The Best Patty Quotes

Sgt. Joseph Getraer: Now, come on, kids. Give us a break, huh?
Patty: We're going to a place where no one hassles anyone else where it's quiet and peaceful and beautiful.
Rick: And the land and the sea gives you all the food you'll ever need.
Sgt. Joseph Getraer: Where is this place?
Patty: Somewhere.
Sgt. Joseph Getraer: The Blue Lagoon?

Officer: Won't you tell me your name? You really love him don't you?
Patty: I do. We love each other
Officer: You know you're really very luck. I've been looking for my Blue Lagoon for quite some time. I just can't seem to find someone to share it with.
Patty: Rick and I really love each other