The Best Alessandro Nivola Quotes

Richard: [to Sally] My wife, she can't get pregnant. You know, it takes a toll. I want a son so bad.

Pollux: [Not realizing that he is talking with Sean Archer with Troy's face] Not feeling very coordinated lately, are you?
Sean: [Trying to act like Troy] Listen, bro. I am soooo fried. If the psychos find out I'm this wacky we're both dead meat.
Pollux: Shock treatment? What's the matter, did they operate?
[Pollux touches Archer's face]
Sean: I was in a COMA! Jesus, you're still so frickin' paranoid! Aren't they giving you your medication in here?
Pollux: What *was* my medication?
Sean: [sighing in exasperation] Pollux, I hand-fed you those pills for years. Vivex! I haven't forgotten *that*.
Sean: [beat] It's just everything else. My reflexes, my synapses, it's all like a...
Sean: [beat] tab of bad Quantrax.
Sean: [beat] I don't even know why that fucking Yeti jumped me the other day.
Pollux: Dubov? You had a sex sandwich with his wife and his sister the night he was sent here.
Sean: Well, that explains why he was so upset. We're gonna blow up L.A., bro. Ain't that cool?
Pollux: Sure, rub my nose in it, why don't you. Ten million dollar design and those Militia nut jobs get to keep their cash.
Sean: It's so fucking unfair! That bomb you built does deserve an audience. I mean, it's a work of art, it belongs in the Louvre.
Pollux: Yes, it does. Oh well, I guess the L.A. Convention Center will just have to do.
Sean: [rejoices as Pollux just revealed the location of the bomb] Thank you.
Pollux: For what?
Sean: Oh, bro. You are so fuckin' pathetic.

Richard: [to Giuseppina] You don't stare at those people. They don't like it.

Richard: [to Giuseppina] If I don't love you anymore, you won't mistake it for a maybe.

'Sally': [from trailer] As far as your nephew goes...
Richard: I'm listening.
'Sally': Stay out of his life.

Richard: My friend Hesh says only goys and children pay retail.

Richard: [to Tony] Look, you want to be a civilian, I appreciate that. I'm all for it. But pay attention to me for once, okay? You take the speakers, right? At the same time, you promise yourself these speakers are it. Now, you say to yourself, "This is the last time I'm ever gonna steal something." And you stick to it. It's that simple.

Castor: [talking privately in an unmonitored interrogation room] You're not the only one in the family with the brains.
Pollux: No, although now I am the only one with the looks.
Castor: Touché.

Richard: [to Sally] I try to set an example for my nephew.

Pollux: [talking privately in an unmonitored interrogation room] Seeing that face on you makes me afraid my tiramisu might come back up.
Castor: Well, think about me. This nose. This hair. This ridiculous chin.

Richard: [about Tony] You give him the best advice you can, you lead by example, he'll make the right decision. This kid's got what it takes.

Richard: The thing about remodeling is, you start with the sinks and then you go, "We might as well do this other thing while we're at it." It spins out of control.