The Best Osha Quotes

Osha: [to Bran] I tried telling your brother, he's marching the wrong way. All these swords, they should be going north, boy, not south. The cold winds are rising.

Meera: It's good land and there's no war up here. Why leave?
Bran: Wildlings.
[as: ]
Bran: Sorry. But they come over the Wall and raid and steal and carry off women.
Rickon: Old Nan said they turn your skull into a cup and make you drink your own blood from it.
[Osha scowls at him]
Rickon: That's what Old Nan said.
Jojen: There's a storm coming.
Bran: I don't see any.
[then, distant thunder]
Meera: It's as good a place to stay as any.
Osha: [grinning at Rickon] We can drink some blood while we wait. I don't need much.

Osha: Isn't he ashamed, your brother? Needing you to protect him?
Meera: Where's the shame in that?
Osha: Any boy his age who needs his sister to protect him, is going to find himself needing lots of protecting.
Meera: Some people will always need help. That doesn't mean they're not worth helping.

Osha: [Meera is deftly butchering hare] That's not how you skin a rabbit.
Meera: I know how to skin a rabbit.
Osha: Not by the looks of it.
[demonstrates her way, which is even more efficient]
Osha: You grow up north of the Wall, you learn the proper way to handle game.
Meera: I didn't see any game before I got here.
Osha: If I had a bow, I could have shot a dozen rabbits.
Meera: Well, I made this bow myself. Guess you don't know how to make that north of the Wall.
Osha: You learn how to use your fists, though.
Meera: Oh, you're gonna punch the rabbit to death?
Osha: I had someone else in mind.
Meera: Well, someone else is sitting right here.
Bran: [intervening] You're both good at skinning rabbits.
Osha: Some of us... are just a little better.
Meera: Well, some of us would say thank you when someone else hunts down their breakfast for them. Or don't they teach you to say thank you north of the Wall?
Osha: You've got a big mouth, girl... and too many teeth.
[threatens to do something about that]
Bran: Stop it!
Hodor: [alarmed grunt] Hodor!
Bran: You've been fighting since you've met. Just stop it!
Osha: Lady Reed has got a stick so far up her ass it's a wonder her feet touch the ground.
Bran: You've been nasty to her every day. Of course she's nasty back.
Osha: Me? It's my fault? First time I met her, she put a knife to my throat.
Bran: First time I met you, you held a knife at my throat. We can't fight each other, we'll never make it to the Wall. I want you both to make peace.
Meera: [after some hesitation] Your way of skinning rabbits is quicker than mine.
Osha: I said so, didn't I?
Bran: Osha!
Osha: [to Meera, after a while] You're a good little hunter.
Meera: Thank you. See? Not so hard, is it? Thank you.
Osha: Don't push me.

Theon: Why on earth would I take the word of a lying little savage like you?
Osha: I'm no liar.
Theon: All wildlings are liars and savages with no loyalty to anything or anyone.
Osha: I done what I had to do to stay alive. I hate the Starks as well as you do. Let me serve you, my lord.
Theon: How? And don't tell me to put a spear in your hand.
Osha: There are other ways to serve, my lord.
Theon: I'm a prince now, and you'd do well...
Osha: There are other ways to serve, my prince.

Ramsay: You've seen my banners?
Osha: The flayed man.
Ramsay: Does that worry you at all?
Osha: You eat them after?
Ramsay: [scoffs] No.
Osha: Then I've seen worse.

Jojen: I'm unarmed.
Osha: That was poor planning.
Jojen: My sister carries the weapons.
[Meera sneaks up behind Osha with a knife]
Meera: I'm better with them. Drop the spear. Drop it!