Top 50 Quotes From Don't Worry Darling

Bunny: All they ask of us is to stay here. Where it's safe.

- Hey.
- Hm?
- You love me?
[Whispering] The most.
- The most.
- ♪ boiling the potatoes, I'm j'
- -j' boiling the potatoes ♪
- -[Dishes clattering]

- j' can't you see ♪ j'llong to be♪

[Whispering] Please.
- Okay.
- -Okay?
[Sniffles] Okay.
[Voice trembling] Okay?
- -Okay.

- Oh, really? What's that?
- Rumor is you and Jack are trying.
- Oh, well...
- We'll see. [Chuckles]
- Mm.
- Hope we'll see a little boy.
[Clicks teeth] I'm sorry bunny didn't believe you.

- We need to stay here, where it's safe.
- But I--
- I can't go out there alone.
- That's not my route. I can't.
- But what if they need help? Hey!
- Oh, my god.
- Oh, my god.
- What's wrong with you?

- Well, we're looking for some fierce competitors.
- If you're ever ready to get out there, call me.
- I've heard about that backhand, though, it's famous.
- If you want a partner,
- I'm yours, man.
- That's a lot of pressure.
- I don't know if...
- Thank you.

- And I want more of you.
- And I think I want a little you.
- I don't know,
- I think it would be fun.
- Just think about it, okay?
[Whispers] Okay.
- Tonight's gonna be great.
- You're gonna look beautiful.

- I love you. I love you.
- But we need to go tonight.
- We need to go. We can't be here.
- Hey. Hey.
[Whispering] I love you.
- Let's go.
- I love you.
- -Okay.
- 'Kay. Okay.

- We can fall deeper into what we know is true, that we crave order.
- Can we yield to nature's hierarchy?
- Allow your consciousness to sink into this world.
- Into this truth.
- Sink deeper into the way things are supposed to be.

Dr. Collins: Keep calm, and carry on!

- j' can't you see ♪
- ♪ llong to be j' j' now that I ♪
- -♪ can't you see ♪
- -[Whispering] Can't you...
- -♪ llong to be ♪ long to be
- -♪ with you all the time ♪
- -with you all the time

- You went out there.
- You saw it.
- She was having outbursts.
- Paranoia.

- I know, I'm sorry, but I'm really tired, baby.
- Dance with me.
- No. No, Jack. Just stop.
- I just finished a 30-hour shift,
- I sewed up 12 people, and I gotta be back in six hours, and I'm so tired.
- I just need to go to bed. Okay?

- And the only way to cure it is if we stay home all day, and I tend to you and kiss you and cook for...
- -Mm-hm.
- -Bye. -okay.
- Oh, sh...! Jack, wait!
- Bye-bye. Make us proud.

- Peter made me swear not to tell anyone.
- So they're gonna build a whole new row of houses behind us, so we'll be much closer to town.
- Really? Wow.
- Mm-hm.
- So wait, how does that make you closer to town?
- We won't be furthest from town.

- "I will stand this pain, this hurt, this effort, knowing that what I want is waiting on the other side."
[Frank on radio] It's scary to sacrifice something.
- But you're sacrificing something more by sitting in that fear.
- Until tomorrow.

- -Okay.
- Baby, you're having another episode.
- Just take a deep breath.
- It's okay. Just breathe, Alice.
- That's good. Just breathe.
- That's good.

- Oh, shit.
- 'Cause we choose to stay.

- She said they would come after her because she knew something.
- Why are they lying about what happened?
- Please, just stop.
- What are they hiding?
- Come on, baby, you have to admit this is weird.
- -Stop!
- There's something off!

- Are you the man that you say you are?
- It's a good fit.
- Thank you for your loyalty.
- More good things to come.
- How 'bout that, ladies and gentlemen.

Alice: You and me.
Jack: Always. You and me.

- I think three is a perfect number.
- Bill wants four.
- Well, once you have one, it's all the same.
- Having a second...
- Alice, how many babies should Violet have?
- Oh, at least seven.

- Jack?
- Margaret.
- They're hiding me in here.
- Oh, give us a second, Alice.
- She'll be fine.
- I'm not fine. Nothing is fine.
- She just needs to sleep.
- -[Margaret] I don't sleep.
- I have bad dreams.

[Weakly] Hello?
- I need some help.
- There's been an accident.
- A plane went down...
- Hello?

- It's my turn now.
- No!
- Come on! Shit!

- Ah! "Keep calm and carry on."
- Jack. Walk me out?
- Of course. [Clears throat]
- And remember...
- That I'm always a phone call away.
- Oh, thank you.
- Thank you so much.

- to create this better world for all of us, but I can't protect you without your loyalty.
- When you promise something, do you keep that promise?
- Is your word your bond?
- Is your word your truth?
- Is it our covenant?
- Until tomorrow.

Frank: What is the opposite of progress? Chaos. Chaos, an ugly word.

- Stop her, you idiots!
- Stop her!
- No, no!

- Don't leave me.
- You and me.
- Always.
- You and me.

- I can't talk to you right now, Margaret.
- No one asks any questions.
- We can't stay here anymore,
- Alice.
[Crying] I'm not crazy.
- You're being ridiculous and you need to stop this.
- Alice, you know me...

- You're lucky to even know who he is, let alone be standing in his house.
- I'm just excited. I'm sorry.
- I was just excited. Okay.
- -Oh! Guys. Go, go, go.
- Ooh, here we go.
- This way?
- Yeah, you should go in front.

Bunny: I choose this in here my children are still with me
Alice: They're not real
Bunny: But here they are

- or enjoying the breathtaking scenery of this sun-baked paradise.
- Although, you might find the best scenery at the club pool.
- Here you can live the life you deserve.
- We can all live the life...

- Let me be better!
- I'm so... Jack, please!
- They're hurting me! No! No!
- No! Jack! They're hurting me!
- They're hurting me!
- Fuck!
- Fuck!

Jack: I'm working a job i hate just to keep you there

- Because here they're alive!
- In here, I didn't lose them.
- Here, I can keep them.
- Don't you see?
- What ab...? Do they know?
- What about the women, do they know?
- They don't know.

- Food at home, a house cleaned, and discretion, above all else.
- And that...
- That's very difficult.
- You are my rock.
- I would not be here without you.
- Thank you.
- You're all dismissed.

- Or is it just a desperation to be exciting?
- Spitting in the face of this opportunity.
- It's heartbreaking that your sad, desperate paranoia could destroy what we're trying to build.
- Well, I won't listen to your pathetic ranting any longer.
- Frank, honey?
- I'll be in the car.

[Whispering] No.
- There are so many people outside.
- Jack, there are so many people.
- There are so many people outside.

- What else?
- Mashed potatoes.
- What else?
- Green beans.
- What else?
- Stuffed tomatoes.
- What else?
[Whispering] What else?

Shelley: It's my turn now

- You know our position on that.
- So glad you came back.
- You left this.
- I'd forget my head if it wasn't screwed on.
- Jack, shouldn't you be getting back to work?
- Yeah. Of course.
- See you tonight. Okay.
- Mm-hm.

[Coughing] No! No!
- Stop it, Alice!
- -Stop!
- Alice?
- Alice?
- A-Alice?
- What happened?

- Honey, let's go inside.
- We have to go inside, please.
- It's the kids.
- Where is Jack?
- Peg. I need you to go inside to the kids, peg!
- Peg, she is unwell.

[Whispering] What are you doing?
- I wonder why I chose this tie.
- I like your ties.

- Listen to me, you do not let her exit!
- If she gets there, she gets through.
- Who's gonna put her back in?
- Frank?
- Frank, what do we do? Sir?
- You stupid, stupid man.

- Victory project, applicant number 426.
- Name: Jack chambers. Age: 29.
- Blood type: O-negative.

- They're calling it operation extract.
- It's higher security clearance.
- I'm gonna be heading the whole thing myself, which is a real vote of confidence from frank, I think.