The Best Mitch Quotes

Mitch: One thing delivering pizzas has taught me is that easy street isn't always the best route.
Steve: So true.
Roger the Alien: Okay, Steve, when people start a sentence with, "What delivering pizzas has taught me," that's the go-ahead to tune out.

Steve: [to Mitch] Sorry, my... um, war veteran uncle here blew up your car.
Mitch: No matter. A car is merely a means oftransporting pizzas. Thankfully the pizzas survived, for they contain the dough of life.
Roger the Alien: [pretends to wake up] I'm sorry. I drifted off. Are you on Thorazine? What the hell? I mean, what year is it? Who's president?
Steve: Roger! Mitch, if you can't finish your route, won't you lose your job?
Mitch: Perhaps, for lo, when a pie reaches not its destination, a trust is broken forever.
Roger the Alien: Yeah, look, Kung Fu, I prefer my crazy in my bread.