The Best Nick Cassavetes Quotes

Fitch: So, once we kidnap "supercop", then what?
Sean: [smiles enigmatically, moving his finger across his face] Tiny... surgery.
[Dietrich looks at "Castor" confused]
Sean: l'd like to take his... his face... off. Yes. Now, if you'll excuse me, l have to use the little boy's wee-wee room.
[Sean stands and starts to walk away]
Dietrich: Cas...
[Sean turns back to Dietrich]
Dietrich: You wanna take his... face...
Sean: [smiles widely] Yes. His face... off. Eyes...
[Sean slightly pinches Dietrich's nose]
Sean: ...nose. Skin. lt's coming off.
[Sean walks away, leaving the others totally confused of his last words]
Dietrich: [mimicks Sean's gesture] The face... off.

Packard: And, uh, Skank, do me a favor, will ya? Get rid of that zombie-piss you're drinkin' before it turns you into a mushroom!

Sheriff: I've been waitin' to catch you guys in the act. Been waitin' and watchin'.
Packard: Congratulations. You caught us talking. There's no law against that, is there officer? Unless of course I got my wires crossed and you caught us speaking without a permit.
Sheriff: Clam it, wiseguy!

Packard: Things are getting a little too equal these days.

Packard: [Oggie is about to race the Wraith] All right. I want you to tear this guy a new asshole. Do it to him 'Oggie-style'.
Oggie: I'll burn this Iranian!

Packard: [catching Billy about to take Keri home] So what happened here? Looks to me like you ran out of those all-beef patties kind of EARLY today, huh?
Billy: Hey, don't worry, Pack. We still got plenty of dog food.
Oggie: Hey, Packard, let's grind up some meat, huh?
Billy: Hey, has this guy been wormed or is he just a naturally gifted child?
[Oggie makes a lunge for Billy but Packard detains him with a knife to his throat]
Oggie: [to Billy] I swear to God I'll... I'll rip your head off and piss down your throat.
Packard: Hold your water Oggie. This is business.

George: Why'd you stop me? What do you want?
Packard: Well, let's just say it's pink.
Girl: Oh, god!
George: Forget it pal, no way!
Packard: I might forget it. I'm a nice guy.
Packard: [nods to his gang members] But them? They think the title to your car might be worth something.

Dietrich: [referring to Sean posing as Troy] No more drugs for that man.

Keri: You think I'd go to California with you? I'd rather go to Nogales, have the Gutterboy's cretin children and die than to be with you.
Packard: You better shut up now, Keri, or I'm gonna have to...
Keri: Yeah, you can kill me, too, Packard, but you can never make me love you.

Dietrich: [to Sean posing as Troy] You look like you just fucked your mother.

[the gang is looking for The Wraith after he trashes their chop shop]
Packard: So where is he, tuna can?
Skank: Dude, we couldn't find the slimeball anywhere!
Gutterboy: Yeah, we went 'cross town, down to Crawford's Gully. We stopped for a... a box of Goobers...
Packard: You guys are pissin' me off! I want that faggot!
Minty: Yeah! This freak's into us for about 13,000 bucks!
Gutterboy: We spent all last night banging on the two bodies! I got scabs on my knuckles and everything like that!
Minty: It's your damn job, Gutterboy.
Rughead: [referring to the Wraith] What's he got with us?
Packard: What he's got is an ass full of trouble.
Skank: Yeah, it's about time we got into somebody's ass, huh, guys?
Gutterboy: Yeah, we'll beat him like a red-headed step-child!
Skank: I'm gonna knock his ass lower than whale shit.

Packard: [to The Wraith] You want a race? 'Cause I'll show you a race!

Dietrich: [intentionally instigating a confrontation] Hey Sean, how's your dead son?

Dietrich: [as the FBI raids Troy's hideout apartment] God damn. My place is getting FUCKED up.
Castor: Ha HA HA HA HA Ha!