The Best Mitsuha Miyamizu Quotes

Mitsuha: Some mornings I wake up crying without knowing why. That sort of thing happens now and again.
Taki: Whatever the dream was I had I can never remember it. But...
Mitsuha: But... The only thing that does last when I wake up is a sense of loss, which lingers for a long time afterwards.
Taki: I'm always searching for something, or someone.
Mitsuha: I've been consumed by this feeling ever since that day...
Taki: The day a star fell. It was almost like...
Mitsuha: Like seeing something out of a dream. Nothing more or less...
Mitsuha: Than a breathtaking view.

Taki: I came all this way to see you. Which wasn't easy, since you were pretty far away.
Mitsuha: Uh... how is that even...? Because, like that...
Taki: Well, I drank some of your kuchikamisake.
Mitsuha: [blushing with embarrassment] You... you drank that?
Taki: Uh...
Mitsuha: Stupid pervert!
Taki: Wha - ?
Mitsuha: Yeah, that's right! You were touching my boobies, weren't you?
Taki: What? Wh-H-How do you even...?
Mitsuha: Cause Yotsuha saw you!
Taki: I just... eh, I couldn't help myself. But it was just the one time.
Mitsuha: Just the one time? How many times isn't the issue!
Taki: Uh... sorry.