The Best Me Quotes

The: Oh hang on, if I didn't know better I'd say this was a robbery.
Ashildr: I am robbing these people. You are getting out of my way.
The: I just need one tiny little thing from out of this box.
Ashildr: This is my robbery!
The: Well can't we share it, isn't that what robbery is all about?

Ashildr: She'll die on you, you know. She'll blow away like smoke.
The: Save your breath.
Ashildr: How old are you, Doctor?
The: Older than you.
Ashildr: How many have you lost? How many Clara's?

The: Sorry, were you talking to me there? Try again, I promise I'll listen this time.
Ashildr: YOU have interrupted my robbery, sir, and you will step away if you wish to take another breath.
Coachman: You're going to get us all killed if you don't shut your mouth!
The: Sorry, sorry, I really was planning to listen that time but basically, uh, I didn't.

The: You're immortal, not indestructible. You can be hurt - killed, even.
Ashildr: 10,000 hours is all it takes to master any skill. Over 100,000 hours and you're the best there's ever been. I don't need to be indestructible - I'm superb.

The: You?
Ashildr: Yes, it is me. What took you so long, old man?

Ashildr: I've had 800 years of adventure. Enough to fill a library if you write it down.
The: [examining a crown in her study] A medieval queen? How exciting!
Ashildr: You'd think. It was paperwork and backgammon mainly as I recall.

The: The Black Death - 1348. I meant to warn you.
Ashildr: I got sick, but I got better.

The: I read your journals. Why are there pages missing?
Ashildr: When things get really bad I tear the memories out.
The: What could be worse than losing your children?
Ashildr: I keep that entry to remind me not to have any more.

The: Oh, Ashildr Dotterweinar, what happened to you?
Ashildr: You did, Doctor. You happened.

[first lines]
Ashildr: Stand and deliver!
Coachman: Do as he says; I've heard of this brigand. He's known as The Nightmare; faster than Sam Swift the quick, deadlier than Deadly Dupon...
Ashildr: Traveling low-pads the pair of them with terrible pseudonyms to boot. Cash-bags, jewels, the lot.
Mr: I will not be robbed by some lone, ranting cavalier!
Ashildr: Who says I am alone?

The: Ashildr...
Ashildr: That's not my name. I don't even remember that name.
The: Well, w-w-what do you call yourself?
Ashildr: Me.
The: Yes, you, there's nobody else here.
Ashildr: No, I call myself 'Me'. All the other names I chose died with whoever knew me. 'Me' is who I am now. No one's mother, daughter, wife. My own companion - singular, unattached, alone.

The: Oh, you remember Clara, do you?
Ashildr: Of course. I take particular note of anyone's weaknesses.

Ashildr: You'll need a mask, sidekick. Watch and learn.
The: [putting on his sonic sunglasses] Brought my own, thanks.

The: I just wanted to save a terrified young woman's life.
Ashildr: You don't save my life, Doctor. You trap me inside it.

Ashildr: You should try my journals. I read them myself now and then. Drink pomace wine, have a little 'Me' time.