The Best Jack Quotes

- You know our position on that.
- So glad you came back.
- You left this.
- I'd forget my head if it wasn't screwed on.
- Jack, shouldn't you be getting back to work?
- Yeah. Of course.
- See you tonight. Okay.
- Mm-hm.

- Allow your consciousness to sink into this world, into this truth.
- Sink deeper into the way things are supposed to be.
- Alice.

- ♪ darlin' I j' j' miss you all the time ♪ j' can't you see ♪ j'llong to be♪ j' can't you see ♪ j'llong to be♪

- Whose world is this?
[All] Ours!
- Whose world is it? Ours!
[All] Ours!
- Whose world is it? Ours!
[All] Ours!
- Whose world is it? Ours!
[All] Ours!
- Whose world is it? Ours!
[All] Ours!
- Whose world is it? Ours!
[All] Ours!

Jack: I'm working a job i hate just to keep you there

- Hey.
- Hm?
- You love me?
[Whispering] The most.
- The most.
- ♪ boiling the potatoes, I'm j'
- -j' boiling the potatoes ♪
- -[Dishes clattering]

- How am I gonna take care of you?
- Don't say that.
- You're gonna get another job.
- It's okay.
- I'm sorry.
- I'll take extra shifts.
- It's not a problem.

- They're calling it operation extract.
- It's higher security clearance.
- I'm gonna be heading the whole thing myself, which is a real vote of confidence from frank, I think.

Alice: You and me.
Jack: Always. You and me.