The Best The Mauritanian Quotes

[last lines]
Mohamedou: See you later, alligator.

Mohamedou: In Arabic, the word for free and the word for forgiveness is the same word. This is how, even in here, I can be free.

Nancy: I wanna know who's name I should cite when I contact the National Security desk at the New York Times. You tell your C.O., I don't wanna see my client in shackles ever again.

Nancy: It doesn't matter what we believe. What matters is what we can prove.

Nancy: You can't win a case if you don't believe your own shit.

Teri: Fuck... he fucking confessed.
Nancy: To what?
Teri: To everything. To financing 911, to hijacking the planes, he fucking ordered spreadsheets, inner workings of Al Qu'aida. Why didn't he tell us that he confessed?
Nancy: That's not the first time in history that a client's lied to his lawyers.
Teri: Look at this, look at his one - he admits to acquiring explosives to blow up LAFs. The millennium plot?
Nancy: What's your point?
Teri: He's guilty! He's fucking guilty!
Nancy: [shrugs] Maybe he is. He still has a right to counsel.
Teri: I'm not saying he doesn't, I'm saying that he helped to kill 3000 civilians and we're doing everything we can to get him out.
Nancy: We're doing our job.
Teri: I did bake sales for his legal fund! That's not a part of my job. My dad told me I'm not welcome home for thanksgiving, that's not a part of my job.
Nancy: Get out.
Teri: What?
Nancy: You want turkey and pumpkin pie with mom and dad and uncle Joe? Go on, get out. Go home. You can't win a case if you don't believe your own shit.
Teri: I'm not trying to...
Nancy: [interrups] Stop fucking wasting my time! Get out.

Nancy: Well, when I defended someone charged with rape, nobody called me a rapist. When I defended someone charged with murder, nobody dug around my backyard. But when someone is accused of terrorism, people like you seem to think that that's different. It's not. When I stand by my client and I insist that he get a fair hearing, I'm not just defending him, I'm defending you and me. The constitution doesn't have an asterisk at the end that says : "Terms and conditions apply."

Stuart: What's been done here is reprehensible!
Colonel: I don't want to hear another word about detainee treatment. Your job is to bring charges. Let the judge decide what's admissible.
Stuart: Sir, I refuse to prosecute this case. As a Christian, as a lawyer...
Colonel: [yells] What makes you think you think you're better than the rest of us?
Stuart: I don't think I'm better than anybody else, that is the point! Now we all took an oath, to support and defend the constitution. At the very least, we are miles away from that.
Colonel: [venemously] You're a traitor.
Stuart: [taken aback] What?

Stuart: You know, I've never been part of a conspiracy, but I'm starting to think this is what it must feel like to be on the other side of one.
Neil: I'm sorry, what exactly are you accusing me of?
Stuart: I don't even know. Because no one is telling me anything. Without those MFRs, my case is a bust.
Neil: You're overthinking this, sport. Either wear the Jersey or get off the field.
Stuart: My charge is to give Slahi the needle. No one else is going to walk him there. Not you, not POTUS, that's on me. And if I'm wrong, when it comes to my reckoning, I'm the one who'll have to answer for it.
Neil: And who's going to answer for Bruce?
Stuart: You're going to bring HIS name into this?
Neil: No no no, you don't know what we know. United flight 175, based on evidence gathered from the wreckage, the first thing those terrorists did - was slash up a flight attendant to elicit the co-pilot, Bruce, to open the cockpit door and come to her rescue. And then they slit his throat with a box cutter and let him bleed to death on the flight deck as the plane hit the tower. Now SOMEONE has to answer for that.
Stuart: Someone... not just anyone. Happy fucking holiday.
[walks away]

Nancy: Didn't get your name.
Kent: Kent.
Nancy: Kent, what?
Kent: Kent .. tell you any more than that.