The Best Armorer Quotes

Armorer: You are fighting against the blade.
The: It gets heavier with each move.
Armorer: That is because you are fighting against the blade. You should be fighting against your opponent.

Armorer: All this talk of the Empire, and they lasted less than 30 years. Mandalorians have existed 10,000. What do you know of this blade?
The: I am told it is the Darksaber.
Armorer: Indeed. Do you understand its significance?
The: Whoever wields it can lead all of Mandalore.
Armorer: If it is won by Creed in battle. It is said will defeat 20, and the multitudes will fall before it. if, however, it is not won in combat and falls into the hands of the undeserving, it will be a curse unto the nation, Mandalore will be laid to waste and its people scattered to the four winds.
The: The hilt is of a quality of beskar I have never seen before.
Armorer: It was forged over 1,000 years ago by the Mandalore Tarre Vizsla. He was both Mandalorian and Jedi.
The: I have met Jedi
Armorer: Then you have completed your quest.
The: I have.
Armorer: Then you may join our covert as we rebuild.
The: This is the way.
Paz: This is the way.
Armorer: This is the way.

Armorer: Paz Vizsla, have you ever removed your helmet?
Paz: No.
Armorer: Has it ever been removed by others?
Paz: Never.
Armorer: This is the way.
Paz: This is the way.
Armorer: Din Djarin, have you ever removed your helmet? Have you ever removed your helmet? By Creed, you must vow.
The: I have.
Armorer: Then, you are a Mandalorian no more.
The: I beg you for your forgiveness. How can I atone?
Paz: Leave, apostate.
Armorer: According to Creed, one may only be redeemed in the living waters beneath the mines of Mandalore.
The: But the mines have all been destroyed.
Armorer: This is the way.

The: Have you ever heard of Bo-Katan Kryze?
Armorer: Bo-Katan is a cautionary tale. She once laid claim to rule Mandalore based purely on blood and the sword you now possess. But it was gifted to her and not won by Creed. Bo-Katan Kryze was born of a mighty house, but they lost sight of the way. Her rule ended in tragedy. They lost their way, and we lost our world. Had our sect not been cloistered on the moon of Concordia, we would have not survived the Great Purge. Those born of Mandalore strayed away from the path. Eventually, the Imperial interlopers destroyed all that we knew and loved in the Night of a Thousand Tears. Only those that walked the way escaped the curse prophesized in the Creed. Though our numbers were scattered to the winds, our adherence to the way has preserved our legacy for the generations until we may someday return to our homeworld.

Armorer: You are too weak to fight the Darksaber. It will win if you fight against it. You cannot control it with your strength.
The: I want to try again.
Armorer: Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome. Your body is strong, but your mind is distracted.
The: I am focused.
Armorer: The blade says otherwise.
Paz: Maybe the Darksaber belongs in someone else's hands.
The: Maybe.
Paz: It was forged by my ancestor, founder of House Vizsla.
The: And now it belongs to me.
Paz: Because you won it in combat.
The: That's right.
Paz: And now I will win it from you.
Armorer: Do you agree to this duel, Din Djarin?
The: I do.

Armorer: What shall I forge?
The: Something for a foundling.
Armorer: This is the way.
The: For a specific foundling. Grogu.
Armorer: He's no longer in your care. He is with his own kind now.
The: I want to see him, make sure he's safe.
Armorer: In order to master the ways of the Force, Jedi must forgo all attachment.
The: That is the opposite of our Creed. Loyalty and solidarity are the way.
Armorer: What shall I forge for the foundling Grogu?

Armorer: The songs of eons past foretold of the Mythosaur rising up to herald a new age of Mandalore. Sadly, it only exists in legends. Where did you come upon the beskar spear?
The: It was the gift of a Jedi. It can block a lightsaber. I used it to defeat Moff Gideon.
Armorer: It can also pierce beskar armor. Its mere existence puts Mandalorians at risk. Mandalorian steel is meant for armor, not weapons.
The: Then forge it into armor.
Armorer: The Darksaber is a more noble weapon for you to wield.