Top 30 Quotes From Mitsuha Miyamizu

Futaha: What on earth are you talking about?
Mitsuha: I said we have to evacuate everyone in town before tonight or...
Futaha: Shut your mouth.
Futaha: The comet will split and strike the town? Over 500 people will die? How dare you spout such nonsense? If you're serious, then you're sick. Madness must be from the Miyamizu side. I'll get someone to drive you to a hospital in the city. I'll listen to you after a doctor examines you.
Mitsuha: You son of a...
Futaha: Mitsuha. No... Who... Who are you?

Mitsuha: Is this... Could this be...
Taki: Could this be that we're really...
Mitsuha: In our dreams, that guy and I are...
Taki: In our dreams, that girl and I are...
Mitsuha: switching places?

Taki: The dream I must have had I can never recall. But...
Mitsuha: But... the sensation that I've lost something lingers for a longtime after I wake up.

Yotsuha: Why not sell lots of Kuchikamisake and use the money to go to Tokyo?
Mitsuha: Where do you get such ideas?
Yotsuha: Sell them with photos and making videos. Name it "Shrine Maiden's Sake". You'll make money.
Mitsuha: Umm...
["Shrine Maiden's Sake" in her thought]
Mitsuha: No! That breaks the Liquor Tax Law.

Mitsuha: Once in a while when I wake up. I find myself crying.

Mitsuha: I shouldn't for her sake
Yotsuha: [Walks into room to find Mitsuha touching her boobs] You sure do like your boobs.

Taki: It's twilight - "kataware-doki."

Mitsuha: Musubi?
Hitoha: Musubi is the old way of calling the local guardian god. This word has profound meaning. Typing thread is Musubi. Connecting people is Musubi. The flow of time is Musubi. These are all the god's power. So the braided cords that we make are the god's art and represent the flow of time itself. They converge and take shape. They twist, tangle, sometimes unravel, break, and then connect again. Musubi - knotting. That's time.

Taki: Haven't we met?...
Mitsuha: I thought so too!...
Taki: Your name is...

Sayaka: Trains come every 2 hours.
Mitsuha: The store closes at 9 p.m.
Sayaka: No bookstore. No dentist.
Mitsuha: But 2 pubs for some reason.
Sayaka: No jobs.
Mitsuha: No brides.
Sayaka: Short sunlight hours.
Katsuhiko: Give me a break!
Mitsuha: What?
Katsuhiko: I mean... How about we stop by café?
Mitsuha: A café'? Really? Where?

Mitsuha: That time 3 years ago, you came to see me!

Mitsuha: Oh, this...
Taki: Oh. Really, why'd you come see me before I knew you? There's no way I'd recognize you. Here I kept it for 3 years. Now you keep it.
Mitsuha: Yes!

Mitsuha: This feeling has possessed me, I think, from that day...
Taki: ...that day when the stars came falling. It was almost as if...
Mitsuha: if it was a scene from a dream. Nothing more, nothing less...
Mitsuha: ...than a beautiful view.

Yotsuha: Mitsuha, what are you doing?
Mitsuha: [Boobs squeezing] Well, it feels incredibly realistic... What? Mitsuha?
Yotsuha: Are you half asleep? Breakfast! Hurry up!

Mitsuha: Kataware-doki is almost...
Taki: over.

Mitsuha: It's really you.
Taki: I came to see you. It wasn't easy because you were so far away.
Mitsuha: But how? At that moment, I...
Taki: I drank your kuchikamisake.
Mitsuha: You drank that? You idiot! Pervert! Oh yeah, and you touched my boobs!
Taki: How do you know that?
Mitsuha: Yotsuha saw it.
Taki: Oh! Sorry, I couldn't help it! It was just once.
Mitsuha: Just once? Doesn't how many times! Jerk.
Taki: Sorry.

Mitsuha: I shouldn't for her sake.

Mitsuha: [in Taki's diary] "However, I'm sure you've never gone out on a date before, so below are some links to help you out, you late bloomer."

Mitsuha: [shouts] I hate this town! I hate this life! Please make me a handsome Tokyo boy in my next life!
Yotsuha: What a fool...

Mitsuha: He's so lucky. They must be together around now.

Taki: [In Tokyo subway] Hey! What is your name?
Mitsuha: Mitsuha! My name is Mitsuha!

Mitsuha: [in Taki's dairy] "By the time the date is over, the comet will be visible in the sky."

Mitsuha: [in Taki's diary] "I wanted to go on this date, but if it so happens that you end up going, you better enjoy it!"

Mitsuha: There's no way we could meet. But one thing is certain. If we see each other, we'll know. That you were the one who was inside me. That I was the one who was inside you.

Mitsuha: [She's asleep] Taki. Taki. Don't you remember me?
[In her dream]
Mitsuha: My name is... Mitsuha.

Hitoha: You're normal today.
Yotsuha: You were nuts yesterday.
Mitsuha: What are you talking about?

Yotsuha: Mitsuha, you're not touching your boobs today. Breakfast! Hurry up!
Mitsuha: Boobs?

Mitsuha: What should I do? Would I annoy him? Would it be awkward? Or maybe he'd be a bit glad to see me?

Mitsuha: [while they are exchanging messages] Guys will stare, so watch the skirt! These are basics for a girl!
Taki: Yeah... Whatever... Will you stop blowing my money on sweets?
Mitsuha: It's going in your body! Besides, your job is such a pain... Lemme' celebrate!
Taki: Celebrate what? You got the easy crap! Braiding cords is impossible! All you gotta do is wait tables!
Mitsuha: But you work waay too many shifts...
Taki: Because you keep wasting my money!
Mitsuha: Went for coffee with Ms. Okudera on the way home! You two have a good thing goin'!
Taki: Mitsuha... Quit messing with my love life!
Mitsuha: Look who's talking! I was on the way to school with Tessie and Saya the other day... And you know what happened? A girl came up and confessed to me!
Taki: It's not my fault... I can't help it! Besides, you're more popular when I'm you.
Mitsuha: Ooh, look at you, Mr. Ladies Man! If you're so popular, why am I the one chatting up girls for you?
Taki: I never asked for your help! And if you're so confident in your matchmaking skills, get yourself a boyfriend, why don'tcha!
Mitsuha: [while writing a word on her face] I told you...
Taki: [while writing a word on his face] I told you.
Taki: I'm single because I wanna be!

Hitoha: In exchange for returning to this world, you must leave behind what is most important to you. The kuchikamisake.
Mitsuha: The kuchikamisake?
Hitoha: You'll offer it inside the god's body. It's half of you.
Mitsuha: Half of Mitsuha...