The Best Melissa Jaffer Quotes

Clementine: Why would Dr. Binnie waste her time and intelligence studying the ways of others instead of upholding our own?
Fanny: Embarrassed by our British culture, are we?
Alithea: No. No, I am more likely to be embarrassed by anybody reflexively frightened of anybody different.
Clementine: What exactly are you saying?
Fanny: She's calling us bigots.
Alithea: Your words, not mine.

Clementine: She's been talking to herself again.

The: [to her belly] Stay right where you are, little Joe. Kind of lost its novelty out here.
Keeper of the Seeds: You having a baby?
The: Warlord Junior... gonna be so ugly.
Keeper of the Seeds: It could be a girl.
The: You kill people with that, do ya?
Keeper of the Seeds: Killed everyone I ever met out here. Headshots, all of them. Snap! Right in the medulla.
The: Thought somehow you girls were above all that.
Keeper of the Seeds: [after a pause] Come here. Take a peek.
The: [gasping] Seeds.
Keeper of the Seeds: These are from home. Heirlooms, the real thing. I plant one every chance I get.
The: Where?
Keeper of the Seeds: So far nothing's took. Earth's too sour.
The: Ah, so many different kinds.
Keeper of the Seeds: Trees, flowers, fruit. Back then everyone had their fill. Back then there was no need to snap anybody.

Clementine: It's not a fact, it's an opinion, and you're wrong!

[Max proposes turning back and claiming the Citadel]
Keeper of the Seeds: I like this plan... we could start again, just like the old days!
Max: Look, it'll be a hard day.
[points to the horizon]
Max: But I guarantee you that a hundred and sixty days ride that way... there's nothing but salt.
[points back]
Max: At least that way we might be able to... together... come across some kind of redemption.
[He holds out his hand. After a pause, Furiosa takes it and clasps tight]

The: It'll take two weeks to skirt the wall of mountains.
Max: No. I suggest we go back the same way we came. Through the canyon.
Toast: [after a pause] It's open - we know that, right? He brought all his war parties through.
Max: So we take the War Rig and charge it right through the middle of them. We can decouple the tanker at the pass, shut it off behind us.
Keeper of the Seeds: [she and the Dag make the same gesture] Kaboom!

Clementine: [Sweet Old Lady] Oi, fuckface!