The Best Peg Quotes

[Shelley on P.A.] Can my husband throw a party or what?
- He does so much for us.
- More than we could ever repay.
- But I have attempted a little...
- Gift for him.
- Uh-oh.
- For all of us, really.
- I hope you enjoy.

- You can probably tell by now that appetizers are where
- I really express myself and buck convention.
- It's a skill.
- Maybe you can teach me sometime.
- Can't be taught.

- Peter made me swear not to tell anyone.
- So they're gonna build a whole new row of houses behind us, so we'll be much closer to town.
- Really? Wow.
- Mm-hm.
- So wait, how does that make you closer to town?
- We won't be furthest from town.