The Best Neil Buckland Quotes

Stuart: You know, I've never been part of a conspiracy, but I'm starting to think this is what it must feel like to be on the other side of one.
Neil: I'm sorry, what exactly are you accusing me of?
Stuart: I don't even know. Because no one is telling me anything. Without those MFRs, my case is a bust.
Neil: You're overthinking this, sport. Either wear the Jersey or get off the field.
Stuart: My charge is to give Slahi the needle. No one else is going to walk him there. Not you, not POTUS, that's on me. And if I'm wrong, when it comes to my reckoning, I'm the one who'll have to answer for it.
Neil: And who's going to answer for Bruce?
Stuart: You're going to bring HIS name into this?
Neil: No no no, you don't know what we know. United flight 175, based on evidence gathered from the wreckage, the first thing those terrorists did - was slash up a flight attendant to elicit the co-pilot, Bruce, to open the cockpit door and come to her rescue. And then they slit his throat with a box cutter and let him bleed to death on the flight deck as the plane hit the tower. Now SOMEONE has to answer for that.
Stuart: Someone... not just anyone. Happy fucking holiday.
[walks away]