The Best Sophia Quotes

Thirteen: [to Sophia] It might help to turn him in. File a police report. Get closure.
Sophia: Won't help.
Thirteen: Not addressing what happened won't make it go away.
Sophia: Yeah? What do I have to do to make it go away?
Thirteen: I didn't mean that. I just mean that you...
Sophia: I addressed it. I got away from it. Reporting it just labels me. "Girl raped by dad."
Thirteen: It doesn't have to define you.
Sophia: It's how you see me.

Sophia: Can't come between a man and his beer money.

Dr. Gregory House: [to Sophia] Hi, I'm Dr. House. What did you do?
Sophia: I don't...
Dr. Gregory House: Something happened, but it wasn't rape.
Sophia: Believe whatever you want.
Dr. Gregory House: You're scared, and stubborn, and you don't like people feeling sorry for you. Why not?
Sophia: I don't want pity. I just wanna be normal.
Dr. Gregory House: But you know you're not. You need people to see how independent you are, how well you're coping, so they won't see the lost, hurt little girl. Because that's not what you see. You see someone who did something terrible, who deserves to suffer, who doesn't deserve to live. What did you do?
[Sophia doesn't answer him]
Dr. Gregory House: Eventually, we'll find your parents... If only to deliver the body.
Sophia: Then they won't care.
Dr. Gregory House: You're an idiot. You'd rather die than face your parents because, what, you broke their Faberge egg?
Sophia: I killed their son.
[House looks stunned at what she just said]
Sophia: I killed my brother. I was supposed to watch him. He was in the bath. I could hear him laughing. Every time they look at me, it's like I kill him again.
Dr. Gregory House: If you don't take your parents' bone marrow, you'll be killing their other child. If they don't hate you now, they will then.
Sophia: I don't care.
Dr. Gregory House: Sure you do. You want someone to tell you it was just an accident. That it's not that bad. Well, it is that bad and you know it. There's nothing you can do to change that, but there is one thing you can do: to not make it worse.
[takes out his cell phone, flips it open and gives it to Sophia]

Sophia: [to Kutner] So you don't believe me or the test. You guys are more cynical than I am.

Sophia: I just need a donor with the same blood type or something, right?
Thirteen: Actually, bone marrow's a little more complex. The best donors are immediate family.
Sophia: But those donor banks have thousands of names.
Thirteen: Your parents' similar DNA gives you a much better chance of...
Sophia: No. If I do this, I'll owe my life to them. It'd mean everything else that happened was somehow okay. They don't deserve that. They're not in my life. If that means I'm dead, then I'm dead.
Dr. Chris Taub: I have Huntington's disease. I'm dying. I don't know when it'll happen, but it'll be sooner than I ever planned. And I'd do anything to stop it because the only way to make anything right, the only way to make your life matter is to live as long, and as well as you possibly can.
Sophia: Have you ever been raped?
Dr. Chris Taub: No.
Sophia: Don't try to walk in my shoes and I won't try to walk in yours.