Top 20 Quotes From Nimona

Demon: Oh. Hey, buddy. I'm sorry for kidnapping you.
Diego the Squire: It's okay.
Demon: [In the deep voice] OR AM I!

Ballister: We're never gonna make it on that train without them seeing us. We need a distraction.
Nimona: Who has four thumbs and is great at distractions?
Ballister: Fine, but dial it down. Something inconspicuous and discreet like... And she's gone.
[Evil Laugh]
Citizen: The queen Killer
[citizens screaming]
Ballister: [Nimona in disguise] If you see something, slay something! It's Ballister Boldheart! Boo!
Citizen: Ahh!
Ballister: [Nimona in disguise]
Ballister: Yaah! I'm evil, and I hate everybody! Not as much as I hate myself. Can somebody give me a hug? Baah! I hate smiles!
Knight: Got him!
Ballister: [Nimona in disguise] I hate Cupcakes! And I think babies are ugly! Hoo hoo! Look at this! I'm Loitering, and I'm littering. I hope you all like freestyle Jazz.
[Plays random notes on Saxophone]
Knight: Get him!
Knight: Hurry up!
Knight: Stop pushing me! I'm trying!
Knight: I'm not Pushing! I'm encouraging you forward!
Knight: Well, do it without hitting!

Ballister: How did I get here?
Nimona: Oh, I dragged you for like seven miles.
Ballister: What happened?
Nimona: Your head bounced on the sidewalk a couple times.
Ballister: It's all so foggy.
Nimona: Really? Well, you thanked me, said you'd forever be in my debt, and that we'd always be best friends. Totally happened.

[after escaping the institute building with Ballister]
Nimona: Something, something, something... we win.

Ballister: I'm still taking the 600 gold.
[Nimona breathes fire and destroys the pieces of the game]
Ballister: You never told me you could breathe fire.
Nimona: Oh.
Ballister: Metal. Best two out of three?

Ballister: You want to know who the kid is?
Nimona: Ooh, I like where this is going.
Ballister: You want to show them?
Nimona: I'd love to.
Ballister: Let's break stuff.
Nimona: Metal.

Nimona: Kids. Little kids. They grow up believing that they can be a hero if they drive a sword into the heart of anything different. And I'm the monster? I don't know what's scarier. The fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart... or that sometimes, I just wanna let 'em.

Nimona: It's better than your plan of "I'm gonna save the dog and mope in a room with no toilets."
Ballister: I wasn't moping!

Nimona: Evil Larry. That's a great villain name. You should totally change your name.
Ballister: Never going to happen.
Nimona: Whatever, Larry.

Ambrosius: I tried to stop him, bro.
Sir: Really? Like this? Oh hi Ballister. Come right in. And of course you can bring your whale, ostrich, and big fat unicorn.
Ambrosius: Fat unicorn?
Sir: Yeah, you saw it. The thing with the horn that broke everything.
Ambrosius: You mean rhinoceros?
Sir: If I meant rhinoperos, I would have said rhinoperos.

Ambrosius: [seeing footage of what looks like Ballister playing a saxophone] He hates freestyle jazz.

Nimona: [In the cleaning supplies close] Not an exit. That's on me.
Ballister: [Referring to Goldenloin] Did you see the way he looked at me? He really thinks I killed the queen.
Nimona: Everyone thinks you killed the queen.
[Smacks Ballister on the head]
Nimona: Snap out of it, boss!
Ballister: Ow! What was that for?
Nimona: [Holding Ballister's face with both hands] Look, I can get us out of here, but things are about to get... weird.
Ballister: About to get weird?
Nimona: Promise me you won't freak out.
Ballister: How can I promise if I don't know what's gonna happen?
Nimona: Well, I guess you'll just have to trust me.
Ballister: Why would I trust you?
Nimona: [an axe chops through the wooden door] Because if you don't, you're gonna die in this closet!
Ballister: Die?
Nimona: Now promise!
Ballister: I promise!
Nimona: Promise promise?
Ballister: [Arrows whooshing around him] On my life!
Nimona: [Grabs an arrow before it hit her] Then say it again.
Ballister: [while holding a toilet plunger with a tissue roll] I PROMISE!
Nimona: Oh, wow... even when you see the horn?
Ballister: Horn? What do you mean... like a trumpet?
Ballister: [Nimona shapeshifts into a rhinosaurus as Ballister watches in disbelief, open mouthed] Uh...
[Nimona bursts out of the room]
Nimona: [to the knights] This is the part where you run.

[last lines]
Nimona: Hey, boss.
Ballister: HOLY SH...

Ballister: Did I ever mean anything to you? Or was it all just a lie?
Ambrosius: A lie? Says the guy running around with a monster!
Ballister: Don't call her that! She's smart, kind, and quite sophisticated.
Nimona: That guy just peed his armor! He peed his armor!

Ballister: He didn't chop off my arm, he *dis*armed a weapon!
Nimona: Wooow. They brainwashed you good.

Nimona: We are villains. Embrace it.
Ballister: No. We're doing things my way this time. No one gets hurt.
Nimona: I was going for the hurting people version.

Ballister: What if you held it in? If you didn't shape-shift?
Nimona: I'd die.
Ballister: Good Gloreth, that's horrible!
Nimona: Don't be so gullible. I wouldn't die die. I just sure wouldn't be living.

Nimona: This is the man who cut off your arm. Arm-chopping is not a love language!

Ballister: What are you?
Nimona: I'm Nimona.

Ballister: You never said you could turn into me.
Nimona: Oh. By the way, I can turn into you.
Ballister: Well, for the record, that is nothing like me.
Nimona: You're right. You're never that much fun.