The Best Fitch Quotes

Fitch: So, once we kidnap "supercop", then what?
Sean: [smiles enigmatically, moving his finger across his face] Tiny... surgery.
[Dietrich looks at "Castor" confused]
Sean: l'd like to take his... his face... off. Yes. Now, if you'll excuse me, l have to use the little boy's wee-wee room.
[Sean stands and starts to walk away]
Dietrich: Cas...
[Sean turns back to Dietrich]
Dietrich: You wanna take his... face...
Sean: [smiles widely] Yes. His face... off. Eyes...
[Sean slightly pinches Dietrich's nose]
Sean: ...nose. Skin. lt's coming off.
[Sean walks away, leaving the others totally confused of his last words]
Dietrich: [mimicks Sean's gesture] The face... off.