The Best Militant #3 Quotes

Bullhorn: Man, you guys ain't had no waffles like these. These waffles are so good, they're like they come from down South. These buttery motherfuckers will melt in your mouth. Man you ain't had no waffles...
Black: Wait! Bullhorn, what did you just say? You said, 'Melts in your mouth'. Quick...
[erases the restaurant menu blackboard]
Black: What else melts in your mouth?
Cream: M&M's!
Black: Exactly. And not in your hands. And who makes M&M's?
Militant: Mars Candy Company make it. Yeah, yeah.
Black: And Mars is also...
Saheed: The Roman God of War.
Black: Who is the Greek God of War?
Militant: Ares.
Black: Now, you take Mars and spell it backwards, drop the S.
Cream: Ram. That's right. And ram is the zodialogical sign for Aries. Oh! Now dig. Ares' half-sister is Athena.
Black: Now you're getting it.
Cream: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Athena, Athens.
Saheed: Which is the capital of Greece.
Black: And as we all know, zodialogical astronomy was created by the Greeks in...
Cream: 785 B.C.
Militant: And 785 is the area code to Topeka. Oh, my God. 785 is the area code to Topeka, Kansas!
Bullhorn,182781: Code Kansas!
Black: Now take that, spell it backwards and drop the S.
Militant: Snake doc. Snake doctor, yeah!
Black: Yes. And brothers, who is the Greek Demigod of Medicine who believed that snakes' tongues had mystical healing powers?
Cream: Aesculapius, of course. He had a staff with snakes intertwining all around that bitch. They called it Aesculapius' staff. It's a symbol the medical field uses to this day.
Black: Now, what legend involving snakes is in both Greek and Roman mythology? Now, come on. It involves Aesculapius' own father.
Woman at table: Apollo.
Black: Yeah. Thanks, lady.

[Black Dynamite walks into the militant group's hideout]
Black: Excuse me, brothers.
Militant: [Gets up] The militants turn, startled. This is private. How'd you get in here?
Black: I walked in.
Militant: So you one of them sneaky brothers, huh? Or maybe you an undercover pig. Or maybe you just a federal hitman.
Black: If I was, you cats would already be dead. Now let me speak to the man in charge.
Militant: Sarcastically, I'm in charge.
[Exchanges hi-fives with the other militant]
Black: If you were in charge, the people might as well surrender to whitey right now, because your survival skills ain't worth a damn.
Saheed: Black Dynamite.
[Walks into the room]
Saheed: It's been a long time, my brother.
Black: [Exchanging hi-fives with Saheed] What it is, Saheed?
Militant: You know this Uncle Tom?
Black: Listen sucka, I'm blacker than the ace of spades and more militant than you and your whole damn army put together. While you out there, chanting at rallies and brow-beating politicians, I'm taking out any money-fronting sucka on a humble that gets in my way. So I tell you what, when your so called revolution starts, you call me, and I'll be right down front showing you how it's done. But until then, you need to SHUT the FUCK UP when grown folks is talking.
Militant: I'm sorry.
Saheed: Yeah, we heard about what went down at the Hip Pocket. That was righteous.
Black: That was personal, brother.
Saheed: Personal or not, you saved a lot of brothers and sisters. You need our help,
[pounds chest with right fist]
Saheed: we're here.
Black: I can dig it.
[Black Dynamite pulls the bullet casing from his pocket]
Black: What can you tell me about this?
[Saheed takes the casing, sniffs the inside for gunpowder and licks the outer casing]
Saheed: I ain't seen one of these in a while.
[Black Dynamite and Saheed walk out of the room]
Militant: [Whispers] I was gonna fuck him up.

Saheed: That's right. Apollo slew the serpent at Delphi, which was a big-ass snake.
Black: And what, brothers, is the biggest snake in the world?
Woman at table: The South American anaconda.
Black: What she said.
Cream: Anaconda Malt Liquor!
Black: And what is the slogan for Anaconda Malt Liquor? Anaconda Malt Liquor gives you...
Black: Gives you what?
Black: And who else is famous for...
Cream: WHOOOOO! Little Richard!
Black: Who?
Cream: Little Richard!
Black: So, what they're really saying is...
Cream: Anaconda Malt Liquor gives you... Little Richard?
Black: What is another word for Richard?
[Black Dynamite crosses out 'Richard' on the blackboard. The gang look down on their pants]
Cream: Gunsmoke!
[the gang run out of the diner towards Gunsmoke's apartment]