Top 20 Quotes From Yelena Belova

Yelena: [to Natasha] Pain and suffering is every day and we are both still a trained killer. Except I'm not the one that's on the cover of a magazine.

Alexei: So, there I am ice fishing with my father. It's very cold day in this little ice shed. Cold even for Russia, you know? Keep the vodka by the fire, my father would say to me.
Yelena: Please stop talking.
Alexei: Please wait. Please wait.
Yelena: Please, no. Please, I don't want to talk.
Alexei: Please. Please. There is a reason why I'm telling you this, okay? Trust me. I am reaching for fish. Oh! I lose balance. Ah! Splash! My hands go in the river. In this weather, frostbite sets in quick. My father, he go toilet on my hands.
Yelena: Oh, my God.
Alexei: Urine is 35 degrees Celsius, staves off the frostbite.
Yelena: How is this relevant?
Alexei: You know, fathers.

Natasha: Put your seat belt on.
Yelena: You're such a mom.

[post-credit scene]
Yelena: I want a raise.
Valentina: Oh, yeah. You and me both. Believe me, you're gonna earn it. I've got your next target. Thought I'd hand-deliver it. Maybe you'd like a shot at the man responsible for your sister's death.
[Valentina hands Yelena a photo of Clint Barton]
Valentina: Kind of a cutie, don't you think?

Natasha: Here's what's going to happen.
Melina: Natasha, don't slouch!
Natasha: I'm not slouching!
Melina: You're going to get a back hunch.
Alexei: Listen to your mother.
Natasha: Oh my God, this...
Alexei: Up, up!
Natasha: All right, enough! All of you!
Yelena: I didn't say anything, that's not fair!

Yelena: Why do you always do that thing?
Natasha: What thing?
Yelena: That thing you do when you're fighting. The... like... the thing you do...
Yelena: [gets down to the floor to strike a pose and whips her head back and forth]
Yelena: When you whip your hair when you're fighting and you do like a fighting pose. It's a fighting pose. You're a total poser.
Natasha: I'm not a poser.
Yelena: Ha ha! I mean they are great poses but it does look like you think everyone's looking at you, like all the time.
Natasha: All that time that I spent posing, I was actually trying to do something good. To make up for all the pain and suffering that we caused. Trying to be more than just a trained killer.
Yelena: Well, then you were fooling yourself. Because pain and suffering is every day and we are both still a trained killer. Except I'm not the one who's on the cover of a magazine. I'm not the killer little girls call their hero.

Yelena: [to Natasha] Great plan. I love the part where I almost bled to death.

Yelena: Where are my keys?
[Natasha produces them by juggling them in the air]
Yelena: [in Russian] Ah, bitch.

Natasha: How many others are there?
Yelena: Enough.

Yelena: [performing Natasha's signature pose] That was disgusting.

Yelena: Okay, you got a plan, or shall I just stay, duck, and cover?
Natasha: My plan was to drive us away!
Yelena: It's a shit plan.

Yelena: [to Natasha] I've never had control over my own life before, and now I do. I want to do things.

Alexei: Never family, huh? In my heart, I am simple man. And I think that for a couple deep undercover Russian agents I think we did pretty great as parents, huh?
Melina: Yes, we had our orders, and we played our roles to perfection.
Natasha: Who cares? That wasn't real.
Yelena: What?
Natasha: That wasn't real. Who cares?
Yelena: Don't say that. Please don't say that. It was real. It was real to me. You are my mother. You were my real mother. The closest thing I ever had to one. The best part of my life was fake. And none of you told me.

Yelena: The best part of my life was fake.

Yelena: You know, this is the first piece of clothing I've ever bought for myself.
Natasha: That?
Yelena: Yeah. You don't like it?
Natasha: Is that like a... Is it army surplus, or...
Yelena: Okay, it has a lot of pockets. But I use them all the time, and I made some of my own modifications.
Natasha: Oh, yeah? Whatever.
Yelena: Shut up. The point is, I've never... I've never had control over my own life before, and now I do. I want to do things.
Natasha: I like your vest.
Yelena: I knew it. I knew you did. It's so cool, right?
Natasha: It's good. Yes. I like it.
Yelena: And you can put so much stuff in there. You wouldn't even know.

Natasha: You can't just steal a guy's car.
Yelena: So you want me to chase him down and un-steal it?

Natasha: I'm just finding it hard to believe he could stay off my radar.
Yelena: Well it's not smart to attack an Avenger if you want to stay hidden. I mean the clue is in the name. Dreykov kills you and one of the big ones comes to avenge you.
Natasha: Wait, what are the big ones?
Yelena: Well I doubt that the god from space has to take an ibuprofen after a fight.

Melina: Yelena, slight change of plan. I completely demolished one of the engines and we are going into a controlled crash.
Yelena: Fantastic.

Alexei: Why the aggression, huh? Is it your time of the month?
Yelena: I don't get my period, dipshit. I don't have a uterus.
Natasha: Or ovaries.
Yelena: That's what happens when the Red Room gives you an involuntarily hysterectomy. They kinda just go in and rip out all your reproductive organs. They just get right in there and chop them all away. So you can't have babies.
Alexei: OK, OK, you don't have to get so clinical and nasty!
Yelena: I was just going to talk about fallopian tubes...

Yelena: [to Natasha] The truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details.