Top 30 Quotes From Venom

Anne: Oh, no. I just bit that guy's head off.
Eddie: I know, I know. I've been there, too. It's not fun.

Venom: Listen carefully, Eddie. You did not find us. WE found you. Think of yourself as my ride.
Eddie: Where are you going?
Venom: We need Carlton Drake's rocket. You remember him.
Eddie: How do you even know about that?
Venom: I know everything, Eddie.
Eddie: You do?
Venom: Everything about you.
Eddie: How?
Venom: I am inside your head. You are a loser, Eddie.

Venom: [looking out a high-rise window] Jump.
Venom: [Eddie takes the elevator] Pussy.

Venom: [on Anne] She doesn't know that we are about to win her back!

Eddie: Are you gonna eat anybody else?
Venom: Most likely.
Eddie: Oh, God.
Venom: That is why WE are here. Cooperate, and you just might survive. That is the deal.

Security: You have been a serious pain in the ass for me, Eddie.
Eddie: Well, you know, I am to please.

Mrs. Chen: How are you, Eddie?
Eddie: Ain't nothing change but the weather. You know?
Mrs. Chen: No.

[a SWAT team points their guns at Eddie]
Eddie: Guys, you do not want to do this, trust me.
SWAT: Mask! Copy!
Eddie: Okay, okay, have it your way... Mask!
Venom: [emerges] Copy!

Carlton: You're too late. This is the next stage in...
Eddie: [kicks him] You talk too much.

Eddie: What do you want from me?
Venom: You'll find out.

Eddie: What the hell are you?
Venom: I am Venom. And you are mine.

[She-Venom appears behind Treece]
Eddie: I guess it pays to be a specialist, huh? You know, it doesn't matter if you kill me anyway, because there's something way bigger afoot in this world than you and me. Much bigger than me. And it's much, much bigger than you. Karma's a bitch.
Security: I don't believe in karma.
[She-Venom grabs Treece and bites his head off]
She: Hi, Eddie.

Eddie: Oh, Jesus! You can take this guy, right?
Venom: He has got shit you have never seen.
Eddie: What does that mean? What are our chances?
Venom: Hmm. Pretty much zero.
Eddie: Oh, fuck it. Well, let's go save the planet.

Carlton: God has abandoned us... I won't.

Eddie: I found something very bad. And I have been... taken.

[first lines]
Astronaut: Life Foundation Control, this is LF1. The specimens are secured, and we're heading home.
Mission: Roger, LF1. You are a go for reentry.

Eddie: No! We do not eat policemen!
[Anne screams and runs off]
Eddie: Annie! Annie, wait! Wait, please.
Anne: Oh, what the hell was that?
Eddie: That's not me. I've been infected.
Anne: Eddie, what's happening?
Eddie: He's inside me.
Anne: "He"?
Eddie: Yes. I know it sounds crazy, but...
Anne: You're sick. Eddie, you're really sick.
Eddie: No, I am scared! And I need help.
Anne: Hospital. Right now.

Eddie: I am going to die!
Venom: You are not going to die!

Carlton: Look around at the world. What do you see? A planet on the brink of collapse. Human beings are disposable. But man and symbiote combined, this is a new race, a new species... a higher lifeform.

Venom: Parasite?
Eddie: Yeah. It's a term of endearment, that's all.
Venom: Apologize!
Eddie: No.
Venom: Apologize!
Eddie: All right, fine. I'm sorry. So, what do you want to do now?
Venom: The way I see it, we can do whatever we want.

Eddie: You should be very, very, very afraid.

Mrs. Chen: How you doing, Eddie?
Eddie: Ah, aches and pains, you know, aches and pains.
Mrs. Chen: You look like shit.
Eddie: Excuse me?
Mrs. Chen: You look like shit.
Eddie: And you look as beautiful as ever. Jesus.
Mrs. Chen: Mind is body, Eddie. Have you been meditating like I showed you?
Eddie: No, I have not. And it does not work.
Mrs. Chen: It doesn't work, because you don't give it a chance.
Eddie: No, it doesn't work, because I bought a DVD off your cousin, and it was in Mandarin.
Mrs. Chen: [speaks Mandarin]
Eddie: Yeah, I don't understand that, either. See, that right there, I don't understand what you just said. That is the problem.

Eddie: Hey, you know what... You know what night it is tonight, right?
Anne: Date night.
Eddie: Mmm-hmm. So, I will pick you up around, uh, 6:00. And please do not forget your helmet.
Anne: Oh, I'm glad that you like it, 'cause I plan on wearing it at our wedding.
Eddie: That's hot.

Dapper: Hey. Don't give up on her. Either of you.
Eddie: We won't.
Venom: Who was that guy?
[notices the dog]
Venom: Wait, this thing looks delicious.

Eddie: [Venom snarling inside Eddie as he tries to get the sticky black slime off of his hands] What is that?
Venom: Not "what"... who.

Venom: Goodbye, Eddie.
Eddie: Venom, NO!

Anne: Dan just needs to do another MRI.
Venom: No MRI.
Eddie: No. No. No MRI.
Anne: What? Why?
Venom: Sound at 4,000 to 6,000 hertz is lethal.
Eddie: Sound frequency in the MRI is really harmful for him.
Anne: What, so, sound is like his kryptonite?
Eddie: Not all sounds.
Venom: And fire.
Eddie: Fire. And fire.
Anne: He's talking to you.
Eddie: Always.

Venom: [to Eddie] You should apologize to her. You may not live to get another chance.

Venom: Hmm. It is peaceful up here.
Eddie: I'm not very good with heights.
Venom: Your world is not so ugly after all. I'm almost sorry to see it end.

Carlton: This is the last time I'm asking you. Where is my Symbiote?
Eddie: I have no idea.
Riot: [emerges] WHERE IS HE?
Eddie: Oh, my God!
Eddie: That is the ugliest-looking thing I have ever seen.
Carlton: [turns back into himself] You know, Brock, I have no use for you.
[leaves the lab]
Carlton: Treece! Come and clean up your mess.
Eddie: Whoa, he has one up his ass, too.