The Best O'Rourke Quotes

Patrick: O'Rourke! I'll find you, O'Rourke!
[a group of the renegade Irish appear, and Harper blasts them with his volley gun. Only O'Rourke is left standing]
O'Rourke: Sergeant Harper... you know I've no quarrel with a fellow Irishman.
[He raises his musket and pulls the trigger. It clicks empty]
Patrick: A good soldier always looks after his weapon, Private O'Rourke.
[O'Rourke yells and charges with his bayonet. Harper disarms him and spins him around]
Patrick: O'Rourke, this one's for Perkins...
[stabs him]
Patrick: This one's for Ireland...
[stabs him again]
Patrick: And this one's for me!
[stabs him one last time. O'Rourke falls, dead]