The Best Nika Boronina Quotes

Nika: The woman, two tables behind you - what's she wearing?
Agent: The one with the red hair and the silk dress - facing you?
Nika: Yeah.
Agent: That's not a woman.
[we see the "woman" behind him is obviously a transvestite. Nika smiles]

Nika: [in tears, pleading, as 47 is about to shoot Whittier] Please... stop.
Agent: [breathing heavy as he lowers his gun] She saved your life.

Nika: What are you going to do?
Agent: What I do.

Nika: It's not polite to stare.

Agent: Because that suitcase perfectly holds my Blaser Sniper Rifle, two .45s and a gag for irritating, talkative little girls like yourself. You want me to stop and get it out?
Nika: I don't know - you think we have time for foreplay?

Nika: What colour underwear am I wearing?
Agent: You're not wearing any underwear.

Nika: These articles are full of shit, why do you buy these magazines?
Agent: For the advertisements.

Nika: [to Agent 47] You know, you're really quite charming when you're not killing people.
Nika: [afterward, while he's on his way to kill more people] Scratch what I said about you being charming.

Agent: [after releasing an irate Nika from his trunk] Don't be dramatic.
Nika: Dramatic?
Agent: I got rid of the body.

Nika: So are you going to kill me?
Agent: No.
Nika: You don't want to f*ck me and you don't want to kill me. I've never felt so much indifference in my entire life.

Nika: It is a strange thing to wish to die.

Agent: Nika...
Nika: Yes?
Agent: Stop talking or I'll put you back in the trunk.