The Best Mrs. Chen Quotes

Venom: You come in here again... In fact, you go anywhere in this city, preying on innocent people, and we will find you and we will eat both of your arms and then both of your legs. And then we will eat your face right off your head. Do you understand?
Shakedown: [stammering] No. No. Please...
Venom: Yes. So, you will be this armless, legless, faceless thing, won't you, going down the street like a turd in the wind? Do you feel me?
Shakedown: What the hell are you?
Venom,18960: WE... are Venom.
[glances at the thug's head]
Venom,18960: On second thought...
Shakedown: [Terrified] Please...
[screams as Venom eats him]
Mrs. Chen: [a shocked Mrs. Chen is gaping at him] Eddie? What was that?
Eddie: Oh... I have a parasite. Yeah. Good night, Mrs. Chen.

Mrs. Chen: How are you, Eddie?
Eddie: Ain't nothing change but the weather. You know?
Mrs. Chen: No.

Mrs. Chen: How you doing, Eddie?
Eddie: Ah, aches and pains, you know, aches and pains.
Mrs. Chen: You look like shit.
Eddie: Excuse me?
Mrs. Chen: You look like shit.
Eddie: And you look as beautiful as ever. Jesus.
Mrs. Chen: Mind is body, Eddie. Have you been meditating like I showed you?
Eddie: No, I have not. And it does not work.
Mrs. Chen: It doesn't work, because you don't give it a chance.
Eddie: No, it doesn't work, because I bought a DVD off your cousin, and it was in Mandarin.
Mrs. Chen: [speaks Mandarin]
Eddie: Yeah, I don't understand that, either. See, that right there, I don't understand what you just said. That is the problem.