The Best Mr. Diagoras Quotes

[the Doctor, Martha, Frank, and Solomon have volunteered to work for Mr. Diagoras, and they have entered the sewer]
Mr. Diagoras: Turn left. Go about a half a mile. Follow Tunnel #273. The fall is right in front of you. You can't miss it.
Frank: And when do we get our dollar?
Mr. Diagoras: When you come back up.
The: And if we don't come back up?
Mr. Diagoras: Then I've got no one to pay.
Solomon: Don't worry, we'll be back.
Martha: Let's hope so.

Dalek: I bring you the human.
Mr. Diagoras: [to Sec] I take it... you're in charge?
Dalek: Correct. I am Dalek Sec, leader of the Cult of Skaro.
Mr. Diagoras: Then... my lord Sec... I am honoured to meet you. Ever since you came, you've been transmitting your thoughts into the corners of my mind. Tempting me with such visions, such... big ideas. Oh, sir, I never thought that...
Dalek: Cease talking.
Mr. Diagoras: But I just want you to know how grateful I...
Dalek: I said cease!

[Construction workers hoist materials at the top of the Empire State Building]
Foreman: I'm telling you, the men won't stand for it! I mean are you out of your mind? I've got 500 men working seven days a week, they're flat out, and you want us to go *faster*?
Mr. Diagoras: The new masters demand it.
Foreman: But we're on schedule! What's the problem? Another month and we'll be done!
Mr. Diagoras: [standing up] The mast on this building needs extra work completed by *tonight*.
Foreman: Tonight? No way, that's impossible!
Mr. Diagoras: That's an *order*.
Foreman: Yeah? Well one word from me, and every man on *this site* stops working! So go on, tell your masters that!
Mr. Diagoras: Well if that's your attitude, I think you should tell him yourself.
[walks over towards the elevator]
Foreman: Yeah? Well I ain't afraid of no man in a suit!
[Diagoras presses the elevator's call button]
Foreman: So these, uh, these new bosses. What's their names?
Mr. Diagoras: I think you could say they're from "out of town."
Foreman: Italians?
Mr. Diagoras: Bit further than that.
Foreman: How much further?
Mr. Diagoras: Beyond your imagination.
Foreman: Aw what's that supposed to mean? Who are they?
[Mr. Diagoras looks back up at the elevator floor indicator]
Foreman: Mr. Diagoras, who are we working for?
Mr. Diagoras: [walking away from the elevator door, he stands next to the Foreman] Behold your masters.
[the elevator arrives with a pleasant ding, and the doors open to reveal Dalek Cann, flanked by two Pig-Slaves. Dalek Cann glides out of the elevator towards the Foreman]
Foreman: What the hell?
Dalek: I have been summoned. Explain! Explain!
Foreman: [backing away] They can talk! How does it talk? And what the hell are they? You've got to be kidding me!
Mr. Diagoras: I'm sorry, my lord, but this man is refusing to complete the work.
Dalek: Then we must replace him.
Foreman: Is anybody going to tell me what the hell is happening here?
Dalek: [to the Pig-Slaves] Use him! Take him for the Final Experiment!
[They walk forward and seize the Foreman]
Foreman: [as he is seized by the Pig-Slaves] Hey, what's going on? Let go! Let go of me!
[He continues to struggle as he is dragged by the Pig-Slaves to the elevator]
Foreman: Get off me, ya freaks! Mr. Diagoras, will you tell them? Listen!
[the doors close and he is never seen again]

Dalek: The conductor must be complete for our plan to succeed.
Mr. Diagoras: Unemployment is such an incentive. It'll get done, don't worry.
Dalek: Daleks have no concept of worry.
Mr. Diagoras: Well. Lucky you.

Dalek: This day is ending. Humankind is weak; you shelter from the darkness. And yet... you have built all this.
Mr. Diagoras: That's progress. Gotta move with the times, or you get left behind.
Dalek: My planet is gone. Destroyed in a Great War. Yet versions of this city stand throughout history. The human race always continues.
Mr. Diagoras: We've had wars. I've been a soldier myself, and I swore then I'd survive. No matter what.
Dalek: You have rare ambition.
Mr. Diagoras: I'm gonna run this city, whatever it takes. By any means necessary.
Dalek: You think like a Dalek.
Mr. Diagoras: I'll take that as a compliment.

Dalek: [after the Foreman is taken away by the Pig-Slaves] The Empire State Building must be completed in time.
Mr. Diagoras: It will be. Trust me. Labor is cheap and that man can be replaced.
Dalek: The plan must not fail! We calculate the gamma strike has accelerated! We need more bodies *immmediately*!
Mr. Diagoras: Yes, master.

Dalek: [final line] I am a human Dalek. I am your future!