kid wants your helmet. Sorry.
[punches trooper]

Kanan: Ezra!
[after Ezra Force throws Kallus through a tactical glass paine, after Kallus says it's time to make it convincing]
Ezra: What? That is convincing.
Kanan: Yeah, but I was gonna do it
Ezra: Well, if he's one of us now, you'll get your chance.

Battle: [receiving orders] Uh huh. Roger roger.
Ezra: Wait- Who's Roger?

Ezra: I'll tell you the truth! I promise, okay?
Ezra: My name is Lando calrissian, I'm a smuggler. I heard there was lost treasure here. I made a deal with pirates, okay? I *swear*.
Gar: Every lie you tell holds a shred of truth. You're giving me what I want to know whether you realize it or not.
Ezra: You have to believe me!
Gar: I *believe* you've run out of lies!

Sabine: [responding to Zeb's false message] Commander, we can handle everything. No need for you or the others.
[the Fifth Brother ignites his lightsaber, grabs her, and holds her at blade-point]
Ezra: No, Commander, we changed our minds. We could use some help.