The Best Michael Pataki Quotes

Sewer: Lesson number one is: NO TALKING! Children are to be seen and not heard. We are the Underdwellers. We are the silent ones. We follow the invisible creed. But, but, but, but, but, but... someone was talking.
[Points at Jack]
Sewer: You! You, you, you, you, you were heard! And we all know the punishment for talking. Don't we, boys and girls?

Sewer: A few hours in the light will make Jack a bright boy.

Neil: Don't worry about it Marvin, they have no basis in law, they are trying to make a test case out of it.
Marvin: What does that mean?
Neil: It means they want it to go through the system, you know, arguments plea bargain, trail, appeal, maybe eventually the Supreme Court - This could be big?
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: You'll be famous Mr Lindsey.
Marvin: What?
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: Court decisions of this magnitude are usually named after the Defendant.
Marvin: Yeah.
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: You'll appear in legal reviews, magazines, textbooks. Rape will be known as committing a Marvin Lindsey.

Karnas: My revenge will be in seeing you live like this.
[Jameson collapses in agony]
Karnas: Such pain...

Mime: [singing] How do you wear your hair? Does your hair hang low? Do you tie it in a ribbon? Do you tie it in a bow? Do you wear it over your shoulder? Like a continental soldier? Does your hair hang low?

Sewer: And after all I've done for you ungrateful little monsters, I took you in when nobody else would have you! It is I who care for you, I who provide for you, and only I who knows what's good for you! Would you rather I send you back into the light? Back to those who hurt you and sent you away? There will be nothing to eat until Frog is found! Now, out with you! OUT WITH YOU!

Karnas: Rest, Jameson. Your long night... and mine... are over.

Neil: Marvin ,you reconciled...
Marvin: I don't like it in here.
Neil: I could have gotten you off.
Marvin: I am off.
Neil: So what, where is the commitment to principle where is the standing up for one's own rights where is the dignity.
Marvin: Am I paying you by the hour ?
Neil: Of course
Marvin: Then get off the clock.

Sewer: Bravo. Bravo! You've caused me great distress, you evil Bat. Yes yes yes, you have. You've hurt my pretty pets! And you frightened my beloved children.
Batman: Beloved children?
Sewer: Yes! I feed them, I clothe them, I discipline them and I teach them a trade! And now, I'll teach you something!

Batman: Grab my hand!
Sewer: Never!
[Lets go and falls]
Batman: A gruesome fate for a gruesome man.
Sewer: [alive and well] I rather enjoyed it.

Karnas: So, Jameson, I see time has not been kind.
Admiral: It seldom is, Karnas.

Count: Release the doves!

Leslie: There may be a difference of opinion in that.
Neil: A man may be charged with rape if the woman is adjudged to have been incapable of consent due to unsoundness of mind or lunacy.
Marvin: That's one for you Catherine.
Leslie: Obviously, this is a case of a woman who resisted and has been overcome by force.
Catherine: That's mine.
Neil: Or rape may be charged if the woman was unconscious of the nature of the act. Mr. Lindsey was she unconscious of the nature of the act.
Marvin: Usually.
Capt. Barney Miller: Ms. Dornan, do you really think the District Attorney's Office want's to make this this is a test case.
Leslie: Captain are you questioning my authority.
Capt. Barney Miller: Certainly not, its just I like to understand it better.
Neil: Ms.Dornan, face it you have no case even if you could prove that something happened anyone in your off would settle for the lesser charge of simple assault.
Leslie: Mr. Korchak, when I am through there won't be a woman in this country who won't be grateful that we did not bend to the pressure of convenience

Batman: I don't know what kind of barbarian did this to you, but it's over. And from now on, you'll be treated like human beings.
Sewer: I think we'll have something to say about that! Yes, we will.

Sewer: [after Batman saves him from a subway train] Why? Why? Why?
Batman: I don't pass sentence. That's for the courts. But this time - THIS TIME - I am sorely tempted to do the job myself.