20 Best Olga Kurylenko Quotes

Nika: It's not polite to stare.

Julia: How long have I been out there?
Jack: At least sixty years.

Agent: [after releasing an irate Nika from his trunk] Don't be dramatic.
Nika: Dramatic?
Agent: I got rid of the body.

Nika: These articles are full of shit, why do you buy these magazines?
Agent: For the advertisements.

Agent: Nika...
Nika: Yes?
Agent: Stop talking or I'll put you back in the trunk.

Jack: Who are you? What aren't you telling me?
Julia: Jack, I...
Jack: What were you doing on the Odyssey? What was your mission?
Julia: It was a research flight to Titan. My first. That's what it was supposed to be. Six weeks to launch, deep space scanners picked up an alien object. We were reassigned to investigate. They put us all in delta. They must have woken you and Victoria first.
Jack: What?
Julia: That object was the Tet, Jack. The Tet was our mission.

Nika: [to Agent 47] You know, you're really quite charming when you're not killing people.
Nika: [afterward, while he's on his way to kill more people] Scratch what I said about you being charming.

Nika: What colour underwear am I wearing?
Agent: You're not wearing any underwear.

Agent: Because that suitcase perfectly holds my Blaser Sniper Rifle, two .45s and a gag for irritating, talkative little girls like yourself. You want me to stop and get it out?
Nika: I don't know - you think we have time for foreplay?

Nika: [in tears, pleading, as 47 is about to shoot Whittier] Please... stop.
Agent: [breathing heavy as he lowers his gun] She saved your life.

Antonia: [about her father, Dreykov] Is he gone?
Natasha: He's gone

Julia: I don't know what happened. But you are not who you think you are. Jack, we were here. You asked me to meet you and brought me up on top of the world. I could tell you were nervous that day. It was right here, Jack. You said: Look through here...
Julia,6652: [together] ... and I'll show you the future.

Nika: What are you going to do?
Agent: What I do.

Julia: [plays "A Whiter Shade of Pale" by Procol Harum] You always loved this song.
Jack: I'm not him. I know I'm not. But I've loved you... for as long as I can remember. I don't know how else to say it.
Julia: You know what you said to me once? You said when it was all over, you would build me a house on a lake. We would grow old and fat together. And we would fight. Maybe drink too much.
Jack: Real romantic.
Julia: And then we would die and be buried in s meadow by the lake. And the world would forget about us. But we would always have each other.
Jack: I remember.
Julia: Those memories are yours, Jack. They're ours. They are you.

[from trailer]
Julia: [awakes] Jack?

Julia: Are we gonna die?
Jack: No!
[They enter the radiation zone]
Jack: Maybe!

Nika: The woman, two tables behind you - what's she wearing?
Agent: The one with the red hair and the silk dress - facing you?
Nika: Yeah.
Agent: That's not a woman.
[we see the "woman" behind him is obviously a transvestite. Nika smiles]

Nika: It is a strange thing to wish to die.

Julia: Are we gonna die?
Jack: No!... Maybe!

Nika: So are you going to kill me?
Agent: No.
Nika: You don't want to f*ck me and you don't want to kill me. I've never felt so much indifference in my entire life.