The Best Mrs. Sheila Fine Quotes

Mr. Franklin: State your name and address, please.
Mrs. Sheila Fine: Sheila Fine. 5093 Rockridge Road... but call first!
Mr. Franklin: Mrs. Fine, did you know Peter Campbell, the deceased?
Mrs. Sheila Fine: Did I know him?
[to judge]
Mrs. Sheila Fine: Do you know what this jerk did to my life? He comes into my house where I'm sitting with my husband, and he says I have to testify since I was having an affair with Peter Campbell! My husband called his lawyer, grabbed his girlfriend, and flew to Acapulco. I hope a taco chip gets caught in his throat and he chokes to death!

Mrs. Sheila Fine: Yes, Mr. Franklin, I knew Peter Campbell.
Mr. Franklin: And how did you know him?
Mrs. Sheila Fine: Lying down.