The Best Sally Quotes

Jack: How can a man die better...
Sally: You don't have to die, Jack. She doesn't have to die.
Jack: Everybody dies, Sally. The thing is, to die well.

Jack: What Horatius said was, "How can a man die better / Than facing fearful odds"
Sykes: Drones! Get inside! Get inside!
Jack: "For the ashes of his fathers / And the temples of his Gods"
Sally: I created you, Jack. I am your God.
Jack: Fuck you, Sally.

Sally: Voice analysis indicates you are lying to me, Jack. Tell me why you are here. You have five seconds.
Jack: I want Julia to live. I want our species to survive. This is the only way.
Sally: Proceed to landing. Atmosphere provided.

Sally: Are you an effective team?

Sally: Hi, Jack. I don't believe we've had the pleasure.
Jack: What have you done?
Sally: You can't blame yourself for this. Drones are unreliable. Sometimes things go wrong.
Jack: Go wrong? You killed her.
Sally: I know, it's tragic. She was a wonderful person.

Jack: How can man die better: than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods.
Sally: I created you, Jack. I am your god.
Jack: Fuck you, Sally.

Sally: Vika, are you okay? Everything good between you two?
Victoria: Of course.
Sally: You're still an effective team?
Victoria: We're great. Never better.

Sally: There's been a pattern of insubordinate behavior recently.
Jack: Yeah. I feel bad about that.

Victoria: Mission, this is Tower 49.
Sally: Go ahead, 49.
Jack: No.
Victoria: I'm having a problem with my technician.
Jack: No, you don't know what you're doing.
Victoria: He found a survivor at the crash site.
Jack: You've gotta listen to me.
Victoria: She's impeding his abilities, and he is unfit for service.
Jack: No, no, no.
Sally: I'm sorry to hear that, Vika. Are you still an effective team?
Jack: Vika... Open the goddamn door, Vika!
Victoria: No. We are not an effective team.

Jack: Morning, boss.
Sally: Tower 49, this is mission control. How are you all doing this lovely morning?
Victoria: Another day in paradise, Sally. Uploading data now.