The Best Frank Quotes

Frank: I've been waiting for someone like you. Someone to challenge me. Like a good girl.
Alice: Well, Frank, you can just kiss my grits!

- Well, we're looking for some fierce competitors.
- If you're ever ready to get out there, call me.
- I've heard about that backhand, though, it's famous.
- If you want a partner,
- I'm yours, man.
- That's a lot of pressure.
- I don't know if...
- Thank you.

Frank: I've been waiting for someone like you. Someone to challenge me. Like a good girl.

- Whose world is it?
[Men] Ours!
- Whose world is it?
[Men] Ours!
- Whose world is it?
- Alice!
- Go! Go, Alice! Go!
- No, no!
[Shrieks] Get off me!
- -they'll find you!

Frank: What is the opposite of progress? Chaos. Chaos, an ugly word.

- Listen to me, you do not let her exit!
- If she gets there, she gets through.
- Who's gonna put her back in?
- Frank?
- Frank, what do we do? Sir?
- You stupid, stupid man.