The Best Mayor Tilman Quotes

Mayor: Any jackass can point a finger, Ward, but that ain't evidence. Now down here us old cotton choppers are still stupid enough to believe in democracy. And you can rest assured, sir, we know our rights under the law!
Anderson: You know something, all right. I'll bet a cotton-choppin' dollar on that.

Mayor: Fact is, we got two cultures down here: a white culture, and a colored culture. Now, that's the way it always has been, and that's the way it always will be.
Anderson: Rest of America don't see it that way, Mr. Mayor.
Sheriff: Rest of America don't mean jack shit. You in Mississippi now.

Mayor: You know what, Anderson? You're starting to get so far up my nose, I'm beginning to feel your boots on my chin!

Mayor: Do you like baseball, do you, Anderson?
Anderson: Yeah, I do. You know, it's the only time when a black man can wave a stick at a white man and not start a riot.

Mayor: [talking to a reporter] If the entire Secret Service couldn't protect the President of the United States, how the HELL are *we* supposed to protect a few negroes! It is nothing more than some poor white trash drinking too much cheap alcohol. More likely paint thinner and snake juice because this state's as dry as a martini, and we've got the alcoholics to prove it.