The Best Ramsay Bolton Quotes

Ramsay: To the traitor and bastard Jon Snow. You allowed thousands of wildlings past the Wall. You have betrayed your own kind. You have betrayed the North. Winterfell is mine, bastard. Come and see. Your brother Rickon is in my dungeon. His direwolf's skin is on my floor. Come and see. I want my bride back. Send her to me, bastard, and I will not trouble you or your wildling lovers. Keep her from me and I will ride north and slaughter every wildling man, woman, and babe living under your protection. You will watch as I skin them living. You will watch as my soldiers take turns raping your sister. You will watch as my dogs devour your wild little brother. Then I will spoon your eyes from their sockets and let my dogs do the rest. Come and see. -Ramsay Bolton, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North

Maester: [pleased] My lords, Lady Walda has given birth. A boy. Red-cheeked and healthy.
Harald: My congratulations, Lord Bolton.
[Roose smiles in acknowledgement and turns to Ramsay, who looks distraught]
Ramsay: [embracing Roose] Congratulations, Father. I look forward to meeting my new brother.
Roose: You'll always be my first-born.
Ramsay: Thank you for saying that. It means a great deal to me.
[Ramsay viciously stabs Roose in the stomach with a dagger and kills him]

[after killing his father Ramsay leads Walda and and her newborn son into the kennels, quiets the dogs andopens the dors]
Walda: Where is Lord Bolton?
Ramsay: I am Lord Bolton?
Walda: [She realizes what he has done and what he is about to do, swallows and looks at her wailing child] Ramsey. Ramsey, please. I'll leave Winterfell. I'll go back to the Riverlands. Please! Ramsey. He's your brother.
Ramsay: I prefer being an only child.

[Roose and Ramsay are alone. Ramsay is angry after hearing that his stepmother is pregnant]
Ramsay: How can you be sure?
Roose: Sure of what?
Ramsay: That she's pregnant. I mean...
[Ramsay makes a gesture of a fat person]
Ramsay: can you tell?
Roose: Maester Wolkan has assured us beyond all doubt.
[Ramsay takes his cup and stands, walking about the room, his expression is displeased]
Ramsay: So... how did you... manage it?
Roose: Manage what?
Ramsay: Getting her pregnant.
Roose: [dryly] I imagine you're familiar with the procedure.
Ramsay: Of course, but... how did you... find it?
Roose: You disgraced yourself at dinner parading that creature before the Stark girl.
Ramsay: And if it's a boy?
Roose: [smiles] You're worried about your position.
Ramsay: My position is quite clear. I'm your son until a better alternative comes along.

Ramsay: You've seen my banners?
Osha: The flayed man.
Ramsay: Does that worry you at all?
Osha: You eat them after?
Ramsay: [scoffs] No.
Osha: Then I've seen worse.

[after the battle is over, Ramsay walks among the remains of Stannis' army, finishing survivors]
Ramsay: [to his squire] Looks like we're done here.
[Ramsay heads back to his horse, but then he hears an agonized groan. He turns back and sees an injured Baratheon soldier, who tries to crawl away. Smiling, Ramsay approaches the soldier]
Baratheon: I surrender! I surrender!
Ramsay: [nods] And I accept your surrender.
[mercilessly, Ramsay stabs the injured soldier in his back, killing him. He sighs, smiling sadistically and returns to his horse]
Ramsay: [to the squire] Let's head back. My wife must be lonely.

Ramsay: Ah!
- Sansa.
- Hello, sansa.
- Is this where I'll be staying now?

[after killing his father, Ramsay leads Walda and and her newborn son into the kennels, quiets the dogs and opens the doors]
Walda: Where is Lord Bolton?
Ramsay: I am Lord Bolton.
[Walda realizes what Ramsay has done and what he is about to do, swallows and looks at her wailing child]
Walda: Ramsay. Ramsay, please. I'll leave Winterfell. I'll go back to the Riverlands. Please! Ramsay. He's your brother.
Ramsay: [icily] I prefer being an only child.
[Ramsay whistles]

Ramsay: My mother taught me not to throw stones at cripples... but my father taught me: aim for their head!

Ramsay: How can you be sure?
- Sure of what?
- That she's pregnant.
- I mean...
- How can you tell?
- Maester wolkan has assured us beyond all doubt.

- Apologize for murdering her two brothers.
- I'm sorry.
- Look at her, reek.
- An apology doesn't mean anything if you're not looking the person in the eye.
- I'm sorry.
Ramsay: Sorry about what?
- For killing your brothers.

Ramsay: My hounds will never harm me.
Sansa: You haven't fed them in seven days. You said it yourself.
Ramsay: They're loyal beasts.
Sansa: They were. Now they're starving.
Ramsay: Sit. Down. Down!

Ramsay: Do you like games, little man?
[Ramsay cuts Rickon loose]
Ramsay: Let's play a game. Run to your brother. The sooner you make it to him, the sooner you get to see him again. That's it. That's the game. Easy. Ready? Go.

Sansa: [to Ramsay, after he threw Rickon's wolf's head onto the ground] You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton.
[looks at him disdainfully]
Sansa: Sleep well.
[pulls back on the reins of her horse, turns around, rides off]
Ramsay: [to Jon Snow] She's a fine woman, your sister. I look forward to having her back in my bed.
[to: ]
Ramsay: All of you are fine-looking men. My dogs are desperate to meet you.
Ramsay: I haven't fed them in seven days. They're ravenous. I wonder which part of you they'll go for first? Your eyes? Your balls?

Ramsay: Looks like we're done here.
- I surrender! I surrender!
- And I accept your surrender.
- Let's head back.
- My wife must be lonely.

Ramsay: If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.

Ramsay: When my father became Warden of the North, your house refused to pledge their banners. My beloved father, the Warden...
Smalljon: Your father was a cunt, and that's why you killed him. I might've done the same to my father if he hadn't done me the favor of dying on his own.
Ramsay: My father was poisoned by our enemies.
Smalljon: Mm.
[knows better]

Ramsay: [nude] Come back here. Myranda!
Myranda: [nude] I saw you staring at her.
Ramsay: I'm going to marry her. That will involve looking at her from time to time.
Myranda: [with raging jealousy] You said you'd marry me.
Ramsay: And I meant it. When I was a bastard named Snow. But I'm a Bolton now. What I want is no longer the primary consideration. I'm furthering a dynasty.
Myranda: Do you think she's pretty?
Ramsay: [scoffs] Of course I do. I'm not blind.
[sighs, gets up, walks over to Myranda at window]
Ramsay: You think she is pretty, too. I'm looking forward to our wedding night. But don't worry... I'll have plenty of time for you.
Myranda: Mm. Perhaps I'll marry too.
Ramsay: [laughs] You're the kennel master's daughter. Who are you going to marry, the stable keeper's son?
[she aims a blow at him, but he grabs her]
Ramsay: You're mine. You're not going anywhere. Unless I have to listen to more of your jealousy. Jealousy bores me. You remember what happens to people who bore me. You're not going to bore me... are you, Myranda?
Myranda: [seems to succumb to him, her mouth searching out his for a kiss, but then she bites his lower lip, drawing blood] Never.
[Ramsay is excited by this, and reciprocates by being rough]