The Best Douglas Smith Quotes

Nicolette: Is that Ben?
Margene: And that must be Brynn. What do we do?
Nicolette: This...
[Nicki beeps the car horn]
Margene: Nicki. Stop it.
[beeps again]
Margene: Stop it!
[beeps again]
Margene: Stop it!
Nicolette: This is why mothers shouldn't work.
Margene: We don't work.
Nicolette: Barb should be at home.
Margene: We're at home.
Margene: Hi! Ah, we told your mom we'd pick you up. She had a ton of papers to grade.
Ben: Oh, ah, well... OK. Um, everybody, this is Brynn.
Margene: Hi.
Nicolette: I'm Lucy. This is Ethel.
Ben: These are my neighbors.
Margene: So where can we take you, Brynn?
Brynn: Um, Sandy Points Drive, off South State.
[Margie gestures toward the back seat of the car]
Brynn: Thanks.
Margene: Sorry about the sod.
Brynn: That's OK.
Nicolette: Watch out for grubs.

Marlon: I asked Hannah to teach me how to make GHB, and how to get it into Kira. I just wanted to mess her up a bit. I snuck it into Kira's room a few days ago; I still had a key. Hannah must've made a copy.
Sara: I believe you, Marlon. I really do. But the only thing that a jury's going to see is your prints on the lube, your prints on the windowsill, and another dead girl.
Marlon: Why is Hannah doing this to me?
Sara: I don't know. All I know is... you don't deserve to take the fall for this. And the question is... are you going to let your sister get away with this and spend the rest of your life in jail?
Marlon: If Hannah wants me in jail, that's where I'm going to be. There's nothing I can do about it.

Marlon: [to Marlon] We're here to talk to you about Kira Dellinger.
Marlon: Kira committed suicide.
Sara: Actually, she was murdered.
Marlon: Somebody I know ends up dead and I'm automatically a suspect?
Captain: History has a way of repeating itself, Marlon.

Marlon: I'm telling you, I didn't kill Kira. I've never lied to you. Not once. You just never believe me. When I'm guilty, you want me to be innocent. When I'm innocent, you want me to be guilty.
Nick: Hey, you know what, Marlon? You can save it, 'cause unlike most people, you're not going to get me to underestimate you. I already know you're every bit as smart as your sister, especially when it comes to creating confusion.

Laszlo: The events earlier this evening were simply a distraction. There's a phenomenon common in visual perception that when something is drawing the eye's attention, an object, a source of light, we become almost blind to surrounding objects.
Marcus: The human eye cannot help but fixate on certain stimuli.
Lucius: And in such cases the person isn't even aware that their perception is limited, so subtle is the effect.
Laszlo: The same can be true of the mind. And so it is with us we have gone off-course.

Marlon: Hannah, they're going to put me away for the rest of my life.
Hannah: The evidence is against you, particularly given your history of violence.
Marlon: Please... after everything I've done for you, after everything we've done for each other, at least tell me why.
Hannah: Because I love you.
Marlon: And I love you, too.
Hannah: No, you don't. But you will. I promise, I'll visit you every week.

- Honey, let's go inside.
- We have to go inside, please.
- It's the kids.
- Where is Jack?
- Peg. I need you to go inside to the kids, peg!
- Peg, she is unwell.

Nick: [to Marlon] You moved the body, you buried it.
Marlon: I know I did; I was there. What's the problem?
Nick: Well, the problem is what happened in the locker room. I mean, you're not the kind of guy who puts sodium in a showerhead to get back at somebody. You just trip them in the hallway.
Marlon: So you think I'm too stupid to have done it. Great, join the club.
Nick: I don't think you're stupid, Marlon; I didn't say you were stupid. But this is Hannah's game. The whole way.

Sarah: How's Seminary? Made friends with the other brainwashees?
Ben: Don't call them brainwashed.
Sarah: Why not?
Ben: I don't like it.
Sarah: Good. You still have an opinion.

Marcus: You know the difference between capitalism and socialism?
Lucius: No.
Marcus: In capitalism, man exploits man. In socialism, it's the other way around.