200 Best Olivia Wilde Quotes

Thirteen: It's always a sad thing when sperm comes between people...

Dr. Gregory House: [about Kutner's death] Motives for murder.
Thirteen: House, it was a suicide. The police have already investigated.
Dr. Gregory House: They investigated what they saw, not what they didn't saw. Talk to friends, classmates, pizza delivery guy. And draft Foreman. He can make calls through his tears.
Thirteen: No.
Dr. Gregory House: Is that "No, I'm not calling my boyfriend, who apparently called my boss instead of me to say he wasn't coming in?" cause it's really not fair to have that much subtext in one syllable.
Thirteen: We all want to know why Kutner did it, but we're not gonna waste time chasing ghosts.

Dr. Robert Chase: House, you should relax. You had surgery this morning.
Dr. Gregory House: Minor surgery, removing a drain.
Dr. Robert Chase: Put there during major surgery.
Dr. Gregory House: My doctor says it's okay as long as I don't leave my hospital bed.
Dr. Chris Taub: Which doctor was that, Seuss or J?
Dr. Gregory House: Nurse!
Nurse: Dr. Hourani wrote it in his chart.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I'm surprised he approved it.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I'm more surprised you actually asked.
Dr. Gregory House: I do things like that now. I'm making some changes.

Dr. James Wilson: [as Wilson leaves House's office] No one - look at me... no one can know about this.
Dr. Gregory House: From this moment on, my lips are sealed.
Dr. James Wilson: [Wilson bumps into Thirteen in the hall] Sorry.
Thirteen: I't's okay. Be not afraid.

Dr. Gregory House: [to his team] Okay, new plan. We make a list of all the bars between here and the crash site. Find out where I went, we go there...
Dr. Chris Taub: On it.
[he, Kutner and Thirteen begin to leave]
Dr. Gregory House: You're not going to do anything, are you?
Thirteen: We're going to go to the ER and do our jobs.
Dr. Gregory House: Someone is dying because I can't remember...
Dr. Chris Taub: When you remember, you can page us.

Dr. Chris Taub: [after seeing Thirteen put an envelope on House's desk] What's that?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I'm asking for some time off.
Dr. Chris Taub: What's wrong?
Dr. Chris Taub: [Thirteen doesn't respond] Are you okay?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Obviously not.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [about Spencer] We had to use paddles to stabilize the patient's heart.
Dr. Gregory House: Eye issue, brain issue, now a heart issue. Sounds like a real case to me.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Yeah, I get it. I was wrong. Can we move on?
Dr. Gregory House: You're just upset because the whole time she was with you, she was thinking of my huge, throbbing... diagnostic skills.

Dr. Lawrence Kutner: [after Thirteen stops Kutner from watching a personal video of Amber and Wilson on Amber's laptop] As long as we don't know what's wrong, we don't know what's relevant.
Thirteen: Yeah, maybe they're having sex on a pile of asbestos. Go watch it. If we were in a stranger's house, you'd be watching the video. You altered your behavior because you're friends with her.
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: Are you okay?
Thirteen: We shouldn't be treating her at all.

Dr. Robert Chase: Why does everyone assume that everyone works in the *exact* same way?
Thirteen: We pretty much do. Our egos want us to think we're all snowflakes, no two alike. But really we all want the same things: love, forgiveness... chocolate.

Dr. Robert Chase: Cake? Taub though we should have a little party to see you off properly. He gets sentimental about these things.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I never should have flashed him.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: You're an idiot.
Dr. Gregory House: How'd you get in here?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: My boss has me break into places all the time.

Dr. Gregory House: [to Valerie] Hi, I'm Dr. House. How long have you been a psychopath?
Valerie: [looks at Thirteen] Are you kidding?
Thirteen: He's not.

Dr. Eric Foreman: Think he's right?
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: Who cares? You're a hypocrite. You don't ask her if she wants to be on the drug. But when there's a chance you could help her get better suddenly you're letting her call the shots. That's not being noble. That's saving your own ass!
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I'd feel worse if he destroyed his career.

Dr. Gregory House: [about Kutner's death] He didn't slit his wrists and... peacefully drift away. He shot himself. Didn't leave a note - means panic, which could have been preempted if the idiots who worked alongside him for 80 hours a week had seen this coming.
Thirteen: You're blaming us?
Dr. Gregory House: [shakes his head slightly] Just trying to figure it out.
Thirteen: We would have helped him if he had reached out to us. He didn't.
Dr. Eric Foreman: We should have picked up on something.
Thirteen: This isn't our fault! Something like 25% of suicidal people show no outward signs of depression.
Dr. Gregory House: No. 25% of suicidal people have friends who didn't notice anything and don't want to feel guilty.
Dr. Chris Taub: Killing himself also kills all other options. Makes Kutner an idiot. So pity, yes. But guilt, no.
Dr. Eric Foreman: That's what you wanna tell yourself.

Dr. Chris Taub: If you're this grown up at 16, what happens at 30?
Thirteen: You turn back into a kid... like Kutner.
Dr. Chris Taub: Kutner's not that bad.
Thirteen: He needs everything to be nice. Wants to see the best in everyone.

Lou: Hey, who are you?
Thirteen: This is Dr. House. He's too brilliant for introductions.

Thirteen: Do you have feelings for me or not?
Dr. Eric Foreman: I don't want our work lives to have anything to do with our personal lives.
Thirteen: You couldn't keep them separate. I mean *that's* why our personal lives don't exist.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Then I was alone. And one day, I will be sick. And there will be no one there when it's time. I didn't... expect compassion from you. I would've taken commisseration. Hell, I would've taken revulsion. Any... emotional engagement at all. It's no wonder Cuddy broke up with you!

Thirteen: Yeah, it sucks what he's doing to her too. But it's hardly the same. To be faithful to his wife, our patient has to deny his identity. Taub just needs to...
Dr. Gregory House: Resist his biological imperative.
Thirteen: It is easier to say no to dessert than to pretend you don't eat.
Dr. Gregory House: Says someone who's obviously never been on a diet.

- I think three is a perfect number.
- Bill wants four.
- Well, once you have one, it's all the same.
- Having a second...
- Alice, how many babies should Violet have?
- Oh, at least seven.

Dr. Chris Taub: [about Charlotte after she tries to kill herself] She's stable, but whatever was left of her liver is definitely shot now. And there's no change in Eddie.
Dr. Gregory House: So, thanks to her idiotic move, she's dead in 24 hours if she doesn't get a new liver.
Dr. Chris Taub: It was selfless. She loves him.
Dr. Gregory House: How does that disagree with what I just said?
Thirteen: Test was negative for AAT deficiency. Myelofibrosis fits, but testing takes at least 48 hours.
Dr. Chris Taub: We should try a partial donation from a live donor.
Thirteen: Damage is too severe. She needs a whole new liver.
Dr. Chris Taub: No diagnosis, no liver. No liver, no living.
Dr. Gregory House: [House is looking through the bookshelves. He returns to the table waving a single sheet of paper] What do you know. It is myelofibrosis.
[starts writing on the paper]
Dr. Gregory House: Says so right here. Who wants to tell Cuddy?
Thirteen: How many times have you lied to the transplant committee?
Dr. Gregory House: Just twice.
Thirteen: How many times has it worked?
Dr. Gregory House: I don't quite see how that's relevant.
[His pager goes off and he checks it]
Dr. Gregory House: Cheese it. It's the coppers.
Thirteen: [grabs House's pager] We're not just going to leave them to die while you fixate on Kutner.

Thirteen: What did Cuddy want?
Dr. Gregory House: I kinda hit that last night, so now she's all on my jock.
Thirteen: Wow! She looks pretty good for someone on roofies.

Dr. Chris Taub: So your left hand would rather play air guitar than give me a hard time?
Scott: Rather play air guitar than tie shoes, eat dinner...
Thirteen: Your right hand's playing too.
Scott: Don't want to discourage it.

Taub: What do we do?
Dr. Eric Foreman: I don't know yet.
Dr. Jeffrey 'Big Love' Cole: She needs treatment.
Dr. Amber Volakis: This is a test, right? You're reporting back to him everything we do.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Yeah, and I asked the patient to be uncooperative. Personally, I think she overplayed it.
Dr. Travis Brennan: [to Foreman] She's being uncooperative because you made us all look like idiots.
Dr. Eric Foreman: We're only gonna look like idiots if we can't figure out how to get her to agree to the treatment.
Dr. Jeffrey 'Big Love' Cole: What would House do right now?
Thirteen: Pop a pill, insult us and trick the patient.
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: We can do that last part. She's never met House before, has she? Who's got a cane?
Dr. Eric Foreman: House isn't here. We're not gonna act like him.

Dr. Gregory House: [to Thirteen] Doctors often try to ignore their symptoms because they think they can't get sick. If you've got something going on, I need you to take care of it.
Thirteen: And I take your compassion entirely at face value.
Dr. Gregory House: It's not compassion. It's self interest. I want my team healthy.
Thirteen: It's not self interest. It's curiosity. I dropped a file, House. I start bleeding from the eyes, I'll be sure to make an appointment.

Thirteen: You're breaking up with me?
Dr. Eric Foreman: No! The other night when I thought I was done, you were there. I *need* you. I don't want to lose you.
Thirteen: Uh, why are you...?... You're firing me.
Dr. Eric Foreman: I'm sorry.

Dr. Chris Taub: [about the patient] What if we put her on a heart-lung machine?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: She's septic. We don't need a heart-lung machine. We need a blood-vessel-hold-her-together machine.

Dr. Gregory House: [to Thirteen and Foreman] Go have sex.
Thirteen: No, thanks.
Dr. Gregory House: Fine, I'll cover the Viagra and the lubricants. Just get me a receipt.
Dr. Eric Foreman: We have zero feelings for each other.
Dr. Gregory House: Well, that's too bad 'cause things worked much better when you did. Would it help if I slept with her?
Thirteen: We were getting to a diagnosis.
Dr. Gregory House: No, we were already at the diagnosis. You were creating a fake argument about an irrelevant treatment issue 'cause you can't stand to be around each other. So have sex, fight or quit, I don't care. Whatever you're doing now isn't working.

Thirteen: She's shivering.
- She must have a fever.
- Infection? It couldn't be from the stabbing.
- It has to be from the stabbing.
- Wait, no, it couldn't be acting that quickly.
- Well then, what's wrong with her?

Thirteen: Drugs? How many trials are you on?
Brandon: Three.
Dr. Gregory House: Admirable. Not many idiots have that much ambition.

Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Sixteen-year-old female gets pranked and also gets visual hallucinations and vomiting. Turns out to be a failing liver.
Dr. Gregory House: Why have Foreman's breasts suddenly started to droop?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Large breasts are a classic symptom of you letting Foreman take vacation days so he can finish his FDA reports before the end of the year.
Dr. Gregory House: When are you taking vacation?
[raises his eyebrows suggestively]

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: You did this?
Martha: Parents signed the consent form. Amputate her arm.

Thirteen: Cameron and Chase?
Dr. Eric Foreman: They both really like Diagnostics. And I think they both really like watching House torture me.

Sophia: I just need a donor with the same blood type or something, right?
Thirteen: Actually, bone marrow's a little more complex. The best donors are immediate family.
Sophia: But those donor banks have thousands of names.
Thirteen: Your parents' similar DNA gives you a much better chance of...
Sophia: No. If I do this, I'll owe my life to them. It'd mean everything else that happened was somehow okay. They don't deserve that. They're not in my life. If that means I'm dead, then I'm dead.
Dr. Chris Taub: I have Huntington's disease. I'm dying. I don't know when it'll happen, but it'll be sooner than I ever planned. And I'd do anything to stop it because the only way to make anything right, the only way to make your life matter is to live as long, and as well as you possibly can.
Sophia: Have you ever been raped?
Dr. Chris Taub: No.
Sophia: Don't try to walk in my shoes and I won't try to walk in yours.

Thirteen: Maybe it's an allergic reaction to Interferon.
Dr. Gregory House: Yes, the symptom that I saw on the bus was a rare Interferon allergy that flares up two days before you take it.

Thirteen: You'll compromise your ideals to win a fight, but not to go for the woman you love.
William: That was a game, not real life.

Dr. Robert Chase: Speaking of which, earlier today I asked you about having sex. You gave me a look that almost certainly could only mean no. However, on the other hand, I'd be remiss if I didn't follow up and confirm. See? That's the same look. So, if it didn't mean "no" the first time, then...
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: No. No, no, no.
Dr. Robert Chase: No pressure.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Does that method ever work?
Dr. Robert Chase: At least once.
[Thirteen hugs Chase]
Dr. Robert Chase: I'm getting mixed signals.

Thirteen: [to Lou] I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten angry at you. Your choices are your choices.
Lou: You're not like me. Maybe you have wings.
Thirteen: I have Huntington's Chorea. Dozen years or so, my nervous system, my cognitive skills, even my emotional balance... they'll all start to fray. I won't be able to fly. I won't be able to walk. I won't be able to breathe.
Lou: And you want to make sure your life matters.
Thirteen: [nods] I don't want to just... be tightening bolts and following instructions. I want something... to be different because of me.

Dr. Eric Foreman: What if his behavior isn't a side effect of the ondansetron? What if it's a symptom?
Dr. Robert Chase: Thank you.
Dr. Eric Foreman: What causes delirium and nausea?
Dr. Chris Taub: He's been stuck here in the hospital a few days. Nobody else is sick, so it can't be environmental...
Dr. Richardson: Not exactly stuck. I snuck out. Freedom is my birthright.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Where did you go?
Dr. Richardson: The seafood festival at the convention center.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: We're screwed. The seafood festival has stuff from all around the world, in combinations nobody ever thought of.

Dr. Gregory House: Why are you smirking?
Dr. Eric Foreman: Never thought I'd see the day you were taking orders from Cameron.
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: Cameron's in charge?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: When did that happen?
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: You're going to destroy her, aren't you?

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I can handle this alone.
Dr. Gregory House: You've already handled it. That's why you need a chaperone. Of course, I'm a very permissive, understanding chaperone. So feel free to ignore me. You know, if you're in the mood to start kissing, or groping, or showering.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: You'll have to excuse Dr. House. He mistakes immaturity for edginess.

Dr. Lawrence Kutner: [while giving a blood test to Sarah] I'm impressed. You didn't even flinch.
Sarah: I just went to my happy place.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: We cannot let House anywhere near this woman.

Dr. Gregory House: Foreman, take Frodo and break bread with the Hobbits.
Dr. Chris Taub: [Rising up] I still think Hemotoma's more likely.
Dr. Gregory House: That's why you and Chase are going to get an MRI.
Dr. Chris Taub: But you just...
Dr. Gregory House: I said "Frodo", not "Gollum."
[House leaves]
Thirteen: Is he saying I have short legs, or hairy feet?
Dr. Robert Chase: I don't even know who Frodo is.

Dr. Robert Chase: Oh. I... I... . I thought that maybe it was because you're asking for a leave of absence and wouldn't have time to see a case through.
Dr. Chris Taub: [Thirteen looks at Taub] I didn't say anything.
Dr. Robert Chase: He didn't. I saw an envelope on House's desk with your name on it, so naturally I steamed it open.
Dr. Chris Taub: What's wrong with you? You steam an envelope to keep it secret.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Which is why I just ripped it. You gonna tell us where you're going?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [Long pause; Thirteen scoffs] Sure sounds like a "No."

Dr. Chris Taub: So we flirt, it's fun.
Thirteen: It's dangerous. That woman would totally do you.
Dr. Chris Taub: You think? Nothing's going to happen.
Thirteen: All I'm saying is if you want to be on a diet, you might want to stop hanging out by the dessert cart.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [to Foreman] Where's the woman I spoke to last week? The trial patient, um... with the advanced symptoms.
Dr. Eric Foreman: She dropped out.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Is she okay?
Dr. Eric Foreman: Not health-related. She... she wants to drop out.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Why?
Dr. Eric Foreman: She didn't say. And I only break into the houses of very special patients to get to understand them better.

Thirteen: You're a coward! You need to know everything because you're afraid to be wrong. You're so afraid of being ordinary, of being just another doctor, just another human being that you'll risk other people's lives.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm arrogant. You're the coward. You're terrified of death. You just want to cheat it by making it come sooner, gives you the illusion of control.

[Dr. House is trying to discover the motivations of Dr. Hadley's promiscuous & destructive behavior]
Dr. Gregory House: Why not men? You're bisexual. If you were just being self-destructive, you'd be having random sex with men. Better chances of getting assaulted, catching a disease. If this were just about getting laid, it'd be a lot easier to pick up men. Or ugly girls. But this woman's hot. Which means you like the challenge, the conquest. It's the control that gets you off. And controlling women is as close as you can get to controlling what's going to happen to you.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Here I thought I was just into boobs.

Thirteen: If I get drunk enough, there's a chance I might make out with one of the strippers - or become one.
Dr. Gregory House,8369: Sold!

Dr. Gregory House: Your High School boyfriend who dumped you. Leaving you unable to believe that anyone can rekindle and old flame.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: He dumped me after I hooked up with his sister.
Dr. Gregory House: ...Would you mind letting him down gently? I might've made promises that you can't keep.

[last lines]
Thirteen: Female. Late twenties. Kidney damage.
[to Wilson]
Thirteen: Does Amber have a birthmark on her right shoulder blade?
[looks at Wilson; Wilson turns and looks at House]
Dr. Gregory House: She was on the bus with me.
[rapidly breathing]
Dr. Gregory House: She's the one who's dying.

- I'm releasing her.
- You can go back to your poker game.
- Poker's illegal.
- House: The CIA would never allowillegal activity.
Thirteen: Have you considered
- Miller Fisher?
- Why? What happened?
- She just had another seizure. And now she's getting a vertical nystagmus.

Dr. Gregory House: You do it both ways right?
Thirteen: What?
Dr. Gregory House: The Ultrasound: do it standing up and lying down... What else would I mean?

Dr. Eric Foreman: [to Thirteen] You're doing drugs, staying up all night, having sex with strangers.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: It sounds like fun to me.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Karma's a bitch.
Dr. Eric Foreman: You think her seizures a result of bad karma?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I think if you spend your days designing ever more effective ways to blow people up, stuffs bound to come back to you.

- Taub: His reaction time could be slower.
Thirteen: He's stopping.
- Yeah, I see.
- He's having sleep sex.
- Maybe.
- Pull up to her.
- I know.

Dr. Lisa Cuddy: [Entering] I was paged?
Nick: Whoa! I would do her in a minute with fudge and cherry on top. Would someone please explain to this woman, there's only so many apologies I can...
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [to Cuddy] He has Frontal Lobe Disinhibition.

Lou: My boss has a big Beijing trip. I've been planning it for months. I was just tired and dehydrated and...
Thirteen: Yeah, whenever I lose some shut-eye, I pound my legs, clawing at imaginary ant colonies.

Jackson: I have this one friend. On the basketball team, you know? We hang out a lot. I really like him - now I'm worried that I... you know, like, him. Maybe I'm supposed to? Because if I'm really a girl...
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Hmm. Do you feel like a girl?
Jackson: I like dancing more than basketball. Is that what that means?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Jackson. As hard as it is right now... at least it's out in the open. You don't have to hide behind a mask.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [House dials someone] Who are you calling?
[her mobile rings]
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Oh, of course.
Dr. Gregory House: What are you wearing? Oh, I can see what you're wearing. Go to her room.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [to Foreman] Is that your passive-aggressive way of asking me if I'm seeing somebody else?
Dr. Eric Foreman: I hope you are. I mean... I hope you have someone with you. If I'm scared about this, I can't imagine how you must feel. You shouldn't be alone. If you want... I could fly over for a few days. Friends.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I appreciate that, but I think I'll be okay. I guess we took the long way around to being friends, huh?

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I love how everyone thinks it's so quaint and childlike of me to expect a modicum of privacy around here.

Dr. Gregory House: [as Thirteen is leaving for her appointment] Does Foreman schedule your appointment by numbers on the clock or just by when I'm in the middle of something?
Thirteen: Sorry if I'm dying at a bad time for you.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [to Foreman] You're good, but not "curing Huntington's" good.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I just said treatment for both is chelation.
Dr. Gregory House: I said force diuresis and try dialysis. You need a transcript?
Dr. Eric Foreman: You wanna put him on dialysis, risk infection and hemodynamic swings, when we can just chelate?
Dr. Robert Chase: Whoa! Whoa! Settle down.
Dr. Gregory House: If we chelate, we're not gonna know what disease he had, which means we're not gonna know if the problem was in his lousy, old job or his still lousy new life, which, for the purposes of a metaphorical argument, is very important.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Pointless to argue. He's the boss, he needs his puzzle solved. Why bang our heads against a wall?
Dr. Gregory House: When you're done with the patient, treat Foreman by banging his head against a wall.

Dr. Lawrence Kutner: [to Thirteen] I'm an Indian guy named "Kutner". Ever wonder what happened to my parents?
Thirteen: I'm sorry, I didn't...
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: I was 6 years old. I used to like helping out in my parents' store after school. Guy walks in to rob the place. Ends up shooting them both. Wasn't fair. Took years, but I had to accept that's just the way it was.

Thirteen: [to House] You are the champion of not dealing with your problems.
Dr. Gregory House: My grandson gave me a mug that says that.

Dr. Gregory House: He asked for my advice before he switched you off the placebo. I told him to do it if he loved you.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: He only thinks he loves me.
Dr. Gregory House: It's the same thing! Yes, he's an idiot. You didn't ask him to do anything, you're pissed off that he did. So let him torch his career to pay for his sins. Unless you actually feel something for the idiot. In which case, you might want to tell him to turn around.

Thirteen: No one's going to risk their life save her.
Dr. Gregory House: Man, one false accusation from a psychopath and you turn out to be a bummer... I'm going to go see if Wilson has any liver left.

Spencer: How long do you have?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Maybe a little more than you. Maybe a little less. I'll race you.

Thirteen: A woman who likes sex must be sick?
Dr. Gregory House: Just because everybody in this room wishes that all women were horny all the time, doesn't make it so.

Dr. Gregory House: So, what did you do?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: No more guessing?
Dr. Gregory House: I need to know. I could make some phone calls, see if we can speed up your medical board hearing. In the meantime, no one can stop me from hiring an assistant.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: You were right this morning. I met a guy at a coffee shop, we went back to my place, and he ODed.
Dr. Gregory House: Damn. Could've saved myself a job offer.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: We both acted like idiots. And I ended up doing time.
Dr. Gregory House: Guess he did more.

Thirteen: [watching the soap opera] It's not the tongue, it's the dialog... I think I dated that nurse, though...
Thirteen: [Taub and House lean closer to the TV] No.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [to Foreman] You're not acting like House. You are like him.

Valerie: [to Thirteen] Are you threatened by me?
Thirteen: Not at all.
Valerie: Well, you should be. You let him know what I told you, I will not only have your license pulled, I will sue you for everything I lose in the divorce. So the fun you get out of making those snotty little comments, is it worth $19 million? Oh, wait, will you hold that look? I'm really bad at showing emotions. How's this?

Dr. James Wilson: He needs someone who doesn't need him. You're the only one he's never *really* been able to suck into his crazy House vortex. Keeps him grounded. His ego in check.
Thirteen: Why didn't you just come to me?
Dr. James Wilson: I figured you'd only stay if House asked and I knew he would... eventually.
Thirteen: Bye Wilson.

Thirteen: [to Sophia] It might help to turn him in. File a police report. Get closure.
Sophia: Won't help.
Thirteen: Not addressing what happened won't make it go away.
Sophia: Yeah? What do I have to do to make it go away?
Thirteen: I didn't mean that. I just mean that you...
Sophia: I addressed it. I got away from it. Reporting it just labels me. "Girl raped by dad."
Thirteen: It doesn't have to define you.
Sophia: It's how you see me.

Dr. Chris Taub: [Noticing House in the hallway with a sword] What the Hell?
Thirteen: I had a dream like this once. It didn't end well.

Dr. Gregory House: This is not a test. You're not getting your job back. If you can...
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I know what it's like to get this news. And no one should have to get it from you!

[last lines]
Dr. Gregory House: Home, sweet home. You owe me eighty seven bucks for gas.
Dr. Gregory House: I'll kill you - when the times comes - if you want me to... Do it now if you like... I've got a baseball bat in the back.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: ...I'll see you Monday.

- No way am I taking that crap.
- Come on.
- You have to. It's the rules.
Thirteen: I'll do it.

Dr. Gregory House: Junior year of High School you placed fourth in the West Virginia All County Science Fair. Your project: clean combustion.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Yeah. I also wore a training bra. Things have changed.
Dr. Gregory House: Not that much.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Monogamy is like... saying you're never gonna have any other ice cream flavor besides rocky road.
Dr. Eric Foreman: So you're saying, if you don't have pink bubble gum for a while, that one day you're gonna chase down the ice cream truck?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: No. Rocky road is great. It's a very... delicious, and complicated flavor. I also know that if I have other flavors, then rocky road is gonna be left in the freezer where anyone can just dip in.

Dr. Lawrence Kutner: [to Thirteen] Are you okay?
Dr. Eric Foreman: Could be years before you see any symptoms.
Dr. Chris Taub: Why wouldn't you tell us?
Thirteen: I don't have Huntington's.
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: Are you lying to us... because it's none of our business?
Thirteen: If it's none of your business, then I shouldn't have to answer these questions. And I wouldn't have to except House doesn't want to answer questions about Wilson. He's deflecting his own problems onto me.
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: Are you deflecting now?
Thirteen: Time for the B12 cocktail and my life lesson.

Taub: [after the patient ends up paralyzed when she was given medicine] Steroids don't cause paralysis.
Dr. Eric Foreman: She was also on interferon! Giving her both probably fried her immune system. Who knows what infection you could cause...?
Dr. Amber Volakis: We consulted an immunologist. She said we have...
Dr. Eric Foreman: She? You talking about Dr. Cameron?
Taub: She thought lupus was...
Dr. Eric Foreman: She tell you to start treating?
Thirteen: Yes, they've ignored you. They screwed up and it's fun watching you spank them, but can we get back to the medicine?
Dr. Eric Foreman: The last thing any of you give a damn about is the medicine! Look, I'm not saying you're bad doctors or bad people, but House is. He created a nasty little cutthroat world, planted you in it and is watching you play. And none of it works for anyone except him.
Dr. Amber Volakis: And whoever wins.

Dr. Gregory House: [after forgetting Taub's name] Lesbian. Find out if anybody on that bus was taken to other hospitals.
Thirteen: He just forgot mine.
Dr. Gregory House: No, Thirteen, I just wanted to call you a lesbian.
Thirteen: I'm not a lesbian.
Dr. Gregory House: I was rounding up, from 50%.

Spencer: You're Dr. House?
Dr. Gregory House: I assume my name came up last night in the form of a moan. You had sex, then a seizure. Could be a particular position or activity that set it off.
[to Thirteen]
Dr. Gregory House: That sounds like a valid medical theory, doesn't it?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [to Spencer] I'm really sorry. Just ignore him.
Spencer: Whatever you think we did, we... we did, and then some.
Dr. Gregory House: Lights on or off?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Do you have a medical rationalization for that one?
Dr. Gregory House: Light sensitivity.
Spencer: On.
Dr. Gregory House: Figured she had more shame than that. Did she talk dirty, or did you rely on vague hand signals?
[writes something on a clipboard]
Spencer: She's... uh, pretty direct about what she wants.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm learning so much. Okay, score the score. Scale of one to ten.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [as she inserts the biopsy needle in Spencer] Don't answer.
Spencer: [winces from the pain of the biopsy needle] Seven.
Dr. Gregory House: [holds up a piece of paper with the number 7 on it] Finally got one right.

Dr. Eric Foreman: [to Thirteen] So you're okay with House getting Chase smashed enough to make a stupid mistake?
Thirteen: Being drunk doesn't change who you are, it just reveals it.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Because the real reason I was gone is not something I want to share.
Martha: Couldn't you just say that? Should be enough for Foreman and the others.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: How long have you worked here? House's people have personalities that range from nosy to "Pardon me while I do this cavity search."

Bunny: I choose this in here my children are still with me
Alice: They're not real
Bunny: But here they are

- Amber: Sats are still dropping.
Thirteen: The fluid's clear.
- If this was cancer, there should be blood.
- Call house.
- He just paged me.
- Dr. House!

Dr. Gregory House: Taub and Thirty-one...
Thirteen: Thirty-one?
Dr. Gregory House: Aw, I'm sorry I, thought that either way was good for you.

Dr. Amber Volakis: It could be a tumor to the temporal lobe.
Dr. Chris Taub: Not with a normal CT scan.
Dr. Amber Volakis: You mean it appeared normal to the doc in the ER.
Dr. Gregory House: Way to get right back on that horse, Thirteen.
Thirteen: No, that was Amber.
Dr. Gregory House: Nice try, Cutthroat Bitch. That was the worst Thirteen imitation I've ever heard.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [to Foreman] You read my note. You go through my locker. And then you decide you want to round it off by lecturing me on my life choices?
Dr. Eric Foreman: I'm worried about you.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Oh. Well, that makes it all right then.

Dr. Chris Taub: How long a leave are you taking?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Depends.
Dr. Chris Taub: On the drug trial. Sounds risky.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Yadda yadda. You don't think I should do it. Message heard.
Dr. Chris Taub: No. I approve. Living fast and dying young is crap if you have a chance to get better. I say good for you.

Thirteen: I told you Thailand!
Dr. Gregory House: I assumed you were lying. Because it would have been idiotic of you to tell me the truth. Yet another reason I have no use for you.

Thirteen: [When Eddie refuses to undergo treatment] You're basically asking us to commit murder.
Dr. Gregory House: I was yesterday too.
Thirteen: There's a difference when he has 20 years to live instead of 2 days.
Dr. Gregory House: Not really. Not legally.
Thirteen: That's your way of convincing us to do this, by saying it's no more immoral?
Dr. Gregory House: The idiot is gonna do this with or without us. This way, we can protect the organ.
Thirteen: We should be protecting him.
Dr. Gregory House: So we strap him to the bed, wait till his wife dies?
Thirteen: I'm not doing this.
Dr. Chris Taub: I will. We've already had one pointless death.

Dr. Gregory House: Brain's clean. Moving on.
Dr. Remy Hadley: To where? We've gone from making no sense to making less sense and then taking a step backward.

Dr. Gregory House: Who are you, Thirteen?
Thirteen: My name's in the file.
Dr. Gregory House: The fact that you won't answer my questions tells me more about you than answers could.
Thirteen: No, it doesn't. We turned the thing up to 95 degrees...
Dr. Gregory House: Do you think that non-answers tell me anything?
Thirteen: Sure. Just not as much as actual answers. That's why they are called answers.
Dr. Gregory House: Tell me you're hiding something.
Thirteen: Tells you I'm hiding everything.
Dr. Gregory House: Tells me you've got something worth hiding. Some Turkish prison, gay porn... you killed a man just because he was asking too many questions.

Martha: Can someone please explain to me what House and Wilson are doing with those chickens?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: They have a bet to see who can keep a chicken in the hospital the longest without getting busted by security. Advancing past the vertebral artery.
Martha: And why are they doing this?
Dr. Eric Foreman: The place they bought them only had one pig.

Dr. Gregory House: It was his name. He was conflicted, didn't know where he fit in, being ripped out of his world and stuck into yours.
Julia: We encouraged him to hold onto his heritage.
Dr. Gregory House: It's hard to still be Lawrence Choudhary when everyone sees you as Lawrence Kutner.
Julia: It was his idea to take our name.
Dr. Gregory House: Then you should have said no.
Thirteen: House.
Dr. Gregory House: All his Anglo name gave him was the illusion that he was someone he wasn't. You were being emotional, not rational. You didn't understand him.
Richard: We loved that boy, you son of a bitch.
Dr. Gregory House: You wanted to make him happy by shutting out his pain. When he looked happy, you assumed the pain had gone. It just got buried deeper, leaving him tormented about who he was until finally he put a bullet...
Dr. Eric Foreman: [interrupts him] House! Go back to the hospital.
Dr. Gregory House: [looks around everyone and realizes seeing the impact that his words have had on Kutner's parents] I'm sorry about your son.
[leaves the Kutners' house]

Thirteen: You realize we still have a patient.
Dr. Chris Taub: Don't care about the patient.
Thirteen: Do you care about this job more than you care about his life?
Dr. Chris Taub: I care about my wallpaper more than I care about his life.

Dr. Chris Taub: I have friends. I like people.
Thirteen: You also like secrets.
[Taub looks at Thirteen]
Thirteen: You deny it that sort of proves my point.
Dr. Chris Taub: When we're left to our own devices, we make lousy choices.

Dr. Lawrence Kutner: No valvular regurgitation. No wall-motion abnormalities. No structural defects.
Flynn: If you didn't sound so despondent, I'd say that was good news.
Thirteen: It is for you. Not for him. Notice any heaviness in your legs the last couple days?
Flynn: [to Kutner] Why isn't it good news for you?
Thirteen: Because if there's nothing wrong with you, he gets fired.
Flynn: Seriously?
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: Somewhat seriously. Your legs?

Thirteen: Do you want her to admit that all he has to do is ignore us for a few minutes and we'll take off?
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: He was shot. Girlfriend killed. He probably has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He doesn't believe in a just universe, he doesn't trust anyone. Give him some honesty.

Thirteen: [to House] You told me to get tested.
Dr. Gregory House: I didn't know it was gonna color your every medical opinion, every personal opinion.
Thirteen: You didn't think a death sentence would...
Dr. Gregory House: People die! You, Amber, everyone. Don't act like you just figured that out. I gave you a diagnosis. You don't like it, there are exits on every floor.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Black heels or boots?
Dr. Eric Foreman: You know I'm a fan of those heels.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Boots it is.

Dr. Eric Foreman: You do it.
Thirteen: I don't think he was talking to me.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Well, I am.
Thirteen: I'm the only one who thinks you're wrong.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Maybe that's why I'm asking you to do it.

Dr. Robert Chase: How good looking am I? I'm not asking if you're attracted to me. I'm looking for an objective answer.
Thirteen: Oh, okay then it's an appropriate question.
Dr. Robert Chase: Last night, I acted like a complete tosser to prove to House that women don't go out with me for my looks. Cost me a hundred buck, and my definition of myself... and women.
Thirteen: So date men. They're not shallow at all.

Thirteen: Why is everyone leaping to conclude a strong career woman's been made sick by her strong career? It's not B12! It's an insulinoma in her pancreas. It's making her hypoglycemic.
Dr. Gregory House: [sarcastically] Oh, great! Now everyone knows!
Dr. Chris Taub: You knew the patient had cancer?
Dr. Gregory House: Is that what she said? I thought she said: "I am suddenly and irrationally defending the patient's strong career, even though in reality she's just a glorified grunt because I am trying to convince myself that it's okay not to have a life because I don't have a life, because I was tested for Huntington's and my lifespan's been cut in half." Been waiting two months for her to say that.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: You stay here, they bust me.
Darrien: I can't go back, Remy.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Neither can I. God forbid, you die, I'm up for manslaughter.
Darrien: ...I'll find someone else.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: You leave, you bleed out. You're gonna die... Stop!
Darrien: Promise me, you won't take me to a hospital.

Thirteen: Blood.
- Could be thrombocythemia.
- Excess platelets lead to clotting throughout the body.
- Not with a normal platelet count.
- So the clotting doesn't start in the blood, it starts in the lungs. Pulmonary embolism.
- We should do a viq scan, see if his lungs are clear.

Wilson: Be not afraid. The forest nymphs have taught me how to please a woman.
Dr. Gregory House: Be not afraid, Wilson. You took risks for your art.
Thirteen: Be not afraid.
Cafeteria: Be not afraid.

Dr. Gregory House: Thirteen. Wait a minute.
[Thirteen comes back]
Dr. Gregory House: You're fired.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Now what? House, I'm starving.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm not joking. You're fired. Don't come in tomorrow.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: House...
Dr. Gregory House: I can work with people who've got nowhere else to go. People who got something to prove. People who just get off on weird cases. What I can't work with is someone who's here so she doesn't have to feel bad.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: You're trying to save me.
Dr. Gregory House: Yes... I think that little of you and that much of me.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [Waits a moment and realizes he's giving her permission to leave to enjoy the rest of her life] OK. Bye, House.

Thirteen: You're feeling something! What are you feeling?
Valerie: I don't know. But it hurts.
Thirteen: It will.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: So you want to quit?
Dr. Eric Foreman: No. I want to stop a stupid stunt. House doesn't want either one of us to quit, he wants this. He's got two lab rats in a maze, and thrown in one piece of cheese.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: ...So what do we do?
Dr. Eric Foreman: Nothing.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [House is placing a cat around several coma patients to prove that it can't predict when someone will die] Don't you wanna check their charts?
Dr. Gregory House: 'Course not. This is a double blind. I don't want to even subconsciously signal to Teddy which one is the sickest.
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: Her name's Debbie.
Dr. Chris Taub: Are those welts on that guy's arm?
Dr. Eric Foreman: Were they here when we got here?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [looking at the coma patients chart] He has a severe cat allergy.
Dr. Gregory House: [House quickly injects medicine into the coma patient] That never happened.

Dr. Gregory House: [to Thirteen] You have a genetic defect, you choose to ignore it. This woman has a genetic defect, chooses to butcher herself to be safe. Yet what you claim to be fascinated by, is her honesty. Interesting.
Thirteen: You claim to want the truth and then you screw with people who actually live by it. Pathetic.

- and could cause an aneurysm in the brain that could cause the visions.
Thirteen: It's a bit convoluted, but brain and heart function are susceptible, too.
- If there was any sign of the inflammation of the aorta, that would make sense.

Dr. Gregory House: Do you think he's making a mistake?
Thirteen: Of course. But he'll figure it out sooner or later. Hopefully after a few weeks of great sex. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Dr. Gregory House: Wilson's not like us. He cares too much about people and their feelings.
Thirteen: Thanks for the compliment.

Thirteen: Any particular reason you decided to sedate a patient for a procedure that's completely painless?
Dr. Gregory House: Guy has a history of violent outbursts during surgical procedures.
Dr. Chris Taub: Yeah, on TV.

[last lines]
Thirteen: What the hell is this?
Dr. Gregory House: Looks like an envelope with the results for the genetic test for Huntington's inside.
Thirteen: Did you look?
Dr. Gregory House: Thought it would be fun to find out together.
Thirteen: I don't want to know.
Dr. Gregory House: No, you're afraid to know.
Thirteen: I might die. So could you. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow, the only difference is you don't have to know about it today, so why should I?
Dr. Gregory House: I don't have to know the lottery numbers, but if someone offered them to me I'd take them.
Thirteen: You spend your whole life looking for answers, because you think the next answer will change something, maybe make you a little less miserable. And you know that when you run out of questions you don't just run out of answers, you run out of hope. You glad you know that?

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [to House] I love being back. I mean every theory you and I share is used as proof of my own personal damage.

Thirteen: Your dare is in the future, genius!
Dr. James Wilson: Hey, if you're saying you won't do it...
Thirteen: No, no, no. Of course, I'll show my breasts to Taub. Uh, Tomorrow, or sometime next year, because I'm honor bound.

Dr. Eric Foreman: You miss sleeping with women?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [laughs] Excuse me?
Dr. Eric Foreman: Simple question.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Yes. It's a simple answer.

- Whose world is it?
[Men] Ours!
- Whose world is it?
[Men] Ours!
- Whose world is it?
- Alice!
- Go! Go, Alice! Go!
- No, no!
[Shrieks] Get off me!
- -they'll find you!

Thirteen: [to Valerie] You called the medical board?
Valerie: What is she talking about?
Thirteen: Accusations of sexual harassment. You don't think I know it's you?
Dr. Robert Chase: Thirteen, come on.
Thirteen: You already got me fired from the case. What else do you want?
Dr. Eric Foreman: [stands in the doorway] Dr. Hadley. Get out here now.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I have called every neurosurgeon within a 45-mile radius. Nothing.
Dr. Robert Chase: Maybe House is just testing us.
Dr. Chris Taub: He's always testing us.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Test or not, it's a problem.
Dr. Robert Chase: It's not our problem. Why the hell is it House's problem?
Dr. Eric Foreman: Where the hell is Cuddy? We either report this, and half the hospital gets shut down, or we cover it up and run the risk that the entire hospital gets shut down.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Or we get Richardson.
Dr. Eric Foreman: He's sick.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: And we're doctors. We get people better.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [to Foreman] I heard Janice is back on the trial.
Dr. Eric Foreman: My Christmas gift to you.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I was wrong. You're not House.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Yeah, well. That's my Christmas gift to myself.

Dr. Robert Chase: Just because he has guns doesn't mean he's a murderer.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Tell that to the bear.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [to Foreman] Sticking your most improved study participant in my face. Is that your way of getting into my pants?
Dr. Eric Foreman: I don't make the schedule, and if I did, I wouldn't use it as a social lubricant.

Bunny: All they ask of us is to stay here. Where it's safe.

- We could also embalm her right here.
Thirteen: I'll call the drugs and you go pick them up.
- If I'm right, she'll be fine.
- Look, I know you don't know her and you don't care about her, but I do.
- Please.

Thirteen: Bubbles.
Dr. Gregory House: Is that your new stripper name?
Thirteen: Yes. And also we inject bubbles into the cyst and follow where they drift. They end up in the other organs, we know you're right, cut it out, she's fine.
Dr. Gregory House: Bubbles is right.

Dr. Eric Foreman: You can't give up on life because...
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I'm not giving up on life. I'm just giving up on you! I finally feel like I have a grip on things. I can handle this. What I can't handle is dragging anyone else down with me.

Dr. Robert Chase: Not that I could ever do it. But I was jealous of House and Cameron, and she never touched him.
Thirteen: Not counting the emotional fondling.

Thirteen: Why do you want to meet her so badly?
Dr. Gregory House: Psychopaths always fascinate me. I think its their cultural literacy and strong family values.

Thirteen: I don't think I was even born when that movie was out.
Dr. Gregory House: Well you're too young to be a doctor. That movie was released in 1980.
Thirteen: That was 28 years ago.
Dr. Gregory House: No it wasn't! Shut up!
Thirteen: Did you just forget what year it is?
Dr. Gregory House: No. I just remembered how old I am.

Dr. Gregory House: I picked Cameron's pocket down in ER. I came up with a doozy.
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: Your mother called, twice.
Dr. Gregory House: She's still healthy. This 25-year-old woman, on the other hand...
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: Her messages sounded kind of urgent.
Dr. Gregory House: Well, that's the way women sound when their spouse of 50 years dies.
Thirteen: Your dad died? Are you...
Dr. Gregory House: Yep. Fine!

- What is she talking about?
Thirteen: "Accusations of sexual harassment."
- You don't think I know it's you?
- Chase: Thirteen, come on.
- You already got me fired from the case, what else do you want?
- Dr. Hadley, get out here now.

Thirteen: [to Taub] You had no right.
Dr. Chris Taub: To try to convince her to do the right thing?
Thirteen: To lie to her.
Dr. Chris Taub: It's a true story. Who cares if it's not my story?
Thirteen: It's my life.
Dr. Chris Taub: It's her life. Point wasn't I'm dying. Point was she should live. You should have told her. Instead, you tell her to call the cops, give her stats on DNA markers. Everything's by the book. Nothing's ever personal.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [about the patient] Pain could be caused by a blind uterus hidden in his abdomen. He needs an MRI.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Right, boy with girl genes. I'm sure you're the first doctor brilliant enough to check for a uterus.

Thirteen: [to Jason] You really don't feel bad about killing me?
Jason: Not if you don't feel bad about killing yourself.
Thirteen: I don't want to die.
Jason: Yeah, you do. You just don't have the nerve to actually do it. You just want it out of your control. Well, it is because I've got a gun.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: You know I'm actually kind of hurt that you don't know what I did. I'm not worth bribbing a court official or hacking into Police files?
Dr. Gregory House: Where's the fun in that?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: You could've at least hired Cuddy's weird boyfriend.
Dr. Gregory House: Lucas?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Mmm hmm.
Dr. Gregory House: You don't know?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: What? Is he dead or something?
Dr. Gregory House: No... Actually until a couple weeks ago, *I* was Cuddy's weird boyfriend.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Ha! You're going to have to do a lot better than that.
[Long pause, Thirteen realizes what House meant]
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Are you okay?
Dr. Gregory House: Yeah, I'm fine. It's not a big deal.

Thirteen: [to Chase] Then what do you suggest? Because the patient's got a high fever, a low heart rate and a dim chance of survival if we stand here like idiots.
Dr. Robert Chase: Then I suggest you don't stand there like idiots.

Dr. Eric Foreman: People who have a problem with boxes are people who don't fit in them.
Thirteen: You've been working for House for a long time.
Dr. Eric Foreman: No need for name calling.

- Because you've been poisoning her.
- And the reason she's getting better, is because you haven't been near her.
- Our co-workers are on their way to your home right now to search it for poisons.
- You mind saving them the trouble?
Thirteen: Attempted murder is better than murder.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [Over the loudspeaker] There's another option.
Dr. Eric Foreman: House, who's that?
Dr. Gregory House: Radio.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Sounded a lot like Thirteen.
Dr. Gregory House: It's a Thirteen tribute band. With their new song "I have a better theory than Masters."

Thirteen: [to House] You're taking the case because she's hot?
Dr. Gregory House: No, that would be an accident of genetics. It's because she's hot and her husband is ugly. It's a fascinating window into the mysteries of human psychology. Also, she's really hot.

Thirteen: [about Amber] We should say goodbye.
Dr. Chris Taub: She didn't even like us.
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: We liked her.
Dr. Chris Taub: Did we?
Dr. Eric Foreman: We do now.

Dr. Gregory House: [about Charlotte's treatment] Start her on IV fluids and acyclovir.
Thirteen: Can't. She's demanding to be released so she can get home to her husband.
Dr. Gregory House: How sweet. They can die together instead of separately, 40 years apart.
Thirteen: She claims he got stronger as soon as she stopped breathing.
Dr. Chris Taub: The mind can heal the body. Seeing his wife in distress might have actually slowed down his death.
Dr. Gregory House: Or he just had an adrenaline surge when he saw his chance to hit the singles market.

- What'd that guy want?
- Piss off.
- Go after him.
- She's not a hooker.
- How do you know?
Thirteen: Do you want me to describe the clues, or do you want to stop him before he finishes off the drugs he just bought?

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [surprised] You're married?
Dr. Gregory House: You're gone so long.
Dr. Gregory House: [Thirteen looks at House with a sly smile] Green card.

Dr. Eric Foreman: Look at that. No House, the job still gets down.
Thirteen: And yet, something's missing.
Dr. Chris Taub: I'm short. He's black. You're gay-ish.
Thirteen: That's it.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [to the Team] Can I talk? She said that they never had kids, and you all *jumped* to infertility. You never considered the other option.
[House ends the call]
Dr. Gregory House: And the bitch is back!

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [to House] Spoke to Wilson.
Dr. Gregory House: He's angry because I want him to live longer. Who wouldn't be?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Friends respect each other's decisions, even if they don't agree with them. It's called loyalty.
Dr. Gregory House: Loyalty is a tool to get people to do things they don't wanna do.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: But you do want to. You may have rationalized it a hundred different ways, but the fact is, you fired me so that I'd be forced to spend the rest of my life doing exactly what I wanted to do. It was probably the most... selfless thing anyone has ever done for me and you don't even like me that much.

Sadie: Are you crazy, bitch?
Thirteen: No, I'm just a bitch who knows what she wants.

Dr. Chris Taub: [When the patient refuses to have her hands and feet amputated due to gangrene] We know what House would do.
Dr. Robert Chase: House would have never woken her up to ask for consent. If you can't live with the answer, don't ask the question.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: You're saying we should accept her decision.
Dr. Robert Chase: Bold idea, I know.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Maybe we can get the boyfriend to convince her to do it.
Dr. Robert Chase: Yeah, boyfriends get everything they want.

Dr. Gregory House: What did Wilson do for me?
Dr. Chris Taub: [ignores House] If the donor had an infection that somehow slipped by a screening, it could lay dormant...
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: Five organ systems hit. Would need five infections for it to somehow slip by screening.
Dr. Gregory House: Oh, sure, he made me laugh on a rainy day, made me see the colors I never knew...
Dr. Remy Hadley: None of the donated organs were hit. Means whatever they got came from the donor's blood.
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: That wouldn't help us narrow down what...
Dr. Remy Hadley: It narrows down who. Corneal transplants are bloodless. It means Apple's gonna be fine.
Dr. Eric Foreman: You secure enough in that theory to send her home?
Dr. Remy Hadley: I guess we could wait till we figure out what's wrong with Frank.
Dr. Gregory House: On the other hand, Gilbert Gottfried makes me laugh. And how many colors are there really? Once you got red, blue and green...
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: He paid for your lunch, liked monster trucks and was your conscience.

Valerie: [to Cuddy about Thirteen] Fire her.
Thirteen: What for? You seemed to have lied your way out of any trouble.
Valerie: Until Bill checks up on my cover and I have to create a whole new one to cover that one up. I've done it before, but it's a pain and I would like Dr. Hadley to share that pain.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: She didn't reveal any confidences and she had a valid medical reason to ask about your landscaping class.
Valerie: We can see what a jury says about that.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: And admit to your husband the truth? You're not gonna sue us. We will remove Dr. Hadley from all patient contact.
Thirteen: What?
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: But it's for Dr. Hadley's benefit, not yours. We have no obligation to inflict you on her.
Valerie: Fine.
[to Thirteen]
Valerie: But just so you know, this is not for your benefit. Dr. Cuddy's furious that you put her hospital at risk. She just knows it's a bad idea to admit it in front of me.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Think what you want. By the way, your orderly's outside, but I'd wait about another ten minutes if you really want your husband to think you're having radiation treatments.
[leaves the room]
Valerie: [as Thirteen is about to leave the room] Dr. Hadley, are you by chance gonna cry? 'Cause that's one I just can't do.

Thirteen: Nothing in the biopsy...
Dr. Gregory House: And how is he?
Thirteen: His fever is at 106...
Dr. Gregory House: [Interrupting] I know, but "how is he..."? Bitter? Sexually frustrated...?
Thirteen: He's delightful. Loves the smell of freshly baked rhubarb pie, and isn't afraid to love. Also, his rash is coming back.

Thirteen: What'd you drug him with?
Dr. Jeffrey 'Big Love' Cole: Amber's nickname is "Cutthroat Bitch" and you're pointing at me?

Dr. Lisa Cuddy: [to House about Thirteen] I found her in the clinic giving herself IV fluids.
Dr. Gregory House: At least you could've let her finished. She looks terrible.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: She has a fresh nightclub stamp on her wrist. She's in no condition to practice.
Dr. Gregory House: Unless this is a prelude to an actual spanking, there's no reason for me to be...
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I want her to take a drug test.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: You can't make me do that.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: But I can suspend you until you do.
Dr. Gregory House: Because she went to a nightclub in her free time or because she had sex in her free time? Patient was undergoing routine surgery for RTA. Didn't need Thirteen here for that. And I don't need you making my employees punch a clock or pee in a cup.

Thirteen: [to House] This is a game? First, we have to screw with our co-worker and now we have to try to figure out what you want us to say? This is insane. I'm not playing.
Dr. Gregory House: Right. You should've said this two days ago. Do not play games with me. Number one, you're going to lose, you're just not ready. Number two, the game was to force you to stop playing games. I need you to stand up to me. Challenge me. I need you to stop worrying about getting fired. Go pay for my cable.

Thirteen: You're saying we should use the cop thing to force him to talk?
Dr. Gregory House: Force? I'm talking about the womanly art of persuasion.
[Thirteen starts to walk to the room. House looks at Chase]
Dr. Gregory House: I said *womanly*!
[Chase and Thirteen enter]

Dr. Wilson: Maybe it's Auto Immune...
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Maybe it's Auto Immune...
Dr. Eric Foreman: Maybe it's Auto Immune...
Dr. Allison Cameron: Maybe it's Auto Immune...
Dr. Robert Chase: Maybe it's Auto Immune...
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: Maybe it's Auto Immune...
Thirteen: Maybe it's Auto Immune...
Dr. Chris Taub: Maybe it's Auto Immune...
Dr. Jeffrey 'Big Love' Cole: Maybe it's Auto Immune...
Dr. Gregory House: If someone says Auto Immune, you're fired!

Dr. Eric Foreman: I'm sorry. I was stubborn and arrogant.
Dr. Travis Brennan: Self-recriminations won't help her.
Thirteen: Nothing's gonna help her. She's got polio.
Dr. Amber Volakis: There's no cure, but there are treatments.
Dr. Eric Foreman: She's dying.
Taub: Yeah. Every death's a tragedy. Funny how you weren't so depressed when she was just dying because me and Amber screwed up.
Dr. Eric Foreman: And I'm also self-centered. Thanks for clarifying.
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: Don't forget self-pitying.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [to House] Thank you.
Dr. Gregory House: By the way, the surgery was not routine. Patient stopped breathing and you missed a differential. You're fired.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: What? You just defended me.
Dr. Gregory House: No, I just prevented you from getting a drug test. Probably saved your career. I'm already taking responsibility for one doctor with a drug habit.
[pops a Vicodin pill in his mouth]
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I don't have a drug habit.
Dr. Gregory House: The slutty party girl is fun 'till she pukes on your shoes. Then she's just a pain in the ass.

Dr. Robert Chase: You had shrimp?
Dr. Richardson: Uh-huh.
Dr. Robert Chase: And crab?
Dr. Richardson: Uh-huh.
Dr. Robert Chase: Lobster?
Dr. Richardson: Uh-huh.
Dr. Robert Chase: And?
Dr. Richardson: I ate whatever looked good.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Did you eat any roe? Little tiny eggs?
Dr. Richardson: Nummy.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Toad eggs will cause nausea, and they can get you high. If I'm right, the antidote is fast-acting. If we can get him to keep his clothes on long enough, he can pass as a functioning neurosurgeon.

Dr. Gregory House: You know that I'm a doctor. Any interest I have in the human body is purely clinical.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Yeah, that line never works for me either.
Dr. Gregory House: That line *always* works for you.

Valerie: I'm not so different than anybody else. Everyone I've ever known: my family, my classmates, the people I work with. They're all out for themselves. Difference is, I could admit it to myself.
Thirteen: She kind of reminds me of someone I know.
Dr. Gregory House: Tell me about it.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Retinal vein occlusion was fixed. Her doctor said it was a venous anomaly.
Dr. Gregory House: Is he in this room? Because if he's not, I don't care what he thinks. Unless he's a she, and she was there last night too. In which case I care very deeply.

- Twenty-eight-year-old male, single gunshot wound to the right temple.
Thirteen: No pulse.
- Foreman: Alert Princeton-plainsboro, have a trauma unit ready.
- His pupils are dilated, his head's swollen.
- Still no pulse. Come on, kutner!
- Let me try.

Dr. Amber Volakis: So Thirteen, you grow up around here?
Thirteen: We're digging up a grave and you want to chit-chat?
Dr. Amber Volakis: I'm just making conversation. It's what people do. Why are you hiding everything? And I'm asking you that question because you're hiding everything. There's something seriously wrong with you. I'm worried.
Thirteen: [smiles] No, you're not.
Dr. Amber Volakis: Fine, but I am freaked because I don't think you're a freak. I think you're doing this on purpose because you know House will be intrigued.
[Thirteen is quiet for a second and then nods her head]
Thirteen: Yeah, I grew up around here.

Dr. Gregory House: Why the lack of afterglow? Physiogirl not as freaky as you'd like?
Dr. Chris Taub: I went home with my wife.
Thirteen: [Thirteen sighs] After all that, you chickened out.

Dr. Gregory House: Compound CS-804. It's an experimental drug that's supposed to re-grow muscle.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: This experiment was done on rats.
Dr. Gregory House: It's groundbreaking. A huge success.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: In rats.
Dr. Gregory House: They got four legs. Think how fast it should work on one.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: You're an idiot.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Why are you still alive?
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: I'm not sure.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I guess he was impressed that you stood up to him. And got a cat to pee on his chair.
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: Yeah. A cat.

Dr. Gregory House: By the way tell the other lepers their absence has been noted.
Thirteen: Cameron didn't come by?
Dr. Gregory House: Daddy's little co-dependent is all grown-up. Making room for daddy's hot bi-sexual's boyfriend problems.

Thirteen: His brain MRI showed narrowing in the blood vessels leading up from the neck, if we do shake something loose, we could kill him.
Dr. Chris Taub: Or one of him. Clot in his brain could kill one of them, without affecting the other.
Dr. Eric Foreman: He might actually be okay with that.

Dr. Gregory House: Yes, He won't tell us anything. Understandable, since he's a drug dealer.
Thirteen: So he's dangerous, and withholding. Which you find irresitible. But guys like that, they never call.

Dr. Chris Taub: If she thinks I'm cheating she would ask.
Thirteen: Because you tell the truth.
Dr. Chris Taub: I'm not seeing anyone else.
Thirteen: Doesn't matter. You have a history. And that's not her fault.
Dr. Chris Taub: What am I supposed to do? I can't prove a negative.
Thirteen: That is a problem.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: The prodigal daughter returns.
Dr. Gregory House: You taking me up on my offer to off you? Think I've still got some leftover propofol.

Dr. Chris Taub: [Watching Scott's left hand gently stroke Annie's face] Somebody's grateful.
Thirteen: We'll just leave the three of you alone.

Charlotte: [to BoJack] If you ever try to contact me or my family again, I will fucking kill you!

Dr. Robert Chase: [as they're following a car] In the lab, there is significantly less chance of getting killed. You're too close. Slow down.
Thirteen: We're in a car in broad daylight. What's going to happen?
Dr. Robert Chase: You honestly think he doesn't have a gun in that car?
Thirteen: You think he's going to shoot doctors?
Dr. Robert Chase: Just... back off.

Thirteen: [to Foreman] You weren't wearing gloves when we shocked her heart back into rythm.
Dr. Gregory House: [House quickly moves away from Foreman] I'm sure you'll be fine.
[to Chase and Taub]
Dr. Gregory House: You two get a sample to the lab to confirm.
[to Thirteen]
Dr. Gregory House: You get the knight into isolation on an IV antibiotic.
[to Foreman]
Dr. Gregory House: *You*... stay away from me.

Dr. Eric Foreman: Well, it's taken over us just over an hour to prove she has a very boring subconscious.
Dr. Gregory House: Anyone ever tell you that you can be a buzzkill?
Dr. Robert Chase,5861: Yes.

- Few things. A handbag, flowers, a stuffed elephant.
- Does she seem like the kind of woman who needs a stuffed animal?
Thirteen: Who are you calling?
- Oh. Of course.
- What are you wearing?
- Oh. I can see what you're wearing. Go to her room.

Dr. Gregory House: I'm busy.
Thirteen: We need you to...
Dr. Gregory House: Actually, as you can see, I'm not busy. It's just an euphemism for "get the hell out of here!"

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: So, you gonna ask me about this Huntington's trial? And by ask, I mean give me your opinion.
Dr. Robert Chase: No. There is one thing though. Will you have sex with me?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: What?
Dr. Robert Chase: Well, this trial mean you're leaving right away. I was playing a long game. Deadlines have been moved up.

Thirteen: Karma's a bitch.
- You think her seizures are the result of bad Karma?
Thirteen: I think if you spend your days designing ever more effective ways to blow people up, stuff's bound to come back to you.

Dr. Eric Foreman: [to Thirteen about Valerie] You're testing her for a brain tumor?
Thirteen: That's what I told her. You can chastise me after you look at the monitor. Look what's lighting up.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Lateral frontal cortex, Broca's area, so what?
Thirteen: I told her it was customary to talk during MRIs to relax. I spent the last 30 minutes asking her about everything in life that she loves, then hates, then feels any emotion about at all.
Dr. Eric Foreman: [looks at the monitor] There's nothing in the paralimbic system, amygdala...
Thirteen: Because she's using the language part of her brain and bypassing the emotional. She can understand love and pain and empathy, but she can't feel them at all. She's a psychopath.

Thirteen: [after Valerie makes accusations of sexual harassment towards Thirteen] She's trying to make me lose my license.
Dr. Eric Foreman: And she'll fail unless you're stupid enough to go in there and scream at her.
Thirteen: Sexual harassment accusations are incredibly serious.
Dr. Eric Foreman: If she made them anonymously, the case goes away. If she used her name, we all back you up, it goes away. You're completely overreacting.
Thirteen: You'd be pissed off too if you were me. Or maybe not, I don't know. You're just about as emotional as she is.
Dr. Eric Foreman: I'm doing you a favor.
Thirteen: I know, and even when you try to do something nice, you sound like a jerk.
Dr. Eric Foreman: I'm sorry.
Thirteen: For what?
Dr. Eric Foreman: Firing you.
Thirteen: Don't do that, that's not what this is about.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Then I'll apologize anyway. I did it for me. Not for you. I realized that right after I fired you, but I couldn't admit it. Screwed everything up. I hope that we can still work together.

Dr. Gregory House: The receiver doesn't respond to manual stimulation. Maybe if you took off your shirt.
Thirteen: Actually, I restorted to something more exotic. I call it "reading the instructions." Turns out if you screw the antennae into the wrong sockets, it doesn't actually work.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: [while Thirteen is examining Spencer] Look, I really had no intention of ever seeing you again.
Spencer: So, having me end up here is a little less than ideal. I get it, but we just met. How'd you know you didn't want to see me again?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: It's nothing personal. I'm just really not that into repeat performances.
Spencer: I figured I wasn't the first girl you cruised.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Why is that?
Spencer: You're awfully good at it.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: You'd think with all that experience that I'd be better than a 7.
Spencer: We just met. We were both drunk. Not like there wasn't potential. Little more practice for the both of us, I'd say we're looking at a 9, but that would require a repeat performance.

Dr. Eric Foreman: I'm glad you're going to be sticking around after today.
Martha: Really? You want me to stay?
Dr. Eric Foreman: It's good to add a different perspective to the department. Someone who still remembers there are rules other than House's.
Martha: If I don't play by House's rules, he won't let me in.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Find a way around it.
Martha: I'd have to *lie* to him, which is still lying.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: Lying about a lie, that's practically telling the truth.

Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I made a promise.
Dr. Robert Chase: You made a promise?
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: I will not take her to the hospital.
Dr. Robert Chase: Great. Then I will.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: No.
Dr. Robert Chase: I'm gonna move you, then I'm gonna pick your friend up, carry her down to my car, take her to the hospital, and try to save her life.
Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley: She's staying here.
Dr. Robert Chase: Move.
Dr. Robert Chase: Move!
[moves Thirteen away]
Dr. Robert Chase: She's going to the hospital.

Dr. Lawrence Kutner: What did House have to say?
Thirteen: He told me I was raised by wolves and that's why I use the same hand for my fork and knife.

Thirteen: [after she and Foreman find Kutner lying on his bedroom floor] Oh, God.
[runs in the room, kneels by Kutner's body and starts to perform CPR as Foreman makes a phone call]
Dr. Eric Foreman: [on the phone] I need an ambulance at 410 Willis. Apartment 5-C. 28-year-old male. Single gunshot wound to the right temple.
Thirteen: No pulse!
Dr. Eric Foreman: Alert Princeton Plainsboro. Have a trauma unit ready. His pupil's dilated. His head's swollen.
Thirteen: Still no pulse! Come on, Kutner!
Dr. Eric Foreman: Let me try.
[takes over doing CPR on Kutner]
Thirteen: He's cold. Eric!

Dr. Eric Foreman: All it takes is one bad eyeball.
Thirteen: Or testicle, cow brain, or my personal favorite, pig rectum with a side order of sphincter.
Dr. Chris Taub: [Taub looks at Chase] I think that's breakfast in Australia.